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Talks Below is a list of talks given recently by II Lab members. Most files are pdf versions of PowerPoint presentations. Some are pretty large due to many pictures. CSIG-VIS '22, February 2022, "Designing Flexible and Natural Interfaces for Human-Data Interaction", pdf and video replay. PacificVis '20, June 2020, "Touch? Speech? or Touch and Speech? Investigating Multimodal Interaction for Visual Network Exploration and Analysis", video replay. EuroVis '20, May 2020, "Understanding the Design Space and Authoring Paradigms for Animated Data Graphics", video replay. InfoVis '19, October 2019, "Critical Reflections on Visualization Authoring Systems", video replay. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization '19, September 2019, "Pushing the Boundaries of Interaction in Data Visualization", (Keynote Lecture) pdf (7.2 MB). InfoVis '18, October 2018, "A Heuristic Approach to Value-Driven Evaluation of Visualizations", pdf (3.4 MB) and video replay. InfoVis '18, October 2018, "Augmenting Visualizations with Interactive Data Facts to Facilitate Interpretation and Communication", pdf (3.1 MB) and video replay. CHI '18, April 2018, "Data Illustrator: Augmenting Vector Design Tools with Lazy Data Binding for Expressive Visualization Authoring", pdf (15 MB) and video replay. InfoVis '17, October 2017, "Orko: Facilitating Multimodal Interaction for Visual Network Exploration and Analysis", pdf (2.8 MB) and video replay. VIS (TVCG) '17, October 2017, "vispubdata.org: A Metadata Collection about IEEE Visualization (VIS) Publications" pdf (5.1 MB). EuroVis '17, June 2017, "Natural Language Interfaces for Data Analysis with Visualization: Considering What Has and Could Be Asked" pdf (1.4 MB). EuroVis '17, June 2017, "Nodes, Paths, and Edges: Using Mental Maps to Augment Crime Data Analysis in Urban Spaces" pdf (5.7 MB). EuroVis '17, June 2017, "TypoTweet Maps: Characterizing Urban Areas through Typographic Social Media Visualization" pdf (4.9 MB). HICSS '17, January 2017, "HotSketch: Drawing Police Patrol Routes among Spatiotemporal Crime Hotspots" pdf (4.3 MB). ISS '16, November 2016, "Expanding Selection for Information Visualization Systems on Tablet Devices" pdf (7.3 MB). InfoVis '16, October 2016, "Visualizing social media content with SentenTree" pdf (800 KB). BELIV '16, October 2016, "Beyond Usability and Performance: A Review of User Experience-focused Evaluations in Visualization" pdf (2.3 MB). EuroVis '16, June 2016, "Designing Multiple Coordinated Visualizations for Tablets" pdf (4.8 MB). BELIV '14, November 2014, "Value-Driven Evaluation of Visualizations" pdf (900 KB). InfoVis '14, November 2014, "OnSet: A Visualization Technique for Large-scale Binary Data" pdf (5 MB). InfoVis '14, November 2014, "GLO-STIX: Graph-Level Operations for Specifying Techniques and Interactive eXploration" pdf (7.4 MB). VAST '14, November 2014, "Progressive Visual Analytics: User-Driven Visual Exploration of In-Progress Analytics" pdf (5.3 MB). JISIC '14, September 2014, "The Value of Visualization for Understanding Data and Making Decisions" (Keynote Lecture) pdf (5.5 MB). EuroVis '14, June 2014, "The Value of Visualization...and Why Interaction Matters" (Capstone Lecture) pdf (3.1 MB), and video replay. AVI '14, May 2014, "Designing and Implementing an Interactive Scatterplot Visualization for a Tablet Computer" pdf (16.6 MB). VIS (TVCG) '13, October 2013, "Combining Computational Analyses and Interactive Visualization for Document Exploration and Sensemaking in Jigsaw" pdf (2.9 MB). InfoVis '13, October 2013, "Understanding Interfirm Relationships in Business Ecosystems with Interactive Visualization" pdf (1.5 MB). InfoVis '12, October 2012, "SnapShot: Visualization to Propel Ice Hockey Analytics" pdf (2.4 MB). VAST '12, October 2012, "Examining the Use of a Visual Analytics System for Sensemaking Tasks: Case Studies with Domain Experts" pdf (1.9 MB). CHI '12, May 2012, "Breaking News on Twitter" pdf (700 KB). Killam Lecture '11, November 2011, "Analyzing Documents and Text through Visualization" (Killam Lecture Series at Dalhousie Univ.) pdf (5.4 MB). VAST '11, October 2011, "Network-based Visual Analysis of Tabular Data" pdf (3.6 MB). VAST '11, October 2011, "Characterizing the Intelligence Analysis Process: Informing Visual Analytics Design through a Longitudinal Field Study" pdf (1.9 MB). NAS '11, April 2011, "Visual Analytics" (National Academies Board on Science, Technology, and Economic Policy, Workshop on Measuring the Impacts of Federal Investments in Research) pdf (2.4 MB). ISVC '10, November 2010, "Visual Analytics for Investigative Analysis and Exploration of Documents and Data" (Keynote Talk) pdf (4.8 MB). InfoVis '10, October 2010, "Mental Models, Visual Reasoning and Interaction in Information Visualization: A Top-down Perspective" pdf (1.4 MB). HCIR '10, August 2010, "Combining Computational Analyses and Interactive Visualization to Enhance Information Retrieval" pdf (1.2 MB). FODAVA annual meeting '09, December 2009, "Developing Visual Analytics Applications: Lessons Learned from the Trenches" pdf (1.6 MB). InfoVis '09, October 2009, "SellTrend: Inter-Attribute Visual Analysis of Temporal Transaction Data" pdf (3 MB). VAST '09, October 2009, "Evaluating Visual