Class Picture

  extended by SimplePicture
      extended by Picture
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Picture
extends SimplePicture

A class that represents a picture. This class inherits from SimplePicture and allows the student to add functionality to the Picture class. Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004-2008

Barbara Ericson

Constructor Summary
          Constructor that takes no arguments
Picture(BufferedImage image)
          Constructor that takes a buffered image
Picture(int width, int height)
          Constructor that takes the width and height
Picture(Picture copyPicture)
          Constructor that takes a picture and creates a copy of that picture
Picture(String fileName)
          Constructor that takes a file name and creates the picture
Method Summary
 void blueScreen(Picture target, int targetX, int targetY)
          Method to do chromakey assuming a blue background
 void chromakey(Picture target, Color bgColor, int threshold, int targetX, int targetY)
          Method to do chromakey using an input color for the background and a point for the upper left corner of where to copy
 void compose(Picture target, int targetX, int targetY)
          Method to compose (copy) this picture onto a target picture at a given point.
 Picture copy()
          A method create a copy of the current picture and return it
 void decreaseRed()
          Method to decrease the red by half in the current picture
 void decreaseRed(double amount)
          Method to decrease the red by an amount
 Picture flip()
          Method to flip a picture
 void grayscaleWithLuminance()
          Method to change the picture to gray scale with luminance
 void increaseRed()
          Method to increase the red in a picture.
 void negate()
          Method to negate a picture
 Picture oilPaint(int dist)
          Method to do an oil paint effect on a picture
static Picture pickAndShow()
          Class method to let the user pick a file name and then create the picture and show it
 Picture scale(double factor)
          Method to scale the picture by a factor, and return the result
static Picture showNamed(String fileName)
          Class method to create a picture object from the passed file name and then show it
 String toString()
          Method to return a string with information about this picture.
Methods inherited from class SimplePicture
addMessage, copyPicture, createGraphics, drawString, explore, getBasicPixel, getBufferedImage, getExtension, getFileName, getGraphics, getHeight, getImage, getMediaPath, getPictureFrame, getPictureWithHeight, getPictureWithWidth, getPixel, getPixels, getTitle, getTransformEnclosingRect, getWidth, hide, load, load, loadImage, loadOrFail, loadPictureAndShowIt, repaint, scale, setAllPixelsToAColor, setBasicPixel, setFileName, setMediaPath, setPictureFrame, setTitle, setVisible, show, write, writeOrFail
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Picture()
Constructor that takes no arguments


public Picture(String fileName)
Constructor that takes a file name and creates the picture

fileName - the name of the file to create the picture from


public Picture(int width,
               int height)
Constructor that takes the width and height

width - the width of the desired picture
height - the height of the desired picture


public Picture(Picture copyPicture)
Constructor that takes a picture and creates a copy of that picture


public Picture(BufferedImage image)
Constructor that takes a buffered image

image - the buffered image to use
Method Detail


public String toString()
Method to return a string with information about this picture.

toString in class SimplePicture
a string with information about the picture such as fileName, height and width.


public static Picture pickAndShow()
Class method to let the user pick a file name and then create the picture and show it

the picture object


public static Picture showNamed(String fileName)
Class method to create a picture object from the passed file name and then show it

fileName - the name of the file that has a picture in it
the picture object


public Picture copy()
A method create a copy of the current picture and return it

the copied picture


public void increaseRed()
Method to increase the red in a picture.


public void negate()
Method to negate a picture


public Picture flip()
Method to flip a picture


public void decreaseRed()
Method to decrease the red by half in the current picture


public void decreaseRed(double amount)
Method to decrease the red by an amount

amount - the amount to change the red by


public void compose(Picture target,
                    int targetX,
                    int targetY)
Method to compose (copy) this picture onto a target picture at a given point.

target - the picture onto which we copy this picture
targetX - target X position to start at
targetY - target Y position to start at


public Picture scale(double factor)
Method to scale the picture by a factor, and return the result

factor - the factor to scale by (1.0 stays the same, 0.5 decreases each side by 0.5, 2.0 doubles each side)
the scaled picture


public void chromakey(Picture target,
                      Color bgColor,
                      int threshold,
                      int targetX,
                      int targetY)
Method to do chromakey using an input color for the background and a point for the upper left corner of where to copy

target - the picture onto which we chromakey this picture
bgColor - the color to make transparent
threshold - within this distance from bgColor, make transparent
targetX - target X position to start at
targetY - target Y position to start at


public void blueScreen(Picture target,
                       int targetX,
                       int targetY)
Method to do chromakey assuming a blue background

target - the picture onto which we chromakey this picture
targetX - target X position to start at
targetY - target Y position to start at


public void grayscaleWithLuminance()
Method to change the picture to gray scale with luminance


public Picture oilPaint(int dist)
Method to do an oil paint effect on a picture

dist - the distance from the current pixel to use in the range
the new picture