Infosphere Presentations

What is the Infosphere Project?

Infosphere: A Midterm Update on Infopipes

PowerPoint, PDF
This paper was presented at the Almaden IBM Lab in December 2003.

Infosphere Papers

Project Vision

Infosphere Project: System Support for Information Flow Applications.
Pu, Calton, Jonathan Walpole, and Karsten Schwan.
ACM SIGMOD Record, Volume 30, Issue 1, pp. 35-24.
March 2001.


Remote Customization of Systems Code for Embedded Devices.
Sapan Bhatia, Charles Consel, and Calton Pu.
Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2004)
Pisa, Italy, September 2004.

Spidle: A DSL Approach to Specifying Streaming Applications.
Laurent Reveillere, Charles Consel, Hedi Hamdi, Calton Pu, Lenin Singaravelu, and Haiyan Yu.
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE 2003).
Erfurt, Germany, September 2003.

Service Morphing: Integrated System- and Application-Level Service Adaptation in Autonomic Systems.
Christian Poellabauer, Karsten Schwan, Sandip Agarwala, Ada Gavrilovska, Greg Eisenhauer, Santosh Pande, Calton Pu, and Matthew Wolf.
Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Workshop on Active Middleware Services (AMS 2003).
Seattle, Washington, June 2003.

Implementing Infopipes: The SIP/XIP Experiment.
Calton Pu, Galen Swint, Charles Consel, Younggyun Koh, Ling Liu, Koichi Moriyama, Jonathan Walpole, Wenchang Yan.
Technical Report GT-CC-02-31.
College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, May 2002.
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KECho - Event Communication for Distributed Kernel Services.
Christian Poellabauer, Karsten Schwan, Greg Eisenhauer, and Jiantao Kong.
Proceedings of the Intl. Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS'02).
Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2002.

Coordinated CPU and Event Scheduling for Distributed Multimedia Applications.
Christian Poellabauer, Karsten Schwan, and Richard West.
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Multimedia Conference.
Ottawa, Canada, October 2001.

Lightweight Kernel/User Communication for Real-Time and Multimedia Applications.
Christian Poellabauer, Karsten Schwan, and Richard West.
Proceedings of the 11th Intl. Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2001).
Port Jefferson, NY, June 2001.

Control and Modeling Issues in Computer Operating Systems: Resource Management for Real-Rate Computer Applications.
David Steere, Ashvin Goel, Calton Pu, Molly Shor, and Jonathan Walpole.
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Design and Control (CDC 2000).

Application of Control Theory to Modeling and Analysis of Computer Systems.
Molly H. Shor, Kang Li, Johnathan Walpole, David C. Steere, and Calton Pu.
Proceedings of Japan-USA-Vietnam Workshop on Research and Education Systems.
Computation and Control Engineering, HoChiMinh City, Vietnam, June 7-9, 2000.
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Research Challenges in Environmental Observation and Forecasting Systems.
David Steere, Antonio Baptista, Dylan McNamee, Calton Pu, and Jonathan Walpole.
to appear in Mobicom 2000.


Resource-Aware Stream Management with the Customizable dproc Distributed Monitoring Mechanisms.
Sandip Agarwala, Christian Poellabauer, Jiantao Kong, Karsten Schwan, and Matthew Wolf,
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-12)
Seattle, Washington, June 2003

The Minimal Buffering Requirements of Congestion Controlled Interactive Multimedia Applications.
Kang Li, Charles Krasic, Jonathan Walpole, Molly Shor, and Calton Pu.
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (iDMS 2001)
Lancaster, UK, September 2001.
Also published in Springer Verlag`s Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series.

The Case for Streaming Multimedia with TCP.
Buck Krasic, Kang Li and Jonathan Walpole.
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems (iDMS 2001)
Lancaster, UK, September 2001.
Also published in Springer Verlag`s Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series.

Reifying Communication at the Application Level.
Andrew Black, Jie Huang and Jonathan Walpole.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Middleware, Ottawa, Canada, October 2001.
Also availabile as OGI Technical Report CSE-01-006, June 2001.

