GVU's WWW User Survey Mailing List
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About the Mailing List
The purpose of this list is to facilitate dissemination of the WWW User Survey results and other survey related announcements to interested persons. The list is for broadcasts, not for general discussions.It is expected to be a extremely low volume mailing list (6 messages per year or so)
This mailing list is sponsored by the Graphics, Visualization, and Usability (GVU) Center, a research center part of Georgia Tech's College of Computing.
- a message announcing the beta testing of questions for the next survey,
- an announcement that the survey is now starting,
- and a message announcing the availability of the results.
How to Sign Up
To subscribe to www-surveying, send the following in an email message to Majordomo@cc.gatech.EDU:subscribe www-surveying
This will subscribe the account from which you send the message to the www-surveying list. If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local redistribution list), you can use a command of the form:
subscribe www-surveying other-address@your_site.your_net
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[ 5th Survey ] [ 6th Survey ] [ 7th Survey ] [ 8th Survey ] [ 9th Survey ]
For more information, send email to www-survey@cc.gatech.edu GVU's WWW Survey Team
GVU Center, College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280