Reverse Engineering Papers and Technical Reports

This page contains citation information and links to PDF versions of papers written by the Reverse Engineering group at Georgia Tech.

    %A Spencer Rugaber
    %T Program Comprehension for Reverse Engineering
    %J AAAI Workshop on AI and Automated Program Understanding
    %C San Jose, California
    %D July 1992
    %P 106-110

ambient.pdf %A Chris Parnin %A Carsten Goerg %T Design Guidelines for Ambient Software Visualization in the Workplace %J 4th International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, VISSOFT 2007 %C Banff, Alberta Canada %D June 2007 %P 18-25
annals.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T The Use of Domain Knowledge in Program Understanding %J Annals of Software Engineering %V 9 %D 2000 %P 143-192
arch_elements.pdf %A Robert Waters %A Spencer Rugaber %A Gregory Abowd %T Architectural Element Matching Using Concept Analysis %J Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE'99).
arch_synthesis.pdf %A Robert Waters %A Gregory Abowd %T Architectural Synthesis: Integrating Multiple Architectural Perspectives %J Proceedings of the Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE) %D 1999.
are.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Terry Shikano %A Kurt Stirewalt %A Adequate Reverse-Engineering %J Automated Software Engineering Conference %D 2001
rre.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Terry Shikano %T Reverse Reverse-Engineering %D 2001
voat.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Rocky Dunlap %A Leo Mark %A Sameer Ansari %T Managing Software Complexity and Variability in Coupled Climate Models %J IEEE Software %V 28 %N 6 %D November-December, 2011 %P 43-48
cogmodels.pdf %A Tim Tiemens %T Cognitive Models of Program Comprehension %I Software Engineering Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology %D December 8, 1989
comments.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T An Example of Program Understanding %D December 1997 %R GIT-CC-98-14
conflicts.pdf %A Stephen B. Ornburn %A Spencer Rugaber %T Reverse Engineering: Resolving Conflicts between Expected and Actual Software Designs %J Proceedings of the Conference on Software Maintenance %C Orlando, Florida %D November 1992 %P 32-40
recognition.pdf %A Stephen B. Ornburn %A Spencer Rugaber %T Recognition and Representation of Design Decisions %R GIT-SERC-89/06 %I Software Engineering Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology %C Atlanta, Georgia %D June 1989
CtoSC.pdf %A Bret Johnson %T Reverse Engineering with a CASE Tool %R SRC-TR-91-07 %I Software Research Center, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology %D December 1991
dab.pdf %A David A. Busse %T How Changes Are Reflected in a Software Architecture %R GIT-CC-95-50 %I College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology %D December 1995 %A Richard Clayton %A Spencer Rugaber %A Linda Wills %T Domain Based Design Documentation and Component Reuse and their Application to a System Evolution Record %R Final Report, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology %D October 1997 %O
dare.wp.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T Domain Analysis and Reverse Engineering %D January, 1994
designStudies.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T Design Studies in Software Engineering Courses %J SOD’07 Science of Design Symposium %C Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, USA %D March 22-24, 2007 %P 28-29 %O
detection.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Kurt Stirewalt %A Linda Wills %T Detecting Interleaving %J International Conference on Software Maintenance %D October 16-20, 1995 %C Nice, France %P 265-274
domain.pdf %A Jean-Marc DeBaud %A Bijith M. Moopen %A Spencer Rugaber %T Domain Analysis and Reverse Engineering %J Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Software Maintenance %P 326-335
domain-based-RE.pdf %A Jean-Marc DeBaud %A Spencer Rugaber %T A Software Re-engineering Method Using Domain Models %J International Conference on Software Maintenance %C Opio (Nice), France %D October 16-20, 1995 %P 204-213
dowser_long.pdf %A Richard Clayton %A Spencer Rugaber %A Linda Wills %T Dowsing: A Tools Framework for Domain-Oriented Browsing Software Artifacts %I College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology %R GIT-CC-98-23 %D September 1998
dowser_short.pdf %A Richard Clayton %A Spencer Rugaber %A Linda Wills %T Dowsing: A Tools Framework for Domain-Oriented Browsing Software Artifacts %J Automated Software Engineering 1998 %D May 1998
dynimpl.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A R. E. Kurt Stirewalt %T Position Paper: The Tradeoff between Dependability and Efficiency in Embedded Systems
ectropic.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Mark Guzdial %T Ectropic Software %J Workshop on Software Change and Evolution (SCE'99) %C Los Angeles, California %D May 17, 1999
edcs.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T A Tool Suite for Evolving Legacy Software %J International Conference on Software Maintenance'99 %D August 30 - September 3, 1999 %C Oxford, England
