CS 7260: Internetworking Architectures and Protocols


This project-based course will explore research topics in computer networking, prmarily at the IP layer and above. You will gain exposure to burgeoning areas of computer networking and learn how to use the tools commonly used for networking research today.


You will be expected to read 2-3 papers a week. (Reading List).
There are no required textbooks for the course.

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to abide by the Georgia Tech Honor Code. Honest and ethical behavior is expected at all times. All incidents of suspected dishonesty will be reported to and handled by the office of student affairs. You are to do all assignments yourself, unless explicitly told otherwise. You may discuss the assignments with your classmates, but you may not copy any solution (or part of a solution) from a classmate.


This class is appropriate for graduate students with previous background in networking. Although it is listed as an official prerequisite, CS 6250 will be helpful, but is not required. Some familiarity with both network programming and scripting languages (e.g., Perl, Ruby) will be helpful.


Grading will be based on three problem sets, two quizzes, and a semester-long project with a presentation and writeup. Participation will count for "fudge factors".

  • 20% Problem Sets
  • 30% Quizzes
  • 50% Project


Papers will not be handed out in class. Please print the readings and read them before class.
Please note that this schedule is tentative and subject to change throughout the course of the term.

Lecture Date Topics Notes/Resources Preparation
1 Mon 01/08 Course Overview and Introduction
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
Internet Essentials: Naming, Addressing, and Routing
2 Wed 01/10 Names and Addresses: Hierarchical and Flat
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
Mon 01/15 School Holiday
3 Wed 01/17 Intradomain Topology and Routing
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
Valiant Variable
4 Mon 01/22 Interdomain Routing
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
PS1 Assigned GR
5 Wed 01/24 Router Design: Technologies and Trends
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
Project Groups Due 50GB
6 Mon 01/29 Multihoming and Multipath Routing
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
Wed 01/31 SIGCOMM Deadline
Fri 02/02 Student Choice
Shenker95 CSFQ
Network Measurement and Operations
7 Mon 02/05 Troubleshooting and Fault Detection
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
8 Wed 02/07 Measurement Techniques, Strategies, and Pitfalls
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
PS1 Due Paxson:Measurement
9 Mon 02/12 Measurement Continued: Strategies, Pitfalls, Platforms
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
PlanetLab, EmuLab PlanetLab VINI
10 Wed 02/14 Traffic Monitoring and Routing Behavior
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
11 Mon 02/19 Traffic Estimation and Engineering
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
12 Wed 02/21 Traffic Estimation and Engineering (Continued)
13 Mon 02/26 Evaluation Strategies: Simulation, Emulation, etc.
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
PS2 Assigned Difficulties
Abstracting the Network
Wed 02/28 Class Cancelled (Fire in Klaus Building)
Mon 03/05 Quiz 1
14 Wed 03/07 Routing Overlays and Virtualization
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
Game Theory RON
15 Mon 03/12 Routing Overlays (cont)
16 Wed 03/14 Content Overlays
[pdf] [ppt]
Fri 03/16
PS 2 Due
Mon 03/19 Spring Break
Wed 03/21 Spring Break
17 Mon 03/26 Content Overlays (continued)
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
Wed 03/28 Project Progress Mini-Presentations
Interim Report Due
Network Security and Unwanted Traffic
18 Mon 04/02 Denial of Service: Attacks and Defenses
[pdf] [ppt] [mp3]
MailAvenger Own Spam
19 Wed 04/04 Application-level Attacks: Resource Exhaustion, Click Fraud
[pdf] [ppt]
20 Mon 04/09 Network Anomaly Detection and Routing Security
Machine Learning PCA S-BGP
Wireless Networking
21 Wed 04/11 Data Streaming in Networking (Guest Lecture: Prof. Jim Xu)
22 Mon 04/16 Wireless and Wrap-Up
Wed 04/18 Quiz 2
Mon 04/23 Project Presentations
Wed 04/25 Project Presentations
Fri 04/27 Project Writeups Due
Due 5pm EST

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