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Papers and Journals
1999 |
1998 | 1997
| 1996 | 1995
| 1994 | 1993
| 1992
1991 | 1990
| 1989 | 1988
| 1987 | 1986-earlier
Accepted for Publication
- S. Ferenci, K. Perumalla and R. Fujimoto,
``An Approach to Federating Parallel Simulators,''
to appear in the Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, May 2000.
(MSWord97 85K)
- G. F. Riley, R. M. Fujimoto and M. H. Ammar,
``Network Aware Time Management and Event Distribution,''
to appear in the Workshop on Parallel and
Distributed Simulations, May 2000.
(PS 217K)
- C. Carothers, K. Perumalla, R. M. Fujimoto,
"Efficient Optimistic
Parallel Simulations using Reverse
Computation," ACM TOMACS,
(PS 350K)
- K. Perumalla and R. Fujimoto,
``Interactive Parallel Simulations with the
Jane Framework,''
to appear in Special Issue of
Future Generation Computer
Systems, Elsevier Science, 2000.
(MSWord97 554K)
- K. Ghosh, K. Schwan, and R. Fujimoto,
``Composing High Performance Schedulers:
A Case Study from Real-Time Simulation,''
to appear in Concurrency: Practice and
- Carothers, C. D, and R. M. Fujimoto,
``Efficient Execution of Time Warp
Programs on Heterogeneous, NOW
Platforms,'' to appear in IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed
Systems (pending revision).
- Carothers, C. D, B. Topol, R. M.
Fujimoto, J. T. Stasko, and V. Sunderam,
``Visualizing Parallel Simulations in
Network Computing Environments,'' to
appear in Future Generation Computer
Systems, Elsevier Science.
Fujimoto, R.M.
"Time Management in the High Level
Architecture." Simulation, Vol. 71,
No. 6, pp. 388-400, December 1998.
84K or (PS

- Fujimoto, R.M., "Parallel and
Distributed Simulation Systems",
Wiley Interscience, January, 2000.

- G. F. Riley, R. M. Fujimoto and M. H. Ammar,
``A Generic Framework for Parallelization of Network
Simulations,'' MASCOTS, 1999.
(PS 234K)
- K. Perumalla, and R. M. Fujimoto ``
Jane: An Architecture for Interactive Parallel
Simulation,'' WEBSIM '99
January 1999.
(PDF 79K)
- M. Hybinette and R. M. Fujimoto
``Optimistic Computations in Virtual
Environments,'' Western Simulation
Multiconference, January 1999.
(PS.Z 223K)
- R. M. Fujimoto, "Exploiting
Temporal Uncertainty in Parallel and
Distributed Simulations." 1999
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulations, May 1999.
75k) or (PS
- C. Carothers, K. Perumalla, R. M. Fujimoto,
"Efficient Optimistic
Parallel Simulations using Reverse
Computation," 1999 Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Simulations,
May 1999
(PDF l30K) or
(PS 166K)
- R. M. Fujimoto, S. Ferenci. " RTI
Performance on Shared Memory and Message
Passing Architectures," 1999
Spring Simulation Interoperability
Workshop, March 1999.
42K) or (PS 434K)
- C. Carothers, K. Perumalla and R. Fujimoto,
``The Effect of State-saving in Optimistic Simulation
on a Cache-coherent Non-uniform Memory Access
in Proceedings of Winter Simulation
Conference (WSC), 1999.
(PDF 2049K)