encyc.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T Program Understanding %J Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology %E Allen Kent and James G. Williams %V 35 %I Marcel Dekker %P 341-368 %D 1996
enriching.pdf %A Chris Parnin %A Carsten Goerg %A Spencer Rugaber %T Enriching Revision History with Interactions %J International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories %C Shanghai, China %D 2006
flexible.pdf %A Linda M. Wills %T Flexible Control for Program Recognition %J Working Conference on Reverse Engineering %C Baltimore, Maryland %D May 1993 %P 134-143
gener.pdf %A Kurt Stirewalt %A Spencer Rugaber %T The Model Composition Problem %J Automated Software Engineering %V 7 %N 2 %P 101-124
ggram.pdf %A Linda M. Wills %T Using Attributed Flow Graph Parsing to Recognize Programs %J Int. Workshop on Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science %C Williamsburg, Virginia %D November 1994
hicss.pdf %A Sastry Nanduri %A Spencer Rugaber %T Requirements Validation via Natural Language Parsing %J Proceedings of the 28th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences %C Wailea, Maui, Hawaii %D January 3-6, 1995
compcon.pdf %A S. Rugaber %T Requirements for a hypertext software maintenance system %J COMPCON Spring 89. Thirty-Fourth IEEE Computer Society International Conference: Intellectual Leverage %D February 27, 1989
idl.pdf %A R. Clayton %A Spencer Rugaber %T An IDL Evaluation %R SRC-TR-92/04 %I Software Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology %D June 1992
htasm.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T Hypertext and Software Maintenance %J Second International Workshop on Computer-Aided Software Engineering Advance Working Papers (CASE'88) %V 1 %C Cambridge, Massachusetts %D July 12-15, 1988 %P 15-2417-1527
icsm97.pdf %A Gregory Abowd %A Ashok Goel %A Dean F. Jerding %A Michael McCracken %A Melody Moore %A J. William Murdock %A Colin Potts %A Spencer Rugaber %A Linda Wills %T MORALE--Mission Oriented Architectural Legacy Evolution %J Proceedings International Conference on Software Maintenance'97 %C Bari, Italy %D September 29-October 3, 1997
infra.pospap.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Linda Wills %T Position Paper on Research Infrastructure for Reengineering %J 5th Internation Workshop on Program Comprehension %C Dearborn, Michigan %D May 28-30, 1997
infrastructure.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Linda M. Wills %T Creating a Research Infrastructure for Reengineering %J 3rd Working Conference on Reverse Engineering %D November 8-10, 1996 %C Monterey, California
interleaving.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Kurt Stirewalt %A Linda Wills %T The Interleaving Problem in Program Understanding %J 2nd Working Conference on Reverse Engineering %C Toronto, Ontario, Canada %D July 14-16 1995 %P 166-175
iwpc99.pdf %A Margaret Francel %A Spencer Rugaber %T The Relationship of Slicing and Debugging to Program Understanding %J Proceedings of the International Workshop on Program Comprehension %C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania %D May 1999 %P 106-113
jase.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Kurt Stirewalt %A Linda Wills %T Understanding Interleaved Code %J Journal of Automated Software Engineering %V 3 %D 1996 %P 47-76
jmis.pdf %A Sastry Nanduri %A Spencer Rugaber %T Requirements Validation via Automated Natural Language Parsing %J Journal of Management Information Systems %V 12 %N 3 %D Winter 1995-96 %P 9-19 %O Journal version of hicss.pdf
k-cut.pdf %A Christopher Jermaine %T Computing Program Modularizations Using the k-cut Method %J Proceedings of the Sixth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering %P 224-234 %D October 6-8, 1999
kunits.pdf %A Richard Clayton %A Spencer Rugaber %A Linda Wills %T On the Knowledge Required to Understand a Program %J The Fifth IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering'98 %C Honolulu, Hawaii %D October 1998
legacy.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Jim White %T Restoring a Legacy: Lessons Learned %J IEEE Software %V 15 %N 4 %D July-August 1998 %P 28-33
legacy-RE.pdf %A Jean-Marc Debaud %T Using Executable Domain Models to Implement Legacy Software Re-engineering %O Presented at OOPSLA'95 Workshop on Legacy Systems and Object Technology %C Austin Texas %D October 16th 1995
mastermind-checking.pdf %A Kurt Stirewalt %A Spencer Rugaber %A Gregory Abowd %T Automating the Design of Specification Interpreters %O Submitted to ACM SIGSOFT Fourth Symposium on the Foundatons of Sofware Engineering %C San Francisco, California %D October 16-18, 1996
migration_strategy.pdf %A Gregory Abowd %A Ashok Goel %A Mike McCracken %A Melody Moore %A Colin Potts %A Spencer Rugaber %A Linda Wills %T Mission-Oriented Legacy System Evolution Through Architectural Recovery and Evaluation %J Proceedings of the ICSE-97 Workshop on Migration Strategies for Legacy Systems %E A. Cimitile, H. Muller, and R. R. Klosch (eds.) %P 14-18 %C Boston, Massachusetts %D May, 1997 %O Technical University of Vienna Technical Report TUV-1841-97-06.
