Chris Peikert
Ph.D. (MIT), 2006
Assistant Associate Professor
School of Computer
Science, College of
Georgia Institute of Technology
Email: cpeikert [at] cc [dot] gatech [dot] edu
Office: Klaus 3146
Phone: 404 . 385 . 3264
Affiliations at Georgia Tech:
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— teaching
— talks
— research.
In 2006 I received my Ph.D. from the MIT Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory. My advisor was the incomparable Silvio Micali.
My research interests include cryptography, lattices, coding theory,
algorithms, and computational complexity. A particular focus is on
cryptographic schemes whose security can be based on the apparent
intractability of lattice problems. Further information may be
found in my (somewhat dated) research
Program committee member:
TCC 2015,
PKC 2015,
SCN 2014,
CRYPTO 2014,
TCC 2014,
PKC 2013,
CRYPTO 2012,
PQC 2011,
SCPQ 2011,
Eurocrypt 2011,
TCC 2011,
PQC 2010,
CRYPTO 2009,
TCC 2008.
Editorial board: Theory of
Computing, a high-quality open access journal. Please submit your
best work!
"Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater."
— Gail Godwin
- Fall 2014: CS 4510, Automata and Complexity
- Spring
2014: CS
3510, Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Fall 2013: CS
8803 LIC, Lattices in Cryptography
- Spring
2013: CS 7560,
Theory of Cryptography
- Fall 2012: CS 6260, Applied Cryptography
- Spring 2012: CS 3511,
Honors Algorithms
- Fall
2011: CS
3510, Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Spring 2011: CS
8803 TFC, Theoretical Foundations of Cryptography
- Fall 2010: CS
4235A / 8803 IIS, Introduction to Information Security
- Spring
2010: CS
8803 TFC, Theoretical Foundations of Cryptography
Expository Lectures on Lattice-Based Cryptography
Slides from some of my recent tutorials on lattice-based crypto.
(Talks on specific papers are available below.)
- Ideal Lattices and Ring-LWE: Overview and Open Problems
(from ICERM Workshop on Mathematics of Lattices and Cybersecurity)
- Ring Switching and Bootstrapping FHE
(from Oberwolfach workshop on cryptography)
- Lattices: ... to Cryptography
(from Visions of Cryptography)
- Tutorials
from crypt@b-it
2013 summer school at Bonn
University: Day
1, Day
2, Day
3, Day
4, Day 5
- The Geometry of
the ECRYPT II Summer
School on Lattices)
- Learning With Errors
and 2
for Lattices 1
and 2
the 2nd Bar-Ilan
Winter School on Cryptography)
- Trapdoors for Lattices:
Signatures, Identity-Based Encryption, and Beyond
(from the ENS Lattice
Crypto Day, Paris)
- Lattices: From
Worst-Case, to Average-Case, to Cryptography
Peculiar Properties
of Lattice-Based Encryption
the CWI Workshop,
- Some Recent Progress in
Lattice-Based Cryptography
(from invited tutorial at TCC 2009)
"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." —
Wernher Von Braun
- Recovering Short Generators of Principal Ideals in Cyclotomic Rings
Ronald Cramer, Léo Ducas, Chris Peikert, Oded Regev.
- Key-Homomorphic Constrained Pseudorandom Functions
Abhishek Banerjee, Georg Fuchsbauer, Chris Peikert, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Sophie Stevens.
In TCC 2015.
- Lattice Cryptography for the
Internet [Slides]
Chris Peikert.
In PQCrypto 2014.
- Faster Bootstrapping with
Polynomial Error [Slides]
Jacob Alperin-Sheriff, Chris Peikert.
In CRYPTO 2014.
- New and Improved
Key-Homomorphic Pseudorandom Functions [Slides]
Abhishek Banerjee, Chris Peikert.
In CRYPTO 2014.
- Using Fully Homomorphic Hybrid
Encryption to Minimize Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge
Craig Gentry, Jens Groth, Yuval Ishai, Chris Peikert, Amit Sahai, Adam
To appear, Journal of Cryptology.
- SPRING: Fast Pseudorandom Functions from Rounded Ring Products
Abhishek Banerjee, Hai Brenner, Gaëtan Leurent, Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen.
In FSE 2014.
- Practical Bootstrapping in Quasilinear Time [Slides]
Jacob Alperin-Sheriff, Chris Peikert.
2013. Invited to Journal of Cryptology.
- Hardness of SIS and LWE with
Small Parameters
Daniele Micciancio, Chris Peikert.
2013. Invited to Journal of Cryptology.
- How to Share a Lattice Trapdoor: Threshold Protocols for Signatures and (H)IBE
Rikke Bendlin, Sara Krehbiel, Chris Peikert.
In ACNS 2013.
- On the Lattice Smoothing
Parameter Problem
Kai-Min Chung, Daniel Dadush, Feng-Hao Liu, Chris Peikert.
In CCC 2013.
- Classical Hardness of Learning
with Errors
Zvika Brakersi, Adeline Langlois, Chris Peikert, Oded Regev, Damien
In STOC 2013.
- A Toolkit for Ring-LWE Cryptography [Slides]
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Chris Peikert, Oded Regev.
In Eurocrypt 2013.
- Field Switching in
BGV-Style Homomorphic Encryption
Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi, Chris Peikert, Nigel Smart.
Journal of Computer Security, 21(5):663–684. Preliminary version in SCN 2012.