Analytics Systems for Investigative Analysis: Deriving Design Principles from a Case Study" pdf (1.3 MB). MIT Invited talk '09, September 2009, "Visual Analytics for Investigative Analysis and Exploration of Document Collections" pdf (4.3 MB). C & T '09, June 2009, "The Conference Room as a Toolbox: Technological and Social Routines in Corporate Meeting Spaces" pdf (1.9 MB). GROUP '09, May 2009, "Presence & placement: exploring the benefits of multiple shared displays on an intellective sensemaking task" pdf (1.8 MB). CSCW '08, November 2008, "Imprint, a Community Visualization of Printer Data: Designing for Open-Ended Engagement on Sustainability" pdf (12 MB). InfoVis '08, October 2008, "Distributed Cognition as a Theoretical Framework for Information Visualization" pdf (1.4 MB). VLHCC & SoftVis '08, September 2008, "Visualization for Information Exploration and Analysis" (Keynote Talk) pdf (6.9 MB). GI '08, April 2008, "Lightweight Task/Application Performance using Single versus Multiple Monitors: A Comparative Study" pdf (800 KB). CHI '08, April 2008, "The Buzz: Supporting User Tailorability in Awareness Applications", pdf (20 MB). VAST '07, November 2007, "Jigsaw: Supporting Investigative Analysis through Interactive Visualization", pdf (2.1 MB). VAST '07, November 2007, "DataMeadow: A Visual Canvas for Analysis of Large-Scale Multivariate Data", pdf (600 KB). InfoVis '07, October 2007, "Casual Information Visualization: Depictions of Data in Everyday Life", html . InfoVis '07, October 2007, "Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization", pdf (765 KB). ICER '07, September 2007, "Algorithm Visualization: Reflections and Future Directions" (Keynote Talk) pdf (20 MB). INTERACT '07, September 2007, "Quantifying the Performance Effect of Window Snipping in Multiple-monitor Environments", pdf (640 KB). GI '07, May 2007, "Animation in a Peripheral Display: Distraction, Appeal, and Information Conveyance in Varying Display Configurations", pdf (2.7 MB). Pervasive '07 Workshop: Designing and Evaluating Ambient Information Systems, May 2007, "Explorations and Experiences with Ambient Information Systems", pdf (6.2 MB). Pervasive '07 Workshop: Designing and Evaluating Ambient Information Systems, May 2007, "Ambient Information Systems: Evaluation in Two Paradigms", pdf (4.6 MB). CHI '07, April 2007, "The Role of Choice and Customization on Users' Interaction with Embodied Conversational Agents: Effects on Perception and Performance", pdf (547 KB). CHI '07, April 2007, "Consistency, Multiple Monitors, and Multiple Windows", pdf (95 KB). AVI '06, May 2006, "A Taxonomy of Ambient Information Systems: Four Patterns of Design", pdf (13 MB). InfoVis '05, October 2005, "Low-Level Components of Analytic Activity in Information Visualization", pdf (1.5 MB). CHI '05, April 2005, "mudibo - Multiple Dialog Boxes for Multiple Monitors", pdf (958 KB). InfoVis '04, October 2004, "A Knowledge Task-Based Framework for Design and Evaluation of Information Visualizations", pdf (1.5 MB). UbiComp '04, September 2004, "Personalized Peripheral Information Awareness through Information Art", pdf (5.1 MB). AAMAS '04, July 2004, "An Empirical Study of the Effects of Agent Competence on User Performance and Perception", pdf (1.9 MB). GI '04, May 2004, "Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? An Evaluation of Information Awareness Displays", pdf (11.7 MB). GI '04, May 2004, "Revisiting Display Space Management: Understanding Current Practice to Inform Next-generation Design", pdf (3.8 MB). InfoVis '03, October 2003, "FundExplorer - Supporting the Diversification of Mutual Fund Portfolios using Context Treemaps", pdf (185 KB). INTERACT '03, September 2003, "Be Quiet? Evaluating Proactive and Reactive User Interface Assistants", pdf (660 KB). CHI '03 Workshop: Providing Elegant Peripheral Awarness, April 2003, "InfoCanvas: A Highly Personalized Elegant Awareness Display", pdf (2.9 MB). CHI '03, April 2003, "Mobile Computing in the Retail Arena", pdf (1.4 MB). AVI '02, May 2002, "Artistically Conveying Peripheral Information with the InfoCanvas", pdf (3.3 MB). AVI '02, May 2002, "Promoting Information and Community Awareness through Opportunistic Interfaces", pdf (8.6 MB). ICSE '02, May 2002, "Tarantula: Using Visualization for Fault Localization", pdf (449 KB). CHI '02, April 2002, "QuickSpace: New Window Operations for the Desktop Metaphor"", pdf (1.3 MB). InfoVis '01, October 2001, "Visually Encoding Program Test Information to Find Faults in Software", pdf (575 KB). Microsoft Research Faculty Summit (HCI track), July 2001, "Drowning in Data", pdf (3.1 MB). CHI '01, April 2001, "InfoCanvas: Information Conveyance through Personalized, Expressive Art", pdf (3 MB). GVU Brown Bag, January 2001, "Information Interfaces Research Group Overview," pdf (6.7 MB). InfoVis '00, October 2000, "Focus+Context Display and Navigation Techniques for Enhancing Radial, Space-Filling Hierarchy Visualizations", pdf (685 KB). CHI '00, April 2000, "What's Happening? The Community Awareness Application", pdf (153 KB). SoftVis Australia '99, December 1999, "Software Visualization: Reflections and Future Directions" (Keynote talk), pdf (508 KB). InfoVis '99, October 1999, "Evaluating Space-Filling Visualizations for Hierarchical Structures", pdf (114 KB). |