Priority-Progress Streaming for Quality-Adaptive Multimedia.
Charles Krasic and Jonathan Walpole.
Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Doctoral Symposium, Ottawa, Canada, October 2001.

Infopipes for Composing Distributed Information Flows.
Rainer Koster, Andrew Black, Jie Huang, Jonathan Walpole and Calton Pu.
Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia Middleware
Ottawa, Canada, October 2001.
Also appears as OGI Technical Report CSE-01-005.

Thread Transparency in Information Flow Middleware.
Rainer Koster, Andrew Black, Jie Huang, Jonathan Walpole and Calton Pu.
Middleware 2001 - IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms
Heidelberg, Germany, November 12-16, 2001.
Also appears as OGI Technical Report CSE-01-004.

Infopipes - An Abstraction for Information Flow.
Jie Huang, Andrew Black, Jonathan Walpole, Calton Pu.
Proceedings of the ECOOP Workshop on The Next 700 Distributed Object Systems
Budapest, Hungary, June 2001

Using Feedback Control for a Network and CPU Resource Management Application.
Ashvin Goel, Molly H. Shor, Jonathan Walpole, David C. Steere, Calton Pu,
Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference
Alexandria, Virginia, June 2001.

Modeling the Effect of Short-term Rate Variations on TCP-Friendly Congestion Control Behavior.
Kang Li, Molly Shor, Jonathan Walpole, Calton Pu and David Steere,
Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference.
Alexandria, Virginia, June 2001.

Specialization Tools and Techniques for Systematic Optimization of Systems Software.
Dylan McNamee, Jonathan Walpole, Crispin Cowan, Calton Pu, Charles Krasic, Perry Wagle, Charles Consel, Gilles Muller and Renault Marlet.
ACM Transactions on Computing Systems, May 2001.

InfoFilter: Supporting Quality of Service for Fresh Information Delivery.
Ling Liu, Calton Pu, Karsten Schwan, Jon Walpole.
New Generation Computing Journal (Vol.18, No.4), Special issue on Advanced Multimedia Content Processing (eds. Shojiro NISHIO).
August, 2000. (Ohmsha, Ltd. and Springer-Verlag).

A Rate Matching Packet Scheduler for Real-Rate Applications.
Kang Li, Jonathan Walpole, Dylan McNamee, Calton Pu, and David C. Steere.
submitted to Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN'2000).
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Real Time Systems

Event-based QoS for a Distributed Continual Query System.
Galen Swint, Gueyoung Jung, and Calton Pu.
Proceedings of 2005 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2005).
Las Vegas, Nevada, August 15-17, 2005.
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Kernel Support for the Event-based Cooperation of Distributed Resource Managers.
Christian Poellabauer and Karsten Schwan.
International Symposium on Real-time Systems and Applications (RTAS), ACM/IEEE.
October 2002.

Power-Aware Video Decoding Using Real-Time Event Handlers.
Christian Poellabauer and Karsten Schwan.
International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia.
IEEE, Oct. 2002.

A Case for Proactivity in Directory Services.
Fabián E. Bustamante and Patrick Widener and Karsten Schwan.
Proceedings of Supercomputing 2001 (SC2001). PPT GIF

Active Streams and the Effects of Stream Specialization.
Fabián E. Bustamante and Greg Eisenhauer and Karsten Schwan and Patrick Widener.
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-2001).

Active Streams: An Approach to Adaptive Distributed Systems.
Fabián E. Bustamante and Greg Eisenhauer and Patrick Widener and Karsten Schwan and Calton Pu.
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-VIII) 2001.

Efficient Wire Formats for High Performance Computing.
Fabián E. Bustamante and Greg Eisenhauer and Patrick Widener and Karsten Schwan and Calton Pu.
Proceedings of Supercomputing '00 (SC2000).

Event Services for High Performance Computing.
Greg Eisenhauer, Fabian Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
In the Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-2000).
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1-4, 2000.
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Event Services in High Performance Systems.
Greg Eisenhauer and Fabián E. Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools, and Applications.
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A Middleware Toolkit for Client-Initiated Service Specialization.
Greg Eisenhauer and Fabián E. Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
Proceedings of Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2000) Middleware Symposium.

