Package <Unnamed>

Interface Summary
DigitalPicture Interface to describe a digital picture.
ModelDisplay Interface to used to communicate between a model and its display Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
Queue<E> Interface to define an abstract queue
Stack<E> An abstract definition of a stack

Class Summary
AbstractQueue<E> Class to define an abstract queue
Agent Class that represents a general Agent.
AgentNode Class to implement a linked list of Turtle-like characters.
AmazingGraceSong Class that represents the song amazing grace
AmazingGraceSong2 Class that represents the song amazing grace version 2
AmazingGraceSongElement Class that represents elements of the song amazing grace
AmazingGraceSongElement2 Class that represents elements of the song amazing grace version 2
AnimatedPositionedScene Class that uses modification of a linked data structure to animate a scence
AnimationPanel Class to show a frame-based animation Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2007
ArrayListStack<E> Implementation of a stack as an ArrayList
ArrayQueue<E> Implements a simple queue using an array
ArrayStack<E> Implementation of a stack as an array
BirdAgent BirdAgents use the bird character JPEGs
BirdSimulation BirdSimulation A flock of 10 birds investigate a mysterious egg, which suddenly shows itself to be a monster!
BlueScreenNode BlueScreenNode is a PictNode that composes the picture using the blueScreen() method in Picture
Branch A branch of a tree that can have children
ButtonPanel Class that holds the buttons for the movie player
CollectableNode Node in a sound tree.
ColorChooser A class to make working with a color chooser easier for students.
CrowdAgent Class for a simulation of a crowd
CrowdSimulation Class that simulates a crowd
DEAgent DEAgent - an agent in a Discrete Event simulation A DEAgent doesn't act().
Deer Class that represents a deer.
DeerAgent DeerAgent -- Deer as a subclass of Agent
DESimulation DSSimulation is a Discrete Event Simulation Instead of asking each agent to act(), we simply process events from a queue.
DiseaseSimulation DiseaseSimulation -- using the Simulation class
Distributor Distributor -- takes orders from Market to Warehouse, fills them, and returns with product.
Dot01 Class to show creating a a note and creating a phrase and notating it
Dot03 Class to show creating a a note and creating two phrases and a part and showing the part
Dot05 Class to show creating a score
Dot07 Class to show creating a score
DrawableNode Stuff that all nodes and branches in the scene tree know.
DrawAScene Class to draw a scence using positioned scene elements
DrunkenTurtle A class that reprents a drunken turtle
DSAgent A discrete event agent A DSAgent doesn't act().
EggAgent EggAgent -- big scary egg that sits there until t=30, then emerges as a monster!
EventQueue EventQueue It's called an event "queue," but it's not really.
EventQueueExercisor Class to try out the EventQueue
FactorySimulation FactorySimulation -- set up the whole simulation, including creation of the Trucks and Distributors.
FileChooser A class to make working with a file chooser easier for students.
FrameSequencer Class used to save frames in a movie to a directory and show frames from a movie.
GenerateNewNormal Class to generate a normal distribution of numbers with a mean and range specified
GenerateNormal Class to generate a normal distribution of numbers
GenerateUniform Class to generate a uniform distribution of numbers
GUItree A GUI that has various components in it, to demonstrate UI components and layout managers (rendering)
GUItreeBordered A GUI that has various components in it, to demonstrate UI components and layout managers (rendering)
GUItreeBoxed A GUI that has various components in it, to demonstrate UI components and layout managers (rendering)
GUItreeFlowed A GUI that has various components in it, to demonstrate UI components and layout managers (rendering)
GUItreeInteractive A GUI that has various components in it, to demonstrate UI components and layout managers (rendering).
HBranch Class that uses horizontal spacing between children and a gap between them
HistogramGenerator Class to generate a histogram
HungryWolf A class that extends the Wolf to have a hunger level.
ImageDisplay Class to display an image and the current location with a + sign
JpegImagesToMovie This program takes a list of JPEG image files and converts them into a QuickTime or AVI movie.
LayeredSceneElement Class that uses a linked list to indicate the layer a picture is in
LinkedListQueue<E> Implements a simple queue using a linked list
LinkedListStack<E> Class that represents a stack using a linked list of objects
LLNode Class that represents a node in a linked list
LotsOfTurtles Class to show how to make a circle with lots of turtles
MarksCollage Class to show how to make an image collage
MoveBranch Class that represents a change in location
MoviePlayer Class that can play movies from multiple frames Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2007
MovieWriter Class to write out an AVI or Quicktime movie from a series of JPEG (jpg) frames in a directory
MultiElementScene Demonstration of using both SceneElementPositioned and ScenceElementLayered
