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NEWTONIAN MECHANICS by Edward Kluk Dickinson State University, Dickinson ND |
Discovering existence of inertial and noninertial
reference frames we have learned that
Newton second law describing planar motion in an inertial (x,y)
reference frame
m Dvx / Dt = Fx (0a), m Dvy / Dt = Fy (0b)
when transformed to a uniformly rotating (x',y') reference frame, takes a new form that includes Coriolis and centrifugal pseudoforces
m Dv'x /
Dt = F'x +
+ m
m Dv'y /
Dt = F'y -
+ m
These pseudoforces are formally describing effects of body's inertia as seen from a rotating reference frame. With their help we have explained a phenomenon of stationary satellites.
Now we will try to learn how an ordinary pendulum behaves in inertial and noninertial reference frames. We are considering a reference frame as inertial if its axes have directions toward fixed distant stars.
Pendulum in an inertial reference frame
In Fig. 1
there is presented a pendulum swinging along the circular arc of
radius L. The gravity force mg acting upon the
pendulum is resolved into two components. The component along the
pendulum string is neutralized by a strength of the string, so it
does not influence the pendulum motion. The other component
mg sin
pulls the pendulum along the circular arc toward its bottom
(equilibrium) point. This component is a net force F
acting on the pendulum. It can be resolved into its components Fx
and Fy along x and y axis
respectively. These components are
= - mg sincos
and Fy
= mg sin
Inserting these components into Newton second law for inertial frames of reference (0a), (0b) we have
m Dvx
/ Dt = - mg sincos
m Dvy /
Dt = mg sin
Canceling masses on both sides of
each equation we can instantly conclude that the pendulum motion
is independent of the pendulum mass. Generally, however, this set
of equations is too difficult to be discussed here without a
substantial simplification. Limiting pendulum swings to small
(less than 11.5o
or 0.2 radians) we
notice that a maximum of the force in the equation (2b)
is much smaller than in the equation (2b). Check it
on your calculator finding values of cos
and sin
. This means
that accelerations, velocities and displacements in y
direction are very small and can be disregarded. Also cos
in the equation (2a)
can be replaced by 1. Then, the simplified equation
(2a) can be rewritten as follows
/ Dt = - g sin= -(g/L) L sin
= - (g/L) x .
But this looks like the equation for a harmonic oscillator with the spring constant k = g/L and mass m = 1 kg. Thus, the period T for such pendulum is given by
T = 2(L/g)½
, (3a)
and x displacement from equilibrium point is
x(t) = xo
cos(t) ,
(g/L)½ .
Now it is a time for a first real experiment. Make at least 1 m long pendulum using thin strong string and rather heavy machine screw nut. Arrange a point like fixed suspension with the freedom of swinging in any vertical plane. Measure the pendulum length L from the suspension point to the center of the nut. Measure with a stopwatch elapsed time for ten full swings counting swings very carefully. Make two more such measurements. The results should be almost identical. If they differ substantially, you probably have miscounted swings. Find from your data an average period T for a single swing. Knowing L and T calculate the gravity acceleration g. You should be off its value of 9.8 m/s2 no more than 2%. This means that our theory works.
So far we were assuming that the pendulum swings only in a single vertical plane. But if realising the pendulum you give it a small side push it will be moving along an oval path on the spherical surface with the radius L . Let us assume that the plane x,y in Fig. 2 is tangential to the mentioned above sphere at the pendulum equilibrium point O. Notice, we have changed the meaning of y-axis !!! Now the unmarked force in Fig. 2 pulling the pendulum toward its equilibrium position, if we are regarding only a small swings, has the magnitude F = k (x2 + y2)½ ( the force is proportional to the pendulum distance from the equilibrium point) and its components are Fx = - k x and Fy = - k y . Here x and y are coordinates of the pendulum and k = g/L. Applying to this situation Newton second law (0a,b) we have
Dvx / Dt = - kx (4a), Dvy / Dt = - ky (4b).
It means that each coordinate of
the pendulum behaves like a harmonic oscillator. We have already
found a solution of (4a) . This solution is x(t)
= xo cost . Thus (4b) has
a solution y(t) = yo
t . Using
exactly the same
method the additional solutions
x(t) = xo
and y(t) = yo
can be found.
Now imagine
yourself starting the pendulum from the intersection of x-axis
and the oval trajectory in Fig. 2. If you just let it go without
any additional push, then its y coordinate will be always zero
and x coordinate will be described by the function x(t)
= xo cost . But if you
induce an initial velocity vo
in y direction, then the y coordinate will not stay
equal to zero. Then the only possible choice is to take y(t)
= yo sin
t because we
must also have y(0) = 0. To find a shape of
trajectory let us make the following simple calculation
+ [y(t)/yo]2
= [cost]2
+ [sin
= 1.
Thus this trajectory is an ellipse with the semiaxes xo and yo. If yo = xo the ellipse becomes a circle.
In our particular case yo depends on vo . A relation between them follows from the y component of pendulum velocity. This component
= Dy(t)/Dt = D[yo
sint]/Dt =
t ,
thus yo
= vo /. Then this
particular motion of the pendulum is described as follows
x(t) = xo
and y(t) = ( vo
) sin
If the pendulum starts from y axis with an initial velocity in opposite direction to the direction of x axis, then its motion is described by
x(t) = - (vo
/) sin
t and
y(t) = yo
Pendulum in a rotating reference frame
Suppose that the pendulum is fixed on a slowly rotating turntable and the pendulum suspension is placed exactly on the rotation axis of the turntable. In Fig.3 there are shown two reference frames. The lab frame fixed in the lab and rotating frame fixed on the turntable. The origins of both frames are exactly on the rotation axis of the turntable. Initially the pendulum bob is at the point P in the rotating frame. The pendulum is released from the turntable without any push
at the instance t = 0
when both reference frames overlap. If we disregard the earth
rotation, the subsequent motion of the pendulum as seen from the
lab frame is described by the equations (4a,b) and (5b).
The initial speed vo
in the negative x direction as seen from the lab frame is
related to yo (the
distance of point P from the origin of rotating reference
frame) and T (the angular
speed of the turntable), and vo =
. Therefore an observer placed in the lab
frame will see a trajectory of the pendulum as an ellipse with
the semiaxis yo along
y axis and the semiaxis yo
T /
along x
But can we disregard the earth rotation? Studying a relatively slow motion in a time interval of a few minutes we can because centrifugal and Coriolis forces related to the earth rotation are very small. They are proportional to the angular velocity of the earth, and the square of this velocity, respectively. This velocity is only 7.27 x 10-5 rad/s. Therefore its effects in a short time interval are hardly measurable. In a long time interval, however, they cumulate and become well visible.
The same motion seen by an observer in the rotating frame is described by prohibitively looking equations (1a,b). Luckily enough we do not need to solve them. We already know how coordinates x,y of the pendulum evolve in time in the lab frame, and we also discovered lately how they can be transformed from the lab frame to the rotating frame. The transformation formulae as applied to the present situation have the following form
x' = x cos T t + y
T t
y' = - x sinT t + y
T t
Inserting into them x
and y as described by the equations (5b)
with vo = yo
T we
x'(t) = yo[-
(T /
) sin
t cos
T t + cos
T t
] (7a),
y'(t) = yo[(T
t sin
T t + cos
T t
] (7b).
This result looks still very complicated and practically impossible to visualize without graphing. Some conclusions are easier to reach if it is reshaped with help of trigonometric relations like cos a cos