As part of our continued commitment towards the WWW community and its success, we are again making available the entire data sets for this set of surveys. This enables specialized analysis for those whose needs exceed our analysis. The data sets are however subject to certain copyright restrictions. For files in ZIP format, they can be unzipped with most major unzip programs including WinZip (Win95 & NT), ZipIt (Mac), and zip (Unix). They will also be available (compressed) through FTP from: ![]()
Collected Datasets
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- General Demographics
- Tab-Delimited Strings
- Tab-delimited Numerics - a few bad values in two questions
- Codebook for Numerics
- SPSS Label commands
- SPSS .sav file (ZIP)
- Technology Demographics
- Privacy (TRUSTe)
- Web and Internet Use
- Software Filters and Content Rating (Vanderbilt)
- Beliefs About Society (Vanderbilt)
- Electronic Commerce
- Internet Shopping (Part 1)
- Internet Shopping (Part 2)
- Internet Banking
- Specialized Questionnaires
- Webmasters
- Cultural Issues in Web Design
[ Survey Home ] [ 9th Survey Home ] [ Graphs ] [ Reports ] [ Datasets ]
Copyright 1994-1998
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415
Usage RestrictionsFor more information or to submit comments:
send e-mail to's WWW Surveying Team
Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280