Native Data Representation: An Efficient Wire Format for High Performance Computing.
Greg Eisenhauer and Fabián E. Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
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Lightweight Kernel/User Communication for Real-Time and Multimedia Applications.
Christian Poellabauer, Karsten Schwan, and Richard West.
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV 2001).
Port Jefferson, New York, June 2001.
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Shared State Consistency for Time-sensitive Distributed Applications. ***Best Paper Award.***
Vijaykumar Krishnaswamy, Mustaque Ahamad, Michel Raynal, David Bakken.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Computing (ICDCS 2001).
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Operational Information Systems - An Example From the Airline Industry.
Van Oleson, Karsten Schwan, Dick Amin, Greg Eisenhauer, Beth Plale, Calton Pu, and Patrick Widener.
Accepted for Presentation in the Workshop on Industrial Experiences with Systems Software (WEISS 2000), in conjunction with OSDI 2000.
November 2000.
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Event Services for High Performance Computing.
Greg Eisenhauer, Fabian Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
In the Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-2000).
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1-4, 2000.
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dQUOB: Efficient Queries for Reducing End-to-End Latency in Large Data Streams,
Beth Plale and Karsten Schwan.
presented in the International Conference on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC).
August 2000.
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ACDS: Adapting Computational Data Streams for High Performance Computing.
Carsten Isert and Karsten Schwan.
presented in the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS),
May 2000.

Internet Systems

Fine Grain Adaptive Compression in Dynamically Variable Networks
Calton Pu and Lenin Singaravelu.
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2005).
Columbus, Ohio, June 6-10, 2005.

Code Generation for WSLAs Using AXpect. ***Best Student Paper Award***
Galen Swint and Calton Pu.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'04).
San Diego, California, July 2004.
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PeerCQ: A Decentralized and Self-Configuring Peer-to-Peer Information Monitoring System. ***Best Paper Award***
Bugra Gedik and Ling Liu.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2003).
Providence, Rhode Island, May 2003.

Ginga: A Self-Adaptive Query Processing Service.
Henrique Paques, Ling Liu, Calton Pu.
Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM).
November 2002.

Information Monitoring on the Web: A Scalable Solution.
Ling Liu, Wei Tang, David Buttler, and Calton Pu.
Journal World Wide Web: Internet and Web Information Systems, Kluwer Academic.

A New Document Placement Scheme for Cooperative Caching on the Internet.
Lakshmish Ramaswamy and Ling Liu.
ICDCS 2002.

A Fully Automated Object Extraction System for the World Wide Web.
David Buttler, Ling Liu, Calton Pu.
Proceedings of the 2001 International Conference on Distrubuted Computing Systems (ICDCS'01).
Phoenix, Arizona, May 2001.
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Modeling the Effect of Short-term Rate Variations on TCP-Friendly Congestion Control Behavior.
Kang Li, Molly Shor, Jonathan Walpole, Calton Pu and David Steere,
Proceedings of the 2001 American Control Conference.
Alexandria, Virginia, June 2001.

Modeling the Effect of a Rate Smoother on TCP-friendly Congestion Control.
Kang Li, Johnathan Walpole, David C. Steere, and Molly Shor.
Work-in-progress poster in ACM SIGCOMM'2000, Stockholm, Sweden.
Abstract (PDF) PowerPoint

Distributed Secure Systems

Open Metadata Formats: Efficient XML-Based Communication for High Performance Computing.
Patrick Widener, Greg Eisenhauer, and Karsten Schwan.
Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing-10 (HPDC-10).
San Francisco, California, August 6-9, 2001.
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Active Streams and the effects of stream specialization.
Fabián E. Bustamante, Greg Eisenhauer, Karsten Schwan and Patrick Widener.
Poster in the Tenth International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-2001),
San Francisco, California, August 6-9, 2001.
Abstract (HTML) PDF PS Poster(PowerPoint)