MVAmazingGraceSong Class that represents a multiple voice version of Amazing Grace
MyCollage Class that shows an example of creating a collage
MyFirstSong Example class for creating a song
MyFourPartSong Example class for creating a four part song
MyPicture Class that shows an example of creating a collage
MySoundCollage Class that shows an example of creating a sound collage
MyTurtleAnimation An exmaple class for creating a turtle animation
MyTurtlePicture Example class of making a picture using a turtle to drop a picture
NBDAgent NBD Agent
NotePlay Class to show creating a song with parts
PathSegment This class represents a displayable path segment it has a color, width, and a Line2D object Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2005
Pen Class to represent a pen which has a color, width, and a list of path segments that it should draw.
Person Class the represents a person
PersonAgent PersonAgent -- Person as a subclass of Agent
PictNode PictNode is a class representing a drawn picture node in a scene tree.
Picture A class that represents a picture.
PictureExplorer Displays a picture and lets you explore the picture by displaying the x, y, red, green, and blue values of the pixel at the cursor when you click a mouse button or press and hold a mouse button while moving the cursor.
PictureFrame Class that holds a digital picture and displays it.
PictureStack Class that represents a stack of pictures
PictureStackTest Class to demonstrate a stack of pictures
PictureTool Class that demonstrates creating a graphical user interface to work with pictures
Pixel Class that references a pixel in a picture.
Playback The class Playback extends from Thread and allows for playback of a simple sound.
PoliticalAgent PoliticalAgent -- Red or Blue Stater as a subclass of Agent
PoliticalSimulation PoliticalSimulation -- using the Simulation class
PositionedSceneElement Class that represents a positioned scene element
PSETest Class to test the Positioned Scene Element
QueueList Implements a simple queue using a list
Resource Resource class -- manages agents requesting a resource
RhythmTool A Rhythm-constructing tool
RunBirdSimulation Class to run the bird simulation
ScaleBranch Class that scales the children
SceneElement Represents an element that knows how to draw itself in a scene using a Turtle to do the drawing
SceneElementLayered A scene element that knows its position
SceneElementPositioned Class that defines a scene element whose position is defined by its position in the linked list
SearchMethods A class that demonstrates search algorithms
SimEvent SimulationEvent (SimEvent) -- an event that occurs in a simulation, like a truck arriving at a factory, or a salesperson leaving the market
SimpleBrowser A Simple Web Browser Uses a JEditorPane() which knows how to interpret HTML (and RTF and Text)
SimpleInput Class to make it easy to get input from a user using JOptionPane Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
SimpleOutput Class to make it easy to do output to the user using JOptionPane Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
SimplePicture A class that represents a simple picture.
SimpleSound The SimpleSound class is an implementation of the Java Sound API specifically designed for use with students.
SimpleTurtle Class that represents a Logo-style turtle.
Simulation Class that implements a general Simulation
Song Class that represents a song
SongElement Class that holds an element in a song
SongNode Represents a node in a flexible song structure
SongPart Class that represents a part of a song
SongPhrase Class that holds phrases that can be used
Sound Class that represents a sound.
SoundBranch Class that represents a branch in a tree of sounds
SoundElement Sounds for a linked list
SoundExplorer This class allows you to explore a Sound.
SoundListDifferent Class to try out creating sound elements
SoundListTest Class to test a sound list
SoundSample Class that represents a sample of a sound.
SoundTreeExample Class to test the sound tree
SquareInSquare Class to draw a square inside of a square
Student Class that represents a student.
SwappableComposedImage Class that represents a swappable composed image
TestLayeredSceneElement Class that tests a layered scene element
TestStringArgs Class to show using the array of string arguments
TreeNode Class that represents a binary tree node
Truck Truck -- delivers product from the Factory to the Warehouse.
Turtle Class that represents a turtle which is similar to a Logo turtle.
TurtleSquares Class to show how a turtle can draw squares
VBranch Class that uses vertical spacing between children with a gap between children as well
WalkingDoll Class that represents a walking doll
WDSimulation A wolf and deer simulation that extends the Simulation class
Wolf Class that represents a wolf.
WolfAgent WolfAgent -- Wolf as a subclass of Agent
WolfAttackMovie Class to make a wolf attack movie
WolfDeerSimulation Class that does a predator and prey simulation with wolves and deer
World Class to represent a 2d world that can hold turtles and display them Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004

Exception Summary
SoundException Class that represents a sound exception