- J. Dahmann, R. M. Fujimoto, and R. M.
Weatherly ``High Level Architecture for
Simulation: An Update,'' Winter
Simulation Conference, December 1998.
66K) or (PS
- K. Perumalla, and R. M. Fujimoto
``Large-scale Process-oriented Optimistic
Parallel Simulation,'' Winter
Simulation Conference, December 1998.
(PS 123K)
- R. M. Fujimoto and P. Hoare,
"HLA RTI Performance in High Speed
LAN Environments,'' 1998 Fall
Simulation Interoperability Workshop,
September 1998.
72K) or (PS
C. Carothers, M. Hybinette, R. Fujimoto
``Towards Parallelization of Large-Scale
Ada Simulations Using Time Warp,'' Proc. 1998
Summer Computer Simulation Conference.
(MSWord 97 560K)
- M. Hybinette and R. M. Fujimoto ``Dynamic
Virtual Logical Processes,'' 1998
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, May 1998.
(PS 354k)
- I. Tacic and R. M. Fujimoto:
``Synchronized Data Distribution
Management in Distributed Simulations,'' 1998
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, May 1998.
- S. T. Bachinsky, L. Mellon, G. H. Tarbox
and R. M. Fujimoto ``RTI 2.0
Architecture,'' 1998 Spring Simulation
Interoperability Workshop, March
- S. Bhatt, R. M. Fujimoto, A. Ogielski,
and K. Perumalla ``Parallel Simulation
Techniques for Large-Scale Networks,'' IEEE
Communications Magazine, Vol. 36, No.
8, pp. 42-47, August 1998.
- Marcel-Catalin Rosu, K. Schwan, and R. M.
Fujimoto ``Supporting Parallel
Applications on Clusters of Workstations:
The Virtual Communication Machine-based
Architecture,'' Cluster Computing
Vol. 1, No. 1, May 1998
- K. Perumalla, M. Andrews, and S. Bhatt
"TeD Models for ATM Internetworks,'' ACM
SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review,
Vol. 25, No. 4, March 1998.
(PS 185K)
- K. Perumalla, A. Ogielski, and R.
Fujimoto "TeD --- A Language for
Modeling Telecommunication Networks,''
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation
Review, Vol. 25, No. 4, March 1998.
- Fujimoto, R. M. "Parallel and
Distributed Simulation" in Handbook
on Simulation, ed. J. Banks, Wiley, 1998.

- J. Dahmann, R. M. Fujimoto, and R. M.
Weatherly, "The Department of
Defense High Level Architecture,''
Winter Simulation Conference,
December 1997.
52K) or (PS
- I. Nikolaidis, C. A. Cooper, K.
Perumalla, and R. M. Fujimoto
"Time-Parallel Generation of
Self-Similar ATM Traffic,'' Winter
Simulation Conference, December 1997.
- C. D. Carothers, B. Topol, R. M.
Fujimoto, J. T. Stasko, V. Sunderam,
"Visualizing Parallel Simulations in
Network Computing Environments,'' Winter
Simulation Conference, December 1997.
- C. D. Carothers, R. M. Fujimoto, R. M.
Weatherly, A. L. Wilson, ``Design and
Implementation of HLA Time Management in
the RTI version F.0,'' Winter
Simulation Conference, December 1997.
- M. Hybinette, R. M. Fujimoto, ``Cloning,
a Novel Method for Interactive Parallel
Simulation,'' Winter Simulation
Conference, December 1997.
- M. Rosu, Karsten Schwan and Richard
Fujimoto, "Supporting Parallel
Applications on Clusters of Workstations:
The Intelligent Network Interface
Approach,'' The 6th IEEE Symposium on
High Performance Distributed Computing, August,
- K. Panesar and R. M. Fujimoto.
"Adaptive Flow Control in Time
Warp,'' 1997 Workshop on Parallel and
Distributed Simulation, June 1997.
- R. M. Fujimoto "Zero Lookahead and
Repeatability in the High Level
Architecture,'' 1997 Spring Simulation
Interoperability Workshop, March
45K) or (PS
- I. Tacic and R. M. Fujimoto,
"Synchronized Data Distribution in
Distributed Simulations,'' 1997 Spring
Simulation Interoperability Workshop,
March 1997.
(PDF 64K)
or (PS 652K)
- R. M. Fujimoto and M. Hybinette, "Co
mputing Global Virtual Time in Shared
Memory Multiprocessors,'' ACM
Transactions on Modeling and Computer
Simulation, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp.
425-446, 1997
- I. Akyildiz, I. Joe, R. M. Fujimoto, and
I Nikolaidis, "Parallel Simulation
of End-to-End ATM Models,'' Computer
Networks and ISDN Systems Journal, Vol.
29, No. 6, pp. 617-630, May 1997
- S. R. Das and R. M. Fujimoto,
"Adaptive Memory Management and
Optimism Control in Time Warp,'' ACM
Transactions on Modeling and Computer
Simulation, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.
239-271, April 1997.
- S. R. Das and R. M. Fujimoto ``An
Empirical Evaluation of
Performance-Memory Trade-offs in Time
Warp,'' IEEE Transactions on Parallel
and Distributed Systems, Vol. 8, No.
2, pp 210-224, February 1997.
- K. Perumalla, M. Andrews, and S. Bhatt
"A Virtual PNNI Network Testbed,''
Winter Simulation Conference, December
(PS 137K)

