Graphs and Tables of the Results
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Table of Contents
As usual, we've got a ton of graphs presented in as consistent manner as possible. New questions not asked in previous surveys are denoted by theicon. The questions for the survey are arranged into the following categories:
- General Demographics
- Technology Demographics
- Privacy (TRUSTe)
- Web and Internet Use
- Software Filters and Content Rating (Vanderbilt)
- Beliefs About Society (Vanderbilt)
- Electronic Commerce
- Specialized Questionnaires
How to Access the Information
For most questions, there are five graphs and tables available:Click on the name of the question to view a page containing the question text, and all the graphs and tables for that question.
- All - the entire sample
- Location - US vs Europe vs Other (the rest of the world)
- Gender - Male vs Female
- Age - 11-20 yrs vs 21-25 vs 26-50 vs 50+
- Experience - <1yr online vs 1-3 yrs vs >3 yrs
Almost all graphs are jpeg files. The statistics as well as the HTML and jpeg files were all created using SPSS 8.0 for WinNT. Some graphs in the Electronic Commerce section were created with Excel 98 and are GIFs.
There are two different styles of data tables due to a limitation of the software used to create them. The regular HTML-style tables were generated from radio button questions (i.e. choose one answer). The ascii-style tables were generated from checkbox questions (i.e. choose all that apply). For tables which represent different stratifications, different groups are reported one after the other (i.e. A section for "Male" responses followed by a section for "Female" responses). For some stratifications, there is a section for "." which indicates that the value used for stratification was missing. For example, people who did not specify their gender and couldn't be placed into the Male or Female categories would be put into this "missing" category.
General Demographics
- 12,591 Respondents
- Text version of ALL tables in this section - Warning - over 100 pages when printed!
- General Demographics
- General Questions
- Community Building
- Community Membership
- How You Heard About Survey
- Falsification of Information
- Primary Place of WWW Access
- Who Pays for Access
- Primary Computing Platform
- Most Important Issue Facing the Internet
Note: In addition to the choices presented in the question, respondents could type in an answer. Those free-form answers are also available, unedited.- Opinions on Censorship
- Willingness to Pay Fees
- Registered to Vote
- Web Ordering
- Reasons for Not Purchasing
- Web Page Creation
Technology Demographics
- 7,670 Respondents
- Text version of ALL tables in this section - Warning - over 100 pages when printed!
- Browsers
- Monitors
- Equipment Owned
- Use of Communication Technologies
- Use of Internet Technologies
- Online Services Subscribed To
- Connection Speed
- Speed Upgrade
Privacy (TRUSTe)
- 4,496 Respondents![]()
The Privacy questionnaire run in the Ninth survey was developed by TRUSTe (http://www.truste.org). The datasets and questions are available for your own analysis.
Computer, Web and Internet Use
- 9,150 Respondents
- Text version of ALL tables in this section - Warning - over 100 pages when printed!
- Hours of Personal Computing
- Hours of Work Computing
- Hours of Fun Computing
- Hours of Web Use
- Frequency of Web Use
- Image Loading
- Primary Uses of the Web
- Problems Using the Web
Note: In addition to the choices presented in the question, respondents could type in an answer. Those free-form answers are also available, unedited.- Cookie Policy
- Indispensable Technologies
- Navigation Services
- Reasons For Saving and Printing Documents
- How Users Find out About WWW Pages
- Frequency of Accessing Different Types of Information
- Favories/Bookmarks Usage
Software Filters and Content Rating (Vanderbilt)
- 4,757 Respondents![]()
This questionnaire run in the Ninth survey was developed by Donna Hoffman and Tom Novak of Vanderbilt as part of Project 2000 (http://www2000.ogsm.vanderbilt.edu/). The datasets and questions are available for your own analysis.
Beliefs About Society (Vanderbilt)
- 6,753 Respondents![]()
This questionnaire run in the Ninth survey was developed by Donna Hoffman and Tom Novak of Vanderbilt as part of Project 2000 (http://www2000.ogsm.vanderbilt.edu/). The datasets and questions are available for your own analysis.
Internet Shopping (Part 1) (Riggins & Rhee) - 2,185 Respondents
This questionnaire run in the Ninth survey was developed by Fred Riggins and Sue Rhee of Georgia Tech's School of Management. The datasets and questions are available for your own analysis.
Internet Shopping (Part 2) - 1,141 Respondents
- Text version of ALL tables in the first section - Warning - over 100 pages when printed!
- Information Seeking Across Media
- Purchases Across Media
- Online Purchasing Compared to Seeking
- Opinions on Providing Credit Card Information
- Ways of Providing Credit Card Information
- Comparison of Web Vendors to Traditional Vendors
- Total Spending On WWW Purchases
- Important Features of Web Vendors
- Frequency of Personal Shopping
- Frequency of Professional Shopping
- Questions about Personal or Professional Shopping?
Respondents were asked whether they would prefer to answer questions about their personal or professional shopping experiences. Both groups were asked the same set of questions, which follow.
- Personal Shopping Activities
- Professional Shopping Activities
Internet Banking (Riggins & Rhee) - 1,608 Respondents
This questionnaire run in the Ninth survey was developed by Fred Riggins and Sue Rhee of Georgia Tech's School of Management. The datasets and questions are available for your own analysis.
- 784 Respondents Note: Due to resource limitations, we are not able to provide any analysis for these questions. However, we have made the graphs available for you do make your own interpretation of the results. We apologize for any inconvenience.
- Text version of ALL tables in this section - Warning - over 100 pages when printed!
- Which Web Server
- Intended Server in 6 Months
- Server Platform
- Do You Operate an Intranet
- Number of Servers Operating
- Network Connection Speed
- Gateways
- Are You the Sole Webmaster
- How Long as Webmaster
- Time Spent Being Webmaster
- Which Features are Important
- Control of Server Parameters
- Opinion of Common Log Format
- Like "Webmaster" Title
- Amount Charged for Advertising
- Log File Analysis Tools
- Content Labels
Cultural Issues in Web Design
- 1,114 RespondentsThe datasets and questions are available for your own analysis.
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Copyright 1994-1997
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
Usage RestrictionsFor more information or to submit comments:
send e-mail to www-survey@cc.gatech.edu.GVU's WWW Surveying Team
Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280