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Smart Delivery of Fresh Information

The Infosphere Vision

Infosphere -- the sum of all information available.
Our vision of a civilized Infosphere goes beyond just gathering, storing, and retrieving increasing amounts of information. Living in the Infosphere means being in constant contact with both the physical world and the information civilization. Concepts such as "never-lost, never-alone" can become a reality through ubiquitous two-way low-latency information flow. By providing detailed and up-to-date information about the real world, the Infosphere will allow humans to handle problematic situations from a much higher vantage point.

On this site

To go to the original homepage at OGI, click here.

Contact Information:

Infosphere Projects
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280

Infosphere is funded by DARPA and the NSF.

Last Modified: Aug. 28, 2000
Valid HTML 4.0! This page is maintained by Galen Swint.