Enylton is a Ph.D. Student in Computer Science. His current research is on how to facilitate AR applications that interact with multiple, different tracking sources. His research agenda is to formulate algorithms that provide tracker abstraction and real-time data fusion, to create data structures to handle the scene description, and to generate better representations for graphical augmentations.
His interests include Augmented Environments, Virtual Environments, Computer Graphics and 3D Interfaces. He is also interested in how research evolves into innovation and how innovation becomes an end product.
Some Recent Papers Enylton Machado Coelho. "Spatially Adaptive Augmented Reality" PhD Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2005 [details] Enylton Machado Coelho, Blair MacIntyre and Simon J. Julier. "Supporting Interaction in Augmented Reality in the Presence of Uncertain Spatial Knowledge" In the Eighteenth Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2005), October 23-26, 2005, Seattle, Washington.
[details] Enylton Machado Coelho, Blair MacIntyre "Augmenting Real Environments" In The Third Young Inverstigator's Forum in Virtual Reality (YVR 2005), February 24-25, 2005, Pohang, Korea.
[details] Enylton Machado Coelho, Blair MacIntyre, and Simon Julier (2004) "OSGAR: A Scene Graph with Uncertain Transformations" To appear in International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR04), November 2-5, 2004, Washington, D.C., USA.
[details] Enylton Machado Coelho and Blair MacIntyre. "High-Level Tracker Abstractions for Augmented Reality System Design” In the International Workshop on Software Technology for AR Systems 2003 (STARS 2003), October 7, 2003, Tokyo, Japan.