Native Data Representation: An Efficient Wire Format for High Performance Computing.
Greg Eisenhauer and Fabián E. Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
Proceedings of the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.
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Active Streams: An Approach to Adaptive Distributed Systems.
Fabian E. Bustamante, Greg Eisenhauer, Patrick Widener, Karsten Schwan, and Calton Pu.
The Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS-VIII).
Elmau/Oberbayern, Germany, May, 2001.
Abstract PDF PS

Event Services in High Performance Systems
Greg Eisenhauer, Fabian E. Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools, and Applications.
Invited submission of an extended version of our HPDC-2000 paper.
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A Middleware Toolkit for Client-Initiated Service Specialization". Greg Eisenhauer, Fabian E. Bustamante and Karsten Schwan. ACM SIGOPS, Volume 35, Number 2, pp. 7-20.
April 2001.

Open Metadata Formats: Efficient XML-Based Communication for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems.
Patrick Widener, Karsten Schwan, and Greg Eisenhauer.
Proceedings of the Poster Session of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems,
Phoenix (Mesa), Arizona, April 16-19, 2001.

Taking the Step From Meta-information to Communication Middleware in Computational Data Streams.
Beth Plale, Patrick Widener, and Karsten Schwan.
IEEE Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (at IPDPS 2001).
San Francisco, California, April 23-27, 2001.

Efficient Wire Formats for High Performance Computing.
Fabian Bustamante, Greg Eisenhauer, Karsten Schwan, and Patrick Widener.
In Proceedings of Supercomputing 2000 (SC 2000).
Dallas, Texas, November 4-10, 2000.
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A Middleware Toolkit for Client-Initiated Service Specialization.
Greg Eisenhauer, Fabian Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2000) Middleware Symposium.
July 18-20, 2000.
Abstract PDF PS PS.gz PS.bz2

Fast Heterogeneous Binary Data Interchange for Event-based Monitoring.
Beth Plale, Greg Eisenhauer, Lynn K. Daley, Patrick Widener, and Karsten Schwan.
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS2000).
August 8-10, 2000.
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Event Services for High Performance Computing.
Greg Eisenhauer and Fabián E. Bustamante and Karsten Schwan.
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-9).
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PDS - A Proactive Directory Service.
Patrick Widener, Fabian Bustamante, and Karsten Schwan.
Technical Report GIT-CC-00-32, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Atlanta, Georgia, 2000.

Open Metadata Formats: Efficient XML-Based Communication for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems.
Patrick Widener, Karsten Schwan, and Greg Eisenhauer.
Technical Report GIT-CC-00-21, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Atlanta, Georgia, 2000.
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Programming Languages

Layered Development with (Unix) Dynamic Libraries.
Yannis Smaragdakis.
In the Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR7). PDF

FC++: Functional tools for object-oriented tasks.
Yannis Smaragdakis and Brian McNamara.
Accepted for publication in Software Practice and Experience.

J-Orchestra: Automatic Java Application Partitioning.
Eli Tilevich and Yannis Smaragdakis.
Accepted at the European Conference on OO Programming (ECOOP 2002).

Ubiquitous Computing

CybreMinder: A system for sending situation-aware messages.
Anind Dey and Gregory D. Abowd.
In the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Handheld and Ubquitous Computing (HUC2K).
Bristol, England, September 2000.

Tutorial: Building Context-Aware Applications.
Anind K. Dey.
Tutorial presented at the International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing (HUC2K).
Bristol, England, September 2000.

Workshop Presentation: The Role of Academia in Ubiquitous Computing Research.
Gregory Abowd.
Presented at the International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing (HUC2K).
Bristol, England, September 2000.

A Middleware Toolkit for Client-Initiated Service Specialization.
Greg Eisenhauer, Fabian E. Bustamante, and Karsten Schwan,
Presented in Principles of Distributed Computing Middleware Symposium, co-organized with ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC 2000).
July 2000.
Abstract PDF PS PS.gz PS.bz2

The Context Toolkit: Aiding the Development of Context-Aware Applications.
Anind Dey and Gregory Abowd,
Presented at a workshop on Software Engineering for Wearable and Pervasive Computing as part of the IEEE 2000 International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000),
Limerick, Ireland, June 6, 2000.

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