- List Decoding Barnes-Wall
Elena Grigorescu, Chris Peikert.
In CCC 2012.
- Circular and KDM Security for
Identity-Based Encryption
Jacob Alperin-Sheriff, Chris Peikert.
In PKC 2012.
- Trapdoors for Lattices:
Simpler, Tighter, Faster, Smaller [Slides]
Daniele Micciancio, Chris Peikert.
In Eurocrypt
2012. Invited to Journal of Cryptology.
- Pseudorandom Functions and
Lattices [Slides]
Abhishek Banerjee, Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen.
In Eurocrypt
- Identity-Based (Lossy) Trapdoor
Functions and Applications
Mihir Bellare, Eike Kiltz, Chris Peikert, Brent Waters.
In Eurocrypt
- Enumerative Algorithms for
Lattice Problems in Any Norm via M-Ellipsoid Coverings
Daniel Dadush, Chris Peikert, Santosh Vempala.
In FOCS 2011.
- Bi-Deniable Public-Key
[Slides, Video]
Adam O'Neill, Chris Peikert, Brent Waters.
In CRYPTO 2011.
- Better Key Sizes (and
Attacks) for LWE-Based Encryption
Richard Lindner, Chris Peikert.
In CT-RSA 2011.
- An Efficient and Parallel
Gaussian Sampler for Lattices [Slides]
Chris Peikert.
- Bonsai Trees, or How to
Delegate a Lattice Basis
David Cash, Dennis Hofheinz, Eike Kiltz, Chris Peikert.
(Merged version of this and this.)
J. Cryptology, 25(4):601-639. Awarded Best Paper, Eurocrypt 2010, invited to Journal of Cryptology.
- On Ideal Lattices and
Learning with Errors Over Rings
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Chris Peikert, Oded Regev.
Journal of the ACM, 60(6):43:1–43:35. Preliminary version in Eurocrypt
- Public-Key Encryption Schemes
with Auxiliary Inputs
Yevgeniy Dodis, Shafi Goldwasser, Yael Kalai, Chris Peikert, Vinod
In TCC 2010.
- Robustness of the Learning
with Errors Assumption
Shafi Goldwasser, Yael Kalai, Chris Peikert, Vinod
- Fast Cryptographic
Primitives and Circular-Secure Encryption Based on Hard Learning
Benny Applebaum, David Cash, Chris Peikert, Amit Sahai.
- Public-Key Cryptosystems
from the Worst-Case Shortest Vector Problem [Slides, Video]
Chris Peikert.
2009. Awarded Best Paper.
- Generating Shorter Bases for
Hard Random Lattices
Joel Alwen, Chris Peikert.
Theory of Computing Systems, 48(3):535-553, April 2011. By invitation
to special issue on STACS 2009.
- SWIFFTX: A Proposal for the
SHA-3 Standard
Yuriy Arbitman, Gil Dogon, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Daniele Micciancio,
Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen.
Submitted to NIST SHA-3
- Limits on the Hardness of
Lattice Problems in l_p Norms
Chris Peikert.
Complexity, 17(2):300-351, May 2008. By invitation to special
issue on Complexity
- Lossy Trapdoor Functions and
Their Applications [Slides]
Chris Peikert, Brent Waters.
SIAM J. Computing, 40(6):1803-1844, December 2011.
By invitation to special issue on STOC 2008.
- Noninteractive
Statistical Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Lattice Problems
Chris Peikert, Vinod Vaikuntanathan.
In CRYPTO 2008.
- A Framework for Efficient and
Composable Oblivious Transfer [Slides]
Chris Peikert, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Brent Waters.
In CRYPTO 2008.
- Trapdoors for Hard
Lattices and New Cryptographic Constructions [Slides]
Craig Gentry, Chris Peikert, Vinod Vaikuntanathan.
In STOC 2008.
- SWIFFT: A Modest Proposal for
FFT Hashing
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Daniele Micciancio, Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen.
In FSE 2008.
- Lattices that Admit
Logarithmic Worst-Case to Average-Case Connection Factors
Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen.
In STOC 2007.
- Provably Secure FFT
Vadim Lyubashevsky, Daniele Micciancio, Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen.
In 2nd
NIST Cryptographic Hash Function Workshop, 2006.
- Efficient
Collision-Resistant Hashing from Worst-Case Assumptions on Cyclic
Lattices [Slides]
Chris Peikert, Alon Rosen.
- On Error Correction in the
Exponent [Slides]
Chris Peikert.
In TCC 2006.
- Optimal Error Correction Against
Computationally Bounded Noise
Silvio Micali, Chris Peikert, Madhu Sudan, David A. Wilson.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 56(11):5673-5680, November
2010. Preliminary version in TCC 2005.
- Completely Fair SFE and
Coalition-Safe Cheap Talk
Matt Lepinski, Silvio Micali, Chris Peikert, abhi shelat.
In PODC 2004.
- Lower Bounds for
Collusion-Secure Fingerprinting
Chris Peikert, Adam Smith, abhi shelat.
In SODA 2003.
- Adaptive Security in the
Threshold Setting: From Cryptosystems to Signature
Anna Lysyanskaya, Chris Peikert.
- March Madness is
David Liben-Nowell, Moses Liskov, Chris Peikert, abhi shelat, Adam
Smith, Grant Wang.
Unpublished manuscript.
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