- Fang Hao, Karen Wilson, Richard M.
Fujimoto, and Ellen Zegura "Logical
Process Size in Parallel ATM
Simulations,'' 1996 Winter Simulation
Conference, December 1996, pp.
- R. M. Fujimoto and R. M. Weatherly
"Time Management in the DoD High
Level Architecture,'' 1996 Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Simulation, May
(PDF 46K)
or (PS
- C. Carothers and R. M. Fujimoto
``Background Execution of Time Warp
Programs,'' 1996 Workshop on Parallel
and Distributed Simulation, May 1996.
- K. Perumalla, C. A. Cooper and Richard
M. Fujimoto, "An Efficiency
Prediction Method for ATM Multiplexers,''
Broadband Communications Conference,
April 1996
(PS 320K)
- R. M. Fujimoto and R. M. Weatherly,
"HLA Time Management and DIS,'' 14th
Workshop on Standards for the
Interoperability of Distributed
Simulation, March 1996.
(PDF 68K) or
(PS 932K)
- R. M. Fujimoto and W. Hare, "On the
Accuracy of Multiprocessor Tracing
Techniques,'' International Journal of
Computer Simulation, Vol. 6, No. 1,
pp. 3-29, January 1996. Technical
Report GIT-CC-92/53. submitted July 1993.
- R. M. Fujimoto, "HLA Time
Management: Design Document" August
(PDF 153K)
or (PS 574K)

- R.M. Fujimoto, ``Parallel and Distributed
Simulation,'' 1995 Winter Simulation
Conference, December 1995, pp.
- C. D. Carothers, R.M. Fujimoto, and Y.-B.
Lin, ``Simulating Population
Dependent PCS Network Models Using Time
Warp,'' 1995 Winter Simulation
Conference, December 1995, pp.
- C. D. Carothers, Y.-B. Lin, and R. M.
Fujimoto, ``A Re-Dial Model for Personal
Communications Services Networks,'' 45th
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,
July 1995.
- R. M. Fujimoto and K. Panesar, "
Buffer Management in Shared Memory Time Warp
Systems,'' 1995 Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Simulation, June
1995, pp. 149-156.
(PS 134K)
- C. Carothers, R. M. Fujimoto and Y-B. Lin
``A Case Study in Simulating PCS Networks
Using Time Warp,'' 1995 Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Simulation, June
1995, pp. 87-94.
- G. Shah, U. Ramachandran, and R. M.
Fujimoto). ``Timepatch: A Technique for
the Parallel Simulation of Multiprocessor
Caches,'' 1995 ACM SIGMETRICS
Conference on Measurement and Modeling of
Computer Systems, pp. 315-316, May
- R. M. Fujimoto, I. Nikolaidis, and A. C.
Cooper, "Parallel Simulation
of Statistical Multiplexers,'' Discrete
Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and
Applications, pp. 115-140, April-July

- D. Nicol and R. M. Fujimoto, ``Parallel
Simulation Today,'' Annals of
Operations Research, Vol. 53, pp.
249-286, December 1994.
- S. Das, R. Fujimoto, K. Panesar, D.
Allison, and M. Hybinette, "GTW: A
Time Warp System for Shared Memory
Multiprocessors,'' 1994 Winter
Simulation Conference, December 1994,
pp. 1332-1339.
- K. Ghosh, K. Panesar, R. M. Fujimoto, and
K. Schwan. "PORTS: A Parallel,
Optimistic, Real-Time Simulator,'' 1994
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, July 1994, pp.24-31.
- C. Carothers, R. M. Fujimoto, and P.
England. ``The Effect of Communication
Overheads on Time Warp Performance,'' 1994
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, July 1994, pp. 118-125.
- J. J. Tsai, S. R. Das, and R. M.
Fujimoto, ``Parallel Execution of Network
II.5 Simulations,'' 1994 IMACS World
Congress on Computational and Applied
Mathematics, July 1994, pp.
- Fujimoto, R.M. "Parallel
Simulation of Discrete Event Systems,'' 11th
International Conference on Analysis and
Optimization of Systems, pp. 419-428,
June 1994.
- S. Das and R. M. Fujimoto ``An Adaptive
Memory Management Protocol for Time Warp
Parallel Simulation,'' 1994 ACM
SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pp.
201-210, May 1994.
- I. Nikolaidis and R. M. Fujimoto and A.
Cooper, "Time-Parallel Simulation of
Cascaded Statistical Multiplexers,'' 1994
ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on Measurement
and Modeling of Computer Systems, pp.
231-240, May 1994.
- R. M. Fujimoto, ``Timepatch: A Novel
Technique for the Parallel Simulation of
Multiprocessor Caches''. Fourth
Workshop on Scalable Shared Memory
Multiprocessors, April 1994.
- C. D. Carothers, R. M. Fujimoto and Y-B.
Lin, and P. England "Distributed
Simulation of Large-Scale PCS Networks,''
Workshop on Modeling, Analysis, and
Simulation of Computer and
Telecommunication Systems, pp. 2-6,
January 1994.