mmase.pdf %A Kurt Stirewalt %A Spencer Rugaber %T Automating UI Generation by Model Composition %J Automated Software Engineering 1998 %D October 1998 %C Honolulu, Hawaii
mode_components.pdf %A Kurt Stirewalt %T Separating Concerns in Direct Manipulation User Interfaces %J Automated Software Engineering 1999 %D October 1999 %C Cocoa Beach, Florida
modelDriven.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Kurt Stirewalt %T Model-Driven Reverse Engineering %J IEEE Software %V 21 %N 4 %D July-August 2004 %P 45-53
morale_tools.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T A Tool Suite for Evolving Legacy Software %J International Conference on Software Maintenance'99 %D August 30 - September 3, 1999 %C Oxford, England
mosaic.pdf %A Richard Clayton %A Spencer Rugaber %A Lyman Taylor %A Linda Wills %T A Case Study of Domain-based Program Understanding %J 5th Workshop on Program Comprehension %C Dearborn, Michigan %D May 28-30, 1997 %P 102-110
nasa.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Kurt Stirewalt %A Linda Wills %T The Detection and Extraction of Interleaving Code Segments %R GIT-CC-95-49 %I College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology %D December 20 1995 %O NASA Final Report
noseprints.pdf %A Chris Parnin %A Carsten Goerg %A Ogechi Nnadi %T A Catalogue of Lightweight Visualizations to Support Code Smell Inspection %J International Symposium on Software Visualization (SoftVis) %C Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany %D 2008
paste.pdf %A Dean Jerding %A Spencer Rugaber %T Extraction of Architectural Connections from Event Traces %J Submitted to ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE'98) %D June 16, 1998 %C Montreal, Canada
quick.pdf %A Steve Ornburn %A Spencer Rugaber %T A Quick Tools Strategy for Program Analysis and Software Maintenance %J Proceedings of the Conference on Software Maintenance %C Orlando, Florida %D November 1992 %P 206-213
acmsec.pdf %A Margaret Francel %A Spencer Rugaber %T Fault Localization Using Execution Traces %J Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Southeast Conference %C Raleigh, North Carolina %D April 8-10, 1992 %P 60-76
tr9101.pdf %A Margaret Francel %A Spencer Rugaber %T Symptom Based Error Detection %R GIT-SRC-91/01 %I Software Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology %D January 1991
For a reprint of this paper send an email request to %A Linda M. Wills %T Automated Program Recognition by Graph Parsing %R MIT-AI-TR 1358 %I MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Doctoral Dissertation %D July, 1992
refactoringpractice.pdf %A Emerson Murphy-Hill %A Chris Parnin %A Andrew Black %T How We Refactor, and How We Know It %J International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) %C Vancouver, Canada %D 2009
repr.pdf %A Richard Clayton %A Spencer Rugaber %T The Representation Problem in Reverse Engineering %J Proceedings of the First Working Conference on Reverse Engineering %C Baltimore, Maryland %D May 21-23, 1993
resumptionstrategies.pdf %A Chris Parnin %A Spencer Rugaber %T Resumption Strategies for Interrupted Programming Tasks %J International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) %C Vancouver, Canada %D 2009
rex2007.pdf %A Daniel Popescu %A Spencer Rugaber %A Nenad Medvidovic %A Daniel M. Berry %T Improving the Quality of Requirements Specifications via Automatically Created Object-Oriented Models %J 14th Monterey Workshop on Requirements Analysis %D September 10-13, 2007 %C Monterey, California
roa.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T Cataloging Design Abstractions %J Workshop on the Role of Abstraction in Software Engineering %D May 21, 2006 %C Shanghai, China %P 11-17
scp.pdf %A Dean Jerding %A Spencer Rugaber %T Using Visualization for Architectural Localization and Extraction %J Science of Computer Programming %D 2000 %V 36 %P 267-284
sei.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T Position Paper Domain Analysis and Reverse Engineering %J Software Engineering Techniques Workshop on Software Reengineering %I Software Engineering Institute %C Pittsburgh, Pennsysvania %D May 3-5, 1994
serf.pdf %A M. Moore %A S. Rugaber %T Issues in User Interface Migration %J Proceedings of the Third Software Engineering Research Forum %C Orlando Florida %D November 1993
slicing.pdf %A Margaret Ann Francel %A Spencer Rugaber %T The value of Slicing while Debugging %J Science of Computer Programming %V 40 %N 2-3 %D July, 2001 %P 151-169
softpsych.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Victoria Tisdale %T Software Psychology Requirments for Software Maintenance Activities %I Software Engineering Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology
software.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Stephen B. Ornburn %A Richard J. LeBlanc, Jr. %T Recognizing Design Decisions in Programs %J IEEE Software %V 7 %N 1 %P 46-54 %D January 1990 %O Also include sidebar1.pdf and sidebar2.pdf
sidebar1.pdf %O Sidebar for software.pdf
sidebar2.pdf %O Sidebar for software.pdf
sistine.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Jim White %T Restoring a Legacy %J IEEE Software %V 15 %N 4 %D July-August 1998 %O To Appear
synchronized.pdf %A Kit Kamper %A Spencer Rugaber %T A Reverse Engineering Methodology for Data Processing Applications %R GIT-SERC-90/02 %I Software Engineering Research Center, Georgia Institute of Technology %D March 1990 %X Figures are missing
tajTR08.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Naren Chainani %A Ogechi Nnadi %A Kurt Stirewalt %T A Conceptual Model for Folding %R GT-CS-08-09 %I College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology %D October 22, 2008
taskboard.pdf %A Chris Parnin %A Carsten Goerg %A Spencer Rugaber %T TaskBoard: Tracking Pertinent Task Artifacts and Plans %J International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) %C Vancouver, Canada %D 2009
transit.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A Srinivas Doddapaneni %T The Transition of Application Programs From COBOL to a Fourth Generation Language %J Conference on Software Maintenance - 93 %D September 27-30, 1993 %C Montreal, Canada
uif_domain.pdf %A Melody Moore %A Spencer Rugaber %T Domain Analysis for Transformational Reuse %J Proceedings of the Fourth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering %D October 6-8, 1997 %C Amsterdam, the Netherlands %I IEEE Computer Society
uif_migration.pdf %A Melody Moore %A Spencer Rugaber %A Phil Seaver %T Knowledge-based User Interface Migration %J Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Software Maintenance
uif_representation.pdf %A Melody Moore %T Representation Issues for Reengineering User Interfaces %D February 19, 1996 %I Open Systems Laboratory and Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology
uif_proposal.pdf %A Melody M. Moore %T User Interface Reverse Engineering %I College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology %D October 18, 1994
uif_update.pdf %A Melody M. Moore %T User Interface Reverse Engineering %I College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology %D Febuary 19, 1996
uif_knowledge.pdf %A Melody Moore %A Spencer Rugaber %T Using Knowledge Representation to Understand Interactive Systems %J Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Program Comprehension %D May 28-30, 1997 %C Dearborn, Michigan %I IEEE Computer Society Press
usagecontext.pdf %A Chris Parnin %A Carsten Goerg %T Building Usage Contexts During Program Comprehension %J International Conference on Program Comprehension %C Athens, Greece %D 2006
vis++.pdf %A D. Alberto Rama %T Building a Simple Class Hierarchy Browser with GEN++ %D June 1994
vis.parallel.pdf %A E. Kraemer %A J. T. Stasko %T Issues in Visualization for the Comprehension of Parallel Programs %J Third Workshop on Program Comprehension %C Washington, D.C. %D November 14-15, 1994 %P 116-127
vis.parallel.nofigs.pdf %O Smaller version of vis.parallel.pdf without figures
wcre96.pdf %A Jean-Marc DeBaud %T Lessons from a Domain-based Reengineering Effort %J 3rd Working Conference on Reverse Engineering %D November 8-10, 1996 %C Monterey, California
wcre97.pdf %A Dean Jerding %A Spencer Rugaber %T Using Visualization for Architectural Localization and Extraction %J Proceedings of the Fourth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering %D October 6-8, 1997 %C Amsterdam, the Netherlands %I IEEE Computer Society %P 56-65
proposal.pdf %A Robert Waters %T A Process for Obtaining Architectural Descriptions from Legacy Systems: the Architectural Synthesis Process (ASP) %I College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology %D September 20, 2000
white_paper.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T White Paper on Reverse Engineering
wpc.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %T Reverse Engineering by Simultaneous Program Analysis and Domain Synthesis %J Workshop on Program Comprehension %C Orlando, Floriday %D November 9,1992
wse.pdf %A Spencer Rugaber %A N. Harel %A S. Govindharaj %A D. Jerding %T Problems Modeling Web Sites and User Behavior %J The 8th IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution %D September 23-24, 2006 %C Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
For a reprint of this paper send an email request to %A Charles Rich %A Linda M. Wills %T Recognizing a Program's Design: A Graph-Parsing Approach %J IEEE Software %V 7 %N 1 %P 82-89 %D January 1990
For a reprint of this paper send an email request to %A Linda M. Wills %T Automated Program Recognition: A Feasibility Demonstration %J Artificial Intelligence %V 45 %N 1-2 %P 113-172 %D September 1990

For more information, please contact:

Spencer Rugaber