May. 2018: Selected as one of the 20 best reviewers at ICWSM 2018!
Oct. 2017: I am co-organizing the 2018 NAACL Student Research Workshop. Consider submitting your thesis proposals and research papers!
Sept. 2017: The New York Times covered our paper on Reddit hate speech.
Aug. 2017: Selected as a funded participant for the 2017 Rising Stars in EECS Workshop, a highly competitive workshop for women pursuing academic careers.
Aug. 2017: Our paper on Reddit's 2015 ban titled "You Can't Stay Here: The Efficacy of Reddit's 2015 Ban Examined Through Hate Speech" got accepted to CSCW 2018 Online first!
Aug. 2017: Presented our paper titled "A Multidimensional Lexicon for Interpersonal Stancetaking" at ACL 2017 in beautiful Vancouver, BC.
July 2017: Selected as a finalist for the 2017 GVU Foley Scholars award.
May 2017: Started summer internship with Facebook's Core Data Science Team.
April 2017: Successfully defended my thesis proposal and obtained PhD Candidacy (ABD)!