Current Brochure
> Overviews
> Design for People
> Technology
> Software Engineering
> Social Implications
> Presentations
> Proposals
The current Aware Home brochure is an 11x17" folded to form a folder, which can accomodate the project inserts. The PDF version is available below:
the Subtleties of Everyday Life"
This article is a good general overview of the project. It appeared
in the Winter 2000 issue of Research
Horizons, the research magazine of Georgia Tech.
laboratories: The future computing environments group at the georgia
institute of technology"
Abowd, Gregory D., C. Atkeson, A. Bobick, I. Essa, B. MacIntyre,
E. Mynatt, and T. Starner, In Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2000[PDF].
Abowd, G. A. Bobick, I. Essa, E. Mynatt, and W. Rogers, bibl.
To appear. Workshop held in conjunction with American Association
of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference 2002, Alberta, Canada,
July 2002., (2002). workshop publication Accepted of Collection:
, "Proceedings of AAAI Workshop and Automation as a Care
Horgas, Ann L. and Gregory
D. Abowd, bibl. Chapter appearing in NRC commissioned report based
on workshop in January 2003. To appear., (2003). chapter in book
Accepted of Collection: , "National Research Council report
Workshop on Adaptive Aging"
Kidd, Cory D., Robert J. Orr, Gregory
D. Abowd, Christopher G. Atkeson, Irfan A. Essa, Blair MacIntyre,
Elizabeth Mynatt, Thad E. Starner and Wendy Newstetter. In the
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Cooperative
Buildings - CoBuild'99. Position
paper, October 1999[PDF]. This paper explains some of our vision
on technology- and human-centered research themes.
Human Experience"
Abowd, Gregory D., Elizabeth D. Mynatt, and Tom Rodden.
In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 2002[PDF].
Fisk, Arthur D., & Rogers, W. A., Current Directions in Psychological
Science, vol. 11, (2002), p. 107. Published
Melenhorst, A. S., Rogers, W. A., and Caylor, E. C., bibl. pp.
221-225, Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,
(2001). conference paper Published of Collection: , "Proceedings
of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46th Annual Meeting"
A. C., Rogers, W. A., & Fisk, A. D., bibl. Presented at Human
Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting, Baltimore,
MD., (2003). Presentation Accepted
Mykityshyn, A. L., Fisk, A. D., &
Rogers, W. A., Human Factors, vol. 44, (2002), p. 354. Published
Mynatt, Elizabeth D., and Wendy A. Rogers.
Ageing International, 2002[PDF].
family portraits: Providing peace of mind for extended family
Mynatt, Elizabeth D., James Rowan, Sarah Craighill and Anne Jacobs.
In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems, 2001[PDF].
the opportunities for Aging-in-Place"
Mynatt, E.D., Irfan Essa, and Wendy Rogers
In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Universal Usability, 2000[PDF].
communication via digital picture frames"
Mynatt, Elizabeth D., and James Rowan.
In Proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.3 International Conference on
Home Oriented Informatics and Telematics 2000[PDF].
Rogers, W. A., and
Mynatt, E. D., bibl. Individual chapter, (2003). Chapter in Book
of Collection: M. E. Mitchell, "The technology of humanity:
Can technology contribute to the quality of life?"
Communication by furniture"
Siio, I., James Rowan, and Elizabeth D. Mynatt.
In Extended Abstracts of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems, 2002[PDF].
Stevens, Molly, Gregory D. Abowd, Khai N. Truong and Florian Vollmer,
bibl. Presented at HP Labs in Bristol, England, May 6-8, 2003,
(2003). conference publication Published
of Collection: , "Proceedings of the 1st Internatonal Conference
on Appliance Design (1AD),"
Stevens, Molly, Florian Vollmer and Gregory D. Abowd, bibl. Interactive
poster, pp. 668-669, Minneapolis, MN, April 2002, (2002). conference
publications Published of Collection: , "Extended Abstracts
for Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems (CHI 2002)"
Monitor: Ambient Musical Data for the Home"
Tran, Quan T. and Elizabeth D. Mynatt.
In Proceedings of the IFIP WG 9.3 International Conference on
Home Oriented Informatics and Telematics, 2000[PDF].
"What Was I Cooking?
Towards Deja Vu Displays of Everyday Memory"
Tran, Quan T. and Elizabeth D. Mynatt. 2002[PDF].
Role-Based Access Control for Securing Future Applications"
Covington, Michael J., Matthew J. Moyer, and Mustaque Ahamad.
Technical Report GIT-CC-00-02, Georgia Institute of Technology,
College of Computing, February 1, 2000[PDF].
"A Context-based
Infrastructure for Smart Environments"
Dey,Anind K., Daniel Salber and Gregory D. Abowd.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Managing Interactions
in Smart Environments (MANSE '99), Dublin, Ireland, December 1999PDF].
