GVU's WWW User Survey Published Papers
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The below tables contains pointers to salient hardcopy releases, academic papers, and presentations on the surveys by the Survey Team. When possible, a variety of formats are made available (HTML, PDF, PS, etc.), though due to resource limitations, it is not possible to offer each item in all formats.For those wishing more in-depth, market savy research on Internet Demographics, please check out Peter Clemente's comprehensive new book titled "State of the Net". This amazing book packs tens of thousands of dollars worth of invaluable market research into a clear and concise reference book. Peter is the Vice President of Cyber Dialogue.
Hardcopy Reports
- The below reports can be purchased by contacting:
- Office of Technology Licensing
Georgia Tech Research Corporation
400 Tenth Street
Atlanta, GA 30332-0415
404 894-9727 (phone) 404 894 9728 (facsimile)
- GVU's Ninth WWW User Survey Report
(in color)
Contains analysis and graphs of key findings from the 9th Survey and longitudinal analysis of emerging trends
Authored by: Colleen Kehoe, Jim Pitkow, and Juan Rogers
July 1998, Pages 39; Price: $80
- GVU's Eighth WWW User Survey Report
(in color)
Contains analysis and graphs of key findings from the 8th Survey and longitudinal analysis of emerging trends
Authored by: Colleen Kehoe, Jim Pitkow, and Kimberly Morton
December 1997, Pages ~50; Price: $80
- GVU's Seventh WWW User Survey
Contains analysis and graphs of findings from the 7th Survey
Authored by: Colleen Kehoe and Jim Pitkow
June 1997 Pages ~50; Price: $80
- GVU's Fourth WWW User Survey: Summary of Results
Contains analysis and graphs of findings in the 4th Survey as well as previous Surveys.
Authored by: Colleen Kehoe and Jim Pitkow
Pages 30; Price: $80;
- The WWW User Population: Emerging Trends
Jim Pitkow, GlobeCom 97, November 6, 1997, HTML PDF
- Presentation of 7th Survey Results
Colleen Kehoe, June 19, 1997, Postscript
- Special Presentation of Selected Results for the WWW History Day
Jim Pitkow and Colleen Kehoe, May 1997, Online
- Presentation for the UCEA's Fifth Annual Marketing Seminar
(Contains trend analysis and Sixth survey results.)
Colleen Kehoe & Jim Pitkow, February 14, 1996, HTML WinZIP
- Fourth International WWW Conference Presentation
(Contains Trend Analysis)
Jim Pitkow & Colleen Kehoe, December 12, 1995, HTML Postscript PDF
- Comments submitted to the Federal Trade Commission Workshop on Electronic Privacy
Jim Pitkow and Colleen Kehoe, June 1997
Initial Filings (PDF Format), Supplemental Filings (PDF Format)
- Surveying the Territory: GVU's Five WWW User Surveys
Colleen M. Kehoe & Jim Pitkow, The World Wide Web Journal, Vol. 1, no. 3, 1996, p. 77-84
HTML Postscript PDF
- Emerging Trends in the WWW User Population
Colleen M. Kehoe & Jim Pitkow, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 39, no. 6, 1996
HTML Postscript PDF
- Results from the Third WWW User Survey
Jim Pitkow & Colleen Kehoe, The World Wide Web Journal, Vol. 1 no. 1, 1995
HTML Postscript PDF
- Using the Web as a Survey Tool: Results from the Second WWW User Survey
Jim Pitkow & Margaret M. Recker, Journal of Computer Networks and ISDN systems, Vol. 27, no. 6, 1995
HTML Postscript PDF
- Results From the First World Wide Web User Survey
Jim Pitkow & Margaret M. Recker, Journal of Computer Networks and ISDN systems, Vol. 27, no. 2, 1994
HTML Postscript PDF
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For more information, send email to www-survey@cc.gatech.edu
GVU's WWW Survey Team
GVU Center, College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280