A Middleware Toolkit for Client-Initiated Service Specialization
Greg Eisenhauer, Fabian E. Bustamante and Karsten Schwan
College of Computing
As the Internet matures, streaming data services are taking an
increasingly important place alongside traditional HTTP transactions.
The need to dynamically adjust the delivery of such services to
changes in available network and processing resources has spawned
substantial research on application-specific methods for dynamic
adaptation, including video and audio streaming applications. Such
adaptation techniques are well developed, but they are also highly
specialized, with the client (receiver) and server (sender)
implementing well-defined protocols that exploit content-specific
stream properties. This paper describes our efforts to bring the
benefits of such content-aware, application-level service adaptation
to all types of streaming data and to do so in a manner that is
efficient and flexible. Our contribution in this domain is ECho, a
high-performance event-delivery middleware system. ECho's basic
functionality provides efficient binary transmission of event data
with unique features that support dynamic data-type discovery and
service evolution. ECho's contribution to data stream adaptation is
in the mechanisms it provides for its clients to customize their data
flows through type-safe dynamic server extension.
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
{eisen, fabianb, schwan}@cc.gatech.edu
Last modified: Sat Aug 4 17:01:56 EDT 2001