- I. Nikolaidis and R. M. Fujimoto and A.
Cooper ``Parallel Simulation of
High-Speed Network Multiplexers,'' 32nd
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Vol.
3, pp. 2224-2229, December 1993
- R. M. Fujimoto, ``Parallel and
Distributed Discrete Event Simulation:
Algorithms and Applications,'' 1993
Winter Simulation Conference, pp.
106-114, December 1993.
- J. J. Tsai and R. M. Fujimoto ``Automatic
Parallelization of Discrete Event
Simulation Programs,'' 1993 Winter
Simulation Conference, pp. 697-705,
December 1993.
- K. Ghosh, R. M. Fujimoto, and K. Schwan
``Time Warp Simulation in Time
Constrained Systems,'' 1993 Workshop
on Parallel and Distributed Simulation, pp.
163-166, May 1993.
- S. Das and R. M. Fujimoto ``A Performance
Study of the Cancelback Protocol for Time
Warp,'' 1993 Workshop on Parallel and
Distributed Simulation, pp. 135-142,
May 1993.
- R. Ronngren, R. Ayani, R. M. Fujimoto,
and S. Das ``Efficient Implementation of
Event Sets in Time Warp,'' 1993
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, pp. 101-108, May 1993.
- K. Ghosh, K. Schwan, and R. M. Fujimoto
``A Testbed for Optimistic Execution of
Real-Time Simulations'' 1993 IEEE
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Real-Time Systems, April 1993.
- R. M. Fujimoto, ``Parallel Discrete Event
Simulation: Will the Field Survive?'' ORSA
Journal on Computing (feature
article), Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 213-230,
summer 1993. Rejoinder entitled
``Future Directions in Parallel
Simulation Research'' (commentaries and
rejoinder also appeared in the same
issue), pp. 245-248.
- I. F. Akyildiz, L. Chen, S. R. Das, R. M.
Fujimoto, and R. Serfozo, ``The Effect of
Memory Capacity on Time Warp
Performance,'' International Journal
of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 411-422, August 1993.
- V. K. Madisetti, D. A. Hardaker, and R.
M. Fujimoto, ``The MIMDIX Environment for
Parallel Simulation,'' International
Journal of Parallel and Distributed
Computing, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.
473-483, August 1993.
- G. C. Gopalakrishnan and R. M. Fujimoto
``Design and Verification of the Rollback
Chip Using HOP: A Case Study of Formal
Methods Applied to Hardware Design,'' ACM
Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol
11, No. 2, pp. 109-145, May 1993.

- R. M. Fujimoto and D. M. Nicol
"State of the Art in Parallel
Simulation,'' 1992 Winter Simulation
Conference, pp. 246-254, December
- I. F. Akyildiz, L. Chen, S. R. Das, R. M.
Fujimoto, and R. Serfozo
"Performance Analysis of Time Warp
with Limited Memory,'' 1992 ACM
SIGMETRICS Conference on Measuring and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pp.
213-224, June 1992.
- V. K. Madisetti, D. A. Hardaker, and R.
M. Fujimoto ``The MIMDIX Operating System
for Parallel Simulation and Computing,'' 1992
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, pp. 65-74, January 1992.
- S. R. Das, R. M. Fujimoto, and J. T.
Stasko, ``Animating the Execution of Time
Warp Programs,'' 1992 Workshop on
Parallel and Distributed Simulation,
pp. 195-196, January 1992.
- R. M. Fujimoto, J. J. Tsai, and G. C.
Gopalakrishnan, ``Design and Evaluation
of the Rollback Chip: Special Purpose
Hardware for Time Warp,'' IEEE
Transactions on Computers, Vol. 41,
No. 1, pp. 68-82, January 1992 (also
University of Utah Technical Report

