Infosphere Software

Tools for creating and maintaining Infopipes.

The Infopipe Toolkit

Experimental Demonstration of the System Support for Information Flow-Centric Application Development
The Infopipe Stub Generator (ISG) is one of the first Infopshere software components that demonstrates the usefulness of the Infopipe abstraction. The ISG generates the Infopipe Stub code to manage XML representations of information flow from an explicit description of its syntax and semantics requirements. Using ISG, developers may concentrate on the transformation of information, rather than spending time on the tedious and error-prone tasks of parsing and generating fast-changing XML streams.
ISG Home
ISG Internal Site (access authorization may be required to view the internal site)
*New* ISG for ECho data flows (Internal only)

ECho logo

ECho is an event delivery middleware system developed at Georgia Tech. ECho is distinguished by efficient and flexible support for event typing and the ability to assign event handlers to specific threads for transparent support of both inter- and intra-process communication. ECho also introduces the concept of a "derived event channel." ECho uses dynamic code generation to implement derived event channels and exploit their ability to move user-level processing to remote locations. ECho is available for Solaris, Windows NT, Linux, Irix, AIX and Java (as JECho).
ECho Home


CORIE image


Quasar screen shot

This page is maintained by Galen Swint.