Current projects in our lab span
computer graphics, HCI, computer systems and software
engineering, and design. They include:
- Augmenting Surfaces in Individual Offices
- Kimura: Peripheral Displays to Support Multitasking
in Individual Offices
- Supporting Design
- AR and New Media Design
- Rapid Prototyping and Testing of AR Experiences (DART)
- Evaluation of AR Experiences
- Designing Toolkits and Architectures
- AIBAS: Adaptive Intent-based Augmentation System
- OSGAR: An AR Toolkit Support Uncertainty
- DART: The Designer's AR Toolkit
- ARToolkit: Enhanced Accuracy Marker Tracking
- Task-focused AR Applications
- Adapting to Dynamic Errors
- Live-Virtual Training Integration
- Inspection in Poultry Processing Plants
- The Real-World Wide Web
- Dramatic and Narrative AR Experiences
- Alice's Adventures in New Media
- Three or Four Angry Men
- The Ghosts of Sweet Auburn
- ARCraft
- AR Puzzle Games
- The Voices of Oakland