- K. Ghosh and R. M. Fujimoto, ``Parallel
Discrete Event Simulation Using
Space-Time Memory,'' 1991
International Conference on Parallel
Processing, pp. 201-208, August 1991.
- A. Gupta, I. F. Akyildiz, and R. M.
Fujimoto ``Performance Analysis of Time
Warp with Homogeneous Processors, and
Exponential Task Times,'' 1991 ACM
SIGMETRICS Conference on Measuring and
Modeling of Computer Systems, pp.
101-110, May 1991 (also GIT
Technical Report GIT-ICS-90/48).
- G. Lomow, S. R. Das, and R. M. Fujimoto
``User Cancellation of Events in Time
Warp,'' Proceedings of the 1991
Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Simulation, pp. 55-62, January 1991.
(also GIT Technical Report GIT-CC-90/58).
- A. Gupta, I. Akyildiz, and R. M. Fujimoto
``Performance Analysis of Time Warp with
Multiple Homogeneous Processors,'' IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.
17, No. 10, pp. 1013-1027, October 1991.
- G. Lomow, S. Das, and R. M. Fujimoto,
``Mechanisms for User Invoked Retraction
of Events in Time Warp,'' ACM
Transactions on Modeling and Computer
Simulation, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.
219-243, July 1991. (also GIT Technical
Report GIT-CC-90/58). Appeared July
- R.M. Fujimoto, S.R. Das, J. J. Tsai,
"Parallel Execution of Communication
Network Simulators," Georgia
Institute of Technology Technical Report
GIT-CC-91/48, October, 1991.
- R.M. Fujimoto, "Design and
Verification of the Rollback Chip using
HOP: A Case Study of Formal Methods
Applied to Hardware Design,"
Technical Report UU-CS-TR-91-015,
Department of Computer Science,
University of Utah, 1991.
- R.M. Fujimoto, "Parallel Simulation
of Discrete Systems," in New
Generation Computing: Parallel Processing
in Computational Mechanics, ed. H. Adeli,
Marcel Dekker Inc., pp.151-182, 1991.

- R. M. Fujimoto, "Performance of Time
Warp Under Synthetic Workloads,'' 1990
Distributed Simulation Conference,
pp. 23-28, January 1990.
- R. M. Fujimoto, ``Cancellation Strategies
in Optimistic Execution Systems,'' 1990
Distributed Simulation Conference,
pp. 112-121, January 1990.
- C. A. Buzzell, R. M. Fujimoto, and M. J.
Robb, ``Modular VME Rollback Hardware for
Time Warp,'' 1990 Distributed Simulation
Conference, pp. 153-156, January
- R. M. Fujimoto ``Parallel Discrete Event
Simulation,'' Communications of the
ACM, Vol. 33, No. 10, pp. 30-53,
October 1990.
- S. Rajopadhye and R. M. Fujimoto
``Automating the Design of Systolic
Arrays,'' Integration, the VLSI
Journal, Elsevier Science, Vol. 9,
No. 3, pp. 225-242, July 1990.
- R. M. Fujimoto ``Optimistic Approaches to
Parallel Discrete Event Simulation,'' Transactions
of the Society for Computer Simulation,
Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 153-191, June 1990.
- S. Rajopadhye and R. M. Fujimoto
``Synthesizing Systolic Arrays from
Recurrence Equations,'' Parallel
Computing, North-Holland, Vol. 14,
No. 2, pp. 163-189, June 1990.

