Stephen is a Ph.D. student in computer science, with an emphasis in Human-Computer Interaction. He is working with faculty advisors Blair MacIntyre and Elizabeth Mynatt and is currently pursuing research in large-scale displays, collaboration, and ubiquitous and context-aware computing for office environments. His research interests also include user interface design and evaluation and augmented reality.
Some Recent Papers Liogkas, N., MacIntyre, B., Mynatt E.D., Smaragdakis, Y., Tilevich, E. & Voida, S. (2004, July-September). Automatic partitioning for prototyping ubiquitous computing applications. IEEE Pervasive Computing, 3(3), 40-47. [details] MacIntyre, Blair; Bolter, Jay David; Vaughn, Jeannie; Hannigan, Brendan; Gandy, Maribeth; Moreno, Emanuel; Haas, Markus; Kang, Sin-Hwa; Krum, David and Voida, Stephen, "Three Angry Men: An Augmented-Reality Experiment in Point-of-View Drama." In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (TIDSE 2003), Darmstadt, Germany, March 24-26. [details] Voida, Stephen; Mynatt, Elizabeth D. and MacIntyre, Blair. "Supporting Collaboration in a Context-Aware Office Computing Environment." A position paper for the workshop on Collaboration with Interactive Walls and tables at the 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2002). Gothenburg, Sweden. [details] Voida, Stephen; Mynatt, Elizabeth D.; MacIntyre, Blair and Corso, Gregory M. "Integrating Virtual and Physical Context to Support Knowledge Workers." In IEEE Pervasive Computing, 1(3):73-79, July-September 2002. [details] MacIntyre, Blair; Mynatt, Elizabeth D.; Voida, Stephen; Hansen, Klaus Marius; Tullio, Joe and Corso, Gregory M., "Support For Multitasking and Background Awareness Using Interactive Peripheral Displays." In Proceedings of ACM UIST '01 Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (Orlando, Florida, USA, November 11-14), ACM Press, 41-50. [details]