Essa, Irfan.
In AI Magazine, Volume 20 (1), 69--82, Summer 1999[PDF]. (You
need to be an AAAI member))
"Ubiquitous Sensing
for Smart and Aware Environments: Technologies towards the building
of an Aware Home"
Essa, Irfan.
Position Paper for the DARPA/NSF/NIST Workshop on Smart Environments,
July 1999[PDF].
Moore, D. and I. Essa, bibl. To appear. Alberta, Canada, July
2002., (2002). conference paper Accepted
of Collection: , "Proceedings of American Association of
Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Conference 2002"
Human Actions and Object Context for Recognition Tasks"
Moore, D., I. Essa, and M. Hayes.
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
1999 (ICCV99), Corfu, Greece, March 1999[PDF].
Smart Floor: A Mechanism for Natural User Identification and Tracking"
Orr, Robert J. and Gregory D. Abowd
To appear in the Proceedings of the 2000 Conference on Human Factors
in Computing Systems (CHI 2000), The Hague, Netherlands, April
1-6, 2000[PDF].
Stillman, S. and I. Essa, bibl. November, (2001). workshop publication
Published of Collection: , "Perceptual User Interfaces (PUI
2001) Workshop"
Hamid, M. R., Y. Huang, I. Essa , bibl. to Appear in Proceedings
of IEEE Workshop on Event Mining, Event Detection, and Recognition
in Video, held in Conjunction with IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognitio, (2003). conference Proceedings Accepted
Huang, Y., M. R. Hamid, I. Essa, , bibl. Submitted to International
Conference on Computer Vision 2003, Beijing, China, 2003., (2000).
Conference Submitted
Minnen, David, I. Essa, and T. Starner, bibl. To appear in IEEE
Proceedings of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference
2003, Madison, Wisconsin, June 2003, (2003). Conference Proceedings
Ruddarraju, R., A. Haro, and I. Essa, , bibl. To appear in Proceedings
of Visual Interface Conference 2003, Halifax, Canada, June 2003,
(). Conference Proceedings Accepted
Ruddarraju, R., A. Haro, K. Nagel, I. Essa, and G. Abowd, , bibl.
Submitted to ACM International Conference on Multi-modal and Perceptual
User Interfaces 2003, Vancouver, Canada, 2003, (2003). Conference
Shi, Yifan, and A. Bobick, , bibl. To appear in Proceedings of
Visual Interface Conference 2003, Halifax, Canada, June 2003,
(2003). Conference Proceedings Accepted
Shi, Yifan, and A. Bobick,, bibl. to Appear in Proceedings of
IEEE Workshop on Event Mining, Event Detection, and Recognition
in Video, held in Conjunction with IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognitio, (2003). Conference Proccedings Accepted
Shi, Yifan, and A. Bobick, , bibl. Submitted to International
Conference on Computer Vision 2003, Beijing, China, 2003., (2003).
Conference Submitted
Abowd, Gregory D. , bibl. Position
paper appearing in June 2002 workshop., (2002). Position paper
online workshop proceedings. of Collection: , "Computing
Research Association Grand Challenges in Computing workshop"
Location Service: A framework for handling multiple location sensing
Abowd, G., A. Battestini, and T. O'Connell 2002[PDF].
Harvel, Lonnie, Ling Liu, Gregory Abowd and Yu-Xi Lim, bibl. Submitted
April 2002., (2002). conference technical note Submitted
of Collection: , "Proceedings of Ubicomp 2002 Conference."
Hayes, Gillian, Jeff Pierce and Gregory D. Abowd, bibl. Interactive
poster description in Extended Abstracts, pages 904-905. Ft. Lauderdale,
FL, April 2003., (2003). conference proceedings Published of Collection:
, "Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing
Systems, CHI 2003."
for Conversation: Bridging the Interaction Challenges"
Nagel, Kristine S. and Gregory D. Abowd
Submitted for review to CHI 2002[PDF].
Audio Loop: Reminders from a PAL"
Truong, G. K. and G. Abowd 2002[PDF].
Architectural Support for Building Automated Capture & Access
Truong, K. and G. Abowd, Submitted for review to UIST 2002[PDF].
Presentation by Brian Jones at the Georgia Workforce Development Conference, November 1, 2006. (HTML, PPT*)
*HTML version includes supporting videos
"Building an
Aware Home"
Presentation by Irfan Essa at the Mitsubishi Electric Research
Laboratory, July 1, 1999. (HTML,
"Enhancing the Quality of Life with Context-Aware Computing,
Personalized Information Processing & Secure Broadband Communications" NSF ITR
Personalized Instrumented Health System"
NSF Pre-Proposal 2002[PDF].