- R. M. Fujimoto ``Parallel Discrete Event
Simulation,'' 1989 Winter Simulation
Conference, pp. 19-28, December 1989.
- R. M. Fujimoto, ``Time Warp on a Shared
Memory Multiprocessor,'' 1989
International Conference on Parallel
Processing, Vol. III, pp. 242-249,
August 1989.
- R. M. Fujimoto, ``The Virtual Time
Machine,'' 1989 ACM Symposium on
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures,
pp. 199-208, June 1989 (also reprinted in
Computer Architecture News, March 1991).
- G. C. Gopalakrishnan, R. M. Fujimoto, V.
Akella, and N. S. Mani, ``HOP: A Process
Model for Synchronous Hardware; Semantics
and Experiments in Process Composition,''
Integration, the VLSI Journal,
Elsevier Science, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp.
209-247, August 1989
- R. M. Fujimoto ``Time Warp on a Shared
Memory Multiprocessor,'' Transactions
of the Society for Computer Simulation,
Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 211-239, July 1989.
(also University of Utah Technical Report
UUCS-88-021 and 021a).
- R. M. Fujimoto ``Performance Measurements
of Distributed Simulation Strategies,'' Transactions
of the Society for Computer Simulation, Vol.
6, No. 2, pp. 89-132, April 1989. (also
University of Utah Technical Report
- R. M. Fujimoto, "TWOS Measurements
for Rollback Hardware," Technical
Report, Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Pasadena, CA, August, 1989.

- R. M. Fujimoto "Lookahead in
Parallel Discrete Event Simulation,'' 1988
International Conference on Parallel
Processing, Vol. III, pp. 34-41,
August 1988.
- H. C. Feng and R. M. Fujimoto ``A Shared
Memory Algorithm and Performance
Evaluation of the Generalized Alternative
Construct,'' 1988 International
Conference on Parallel Processing,
Vol. II, pp. 176-179, August 1988
- R. M. Fujimoto, J. J. Tsai and G.
Gopalakrishnan, ``Design and Performance
of Special Purpose Hardware for Time
Warp,'' 15th Annual International
Symposium on Computer Architecture, pp.
401-408, June 1988.
- G. Gopalakrishnan, R. M. Fujimoto, V.
Akella, N. Mani, and K. Smith,
``Specification Driven Design of Custom
VLSI Architectures,'' Workshop on
Specification Driven VLSI Design,
Springer-Verlag, June 1988.
- R. M. Fujimoto, ``Performance
Measurements of Distributed Simulation
Programs,'' 1988 Distributed
Simulation Conference, pp. 14-20,
February 1988.
- R. M. Fujimoto, J. J. Tsai and G.
Gopalakrishnan, ``The Roll Back Chip:
Hardware Support For Distributed
Simulation Using Time Warp,'' 1988
Distributed Simulation Conference,
pp. 81-86, February 1988.
- R. M. Fujimoto and W. B. Campbell
``Efficient Instruction Level Simulation
of Computers,'' Transactions of the
Society for Computer Simulation, Vol.
5, No. 2, pp. 109-124, April 1988.
Also University of Utah Technical Report

- R. M. Fujimoto and W. B. Campbell,
``Direct Execution Models of Processor
Behavior and Performance,'' 1987
Winter Simulation Conference, pp.
751-758, December 1987.
- S. Swope and R. M. Fujimoto, ``Optimal
Performance of Distributed Simulation
Programs,'' 1987 Winter Simulation
Conference, pp. 612-617, December
- S. V. Rajopadhye and R. M. Fujimoto,
"Systolic Array Synthesis by Static
Analysis of Program Dependencies,'' Parallel
Architectures and Languages Conference,
June 1987.
- R. M. Fujimoto and H. C. Feng ``A Shared
Memory Algorithm and Proof for the
Generalized Alternative Construct in
CSP,'' International Journal of
Parallel Programming, Vol. 16, No. 3,
pp. 215-241, June 1987 (also
University of Utah Technical Report

1986 - earlier
- S. V. Rajopadhye, S. Purushothaman, and
R. M. Fujimoto, "On Synthesizing
Systollic Arrays from Recurrence
Equations with Linear Dependencies,'' Sixth
Conference on Foundations of Software
Technology and Theoretical Computer
Science, pp. 488-503, Dec.
- R. M. Fujimoto, "The Simon
Simulation and Development System,'' Proc.
1985 Summer Computer Simulation
Conference, pp. 123-128, July
- R. M. Fujimoto and C. H. Sequin,
"The Impact of VLSI on
Communications in Closely Coupled
Multiprocessor Networks,'' Proc.
COMPSAC 82, Chicago, Illinois, pp.
231-238, Nov 1982.
- R. M. Fujimoto and C. H. Sequin,
"Communications Components for
Multiprocessor Networks,'' International
Seminar on the Teaching of Computer
Science: Very Large Scale Integration,
Newcastle upon Tyne, England,
Sept. 1981.
