Media Response to GVU's WWW User Surveys
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GVU's WWW User Surveys, conducted by the Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center, have received wide media attention, including the following selected occasions. Note: As of the 7th Survey, it's become almost impossible to keep up with the use of GVU Survey data by the media, so we've basically given up trying! Thanks to all of you for helping make this happen.
Excerpt from the Georgia Institute of Technology Research Communications Office prepared by John Toon summarizing 1997 Georiga Tech Research News:
Though many other research groups have now provided demographics information about who's using the Web, the GVU online surveys continues to be widely quoted because it provides comparisons to the early days of the Web -- going back all of four years -- and because it researchers stay on top of newsworthy trends. More than 23.4 million readers were exposed to information from the surveys in more than 119 publications [in 1997]. Most of these were mentions, references to the GVU survey and charts of its statistics rather than articles focusing exclusively on the survey. The publications ranged in size from The Wall Street Journal (1.8 million circulation) and PC Magazine (1.1 million circulation) to Auto Remarketing (17,000 circulation) and the Savannah Business Journal (5,400 circulation). The largest group of placements was in national daily newspapers.Recent References
--ABCNEWS.COM, July 14, 1998
--New Media, July 1998
Latest Press Release
Television & RadioNewspapers & Magazines (6th Survey)
Virtual Campaigning A Real Hit for Parties
-- CNN, August 10,11 1996
--WCBS NEWSRADIO 88, June 13, 1996
Life on the Internet Series: Intranauts
-- The Discovery Channel/PBS, Spring 1996
Today's Internet: Internet Demographics
-- Nationally Syndicated Radio Program, February 23, 1996
(By no means a complete listing, please feel free to send us ones we've missed!)
Newspapers & Magazines (5th Survey)
-- Web Review, January 24, 1997
Many Net surfers mislead to protect privacy
-- USA Today, December 9, 1996
From privacy to spamming, Web survey probes users' concerns
-- CNN Interactive, December 12, 1996
From privacy to spamming, Web survey probes users' concerns
-- MSNBC, December 12, 1996
Web users days they still don't truct net privacy
-- Netnews , December 10, 1996
(By no means a complete listing, please feel free to send us ones we've missed!)
Newspapers & Magazines (4th & 3rd Surveys)
Oh, what a tangled Web of studies
-- USA Today, October 9, 1996
More and More, Girls on the Web
-- New York Times Syndicate/The Boston Globe, August 14, 1996
Virtual Campaigning A Real Hit For Parties
-- CNN/TIME All Politics, August 11, 1996
Survey Pours Cold Water on Java
-- New York Times Syndicate/South China Morning Post, July 24, 1996
Vital Stats: Who's Doing What
-- Newsweek, June 24, 1996
WebSite of the Week
-- Information Week, June 17, 1996
Many Net users prefer online anonymity, poll finds
-- Seattle Times, June 16, 1996
Who's snared in the Web?
-- The Tampa Tribune, June 14, 1996
The Web-Surfing Population Diversifies
-- International Herald Tribune, June 12, 1996
Internet surfers prefer anonymity, survey finds
-- San Antonio Express, June 12, 1996
Survey finds WWWeb surfers slowly diversifying
-- Reuter Information Service/The Nando News, June 11, 1996
Internet Demographic: Still Male, But In Flux
-- Media Daily, June 11, 1996
Web users become more diverse
-- Huston Chronicle, June 11, 1996
Web Surfers keen on politics and privacy
-- USA Today, June 10, 1996
Cyberspace remains a masculine environment
-- The Minneapolis Star Tribune, November 13, 1995
To market or not to market on the Internet
-- Providence Business News, October 23, 1995
Newbies are fishing the net
-- The Spectator, Hamilton Ohio, October 26, 1995
Web User Survey - Sample Size: 13,000 users worldwide
-- INC., September 1995
Business seeing more data on World Wide Web Users
-- Austin American-Statesman, September, 1995
The Mac's (Bigger) Share Online
-- MacWorld, November 1995
It's Pretty Quiet at the Virtual Mall
-- Washington Post, September 20, 1995
Women using Internet about 17 percent
-- Financial Times, September 11, 1995
New Strategies for New Markets
-- The Computer Journal, August 1995
USA SNAPSHOTS: Browsing the Web
-- USA Today, August 22, 1995
`Newbies' taking over the Internet'
-- The Tampa Tribune, August 22, 1995
Cyberscene: Prodigy site produces home page in minutes
-- Cox News Service/The Nando Times, July 10, 1995
Out, damned geek! The typical Web user is not longer packing a pocket protector
-- The New York Times, July 3, 1995
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For more information, send email to www-survey@gvu.gatech.edu
GVU's WWW Survey Team
GVU Center, College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280