Active Streams and the effects of stream stream specialization
Fabian E. Bustamante, Greg Eisenhauer, Karsten Schwan, and Patrick Widener
College of Computing
The explosive growth of the Internet, with the emergence of new
networking technologies and the increasing number of network-capable
end devices, is paving the way to a number of novel distributed
applications and services. Cooperative distributed systems have become
a common computing model and pervasive computing has caught the
interest of academia and industry.
The realization of these types of applications is complicated by the
characteristics of their target environments, including their
heterogeneous nature as well as the dynamically varying demands on and
availability of their resources. Dynamic variations in resource usage
are due to applications' data dependencies and/or users' dynamic
behaviors, while the run-time variation in resource availability is a
consequence of failures, resource additions or removals, and most
importantly, contention for shared resources.
This poster presents Active Streams, a middleware approach and
its associated framework for building such novel distributed
applications and services. It reports our initial results in
understanding the effects of stream specialization through streamlets,
demonstrating experimentally the potential improvements in latency
(3-6X) and CPU utilization (up to 6X) derived from migrating
streamlets `up' a stream, as well as the need for intermediate
computational units.
For the full paper and presentation
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
{fabianb, eisen, schwan}@cc.gatech.edu
Last modified: Sat Aug 4 16:55:24 EDT 2001