Call for Papers and Submission Rules

call-for-papers.pdf submission-rules.pdf
Call for Papers How to submit solutions

Solution Submission Process

The process of submitting solutions is explained in a separate file also shown above with a PDF symbol.


  • Jan 23: Publication of challenge instances
  • Feb 2: Deadline for registration of solvers on EasyChair
  • Feb 5: Deadline for submission of solutions

Partitioning Challenge Instances

  • Click on the headline to get the file with the instances for nearly balanced partitioning according to the objective functions edge cut and communication volume.
  • Each line is an instance, comprised of a graph and followed by the number of parts it needs to be partitioned into.
  • We have 18 graphs with 5 different values of k each, which gives a total of 90 combinations for each objective function.

Clustering Challenge Instances

  • Click on the headline to get the file with the instances for clustering according to modularity and the so-called mix challenge.
  • Each line lists one graph.
  • There are 30 graphs to be clustered (the same 30 for MOdularity and MIx).


The code from the 9th DIMACS Implementation Challenge serves us as benchmark. You can get the code from the original website or (at least for the next few weeks) from ours.

Paper Submission Process

NEW: Please submit the updated final workshop version of your paper to the organizers' mailing list by February 7, 2012, 11:59pm EST.

The submissions are expected to address at least one of the Challenge problems or variations thereof and to present algorithmic details as well as experimental results using (a meaningful subset of) the Challenge testbed.

Papers must be formatted in LaTeX, using the style file distributed by Springer for the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). The maximum length of the paper (including references, but excluding an optional appendix) is 15 pages.

Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format by sending them via email to the organizers' mailing list dimacs-challenge-orga (at) before the submission deadline, which is October 21st November 4th, 2011 (11:59pm EDT). Since only the organizers are members of this list, participants will receive a moderator approval email, which can serve as submission confirmation.