Since its beginning in 1994, the GVU WWW User Survey has accumulated a unique
store of historical and up-to-date information on the growth and trends in
Internet usage. It is valued as an independent, objective view of developing
Web demographics, culture, user attitudes, and usage patterns. Recently the
focus of the Survey has been expanded to include commercial uses of the Web,
including advertising, electronic commerce, intranet Web usage, and
business-to-business transactions.
The GVU Center and Dupree College of Management are pleased to announce
the new and revitalized GVU/DCOM WWW
Surveys Conducted to Date:
Media Responses, Press Releases, & Appearances
Published Papers and Presentations
Other Papers Based on Survey Results
Other Sources of Internet/WWW Statistics and Demographics
The WWW-Surveying Mailing List
For more information, send email to
WWW Survey Team
GVU Center, College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280
With special thanks to:
for their support in advertising the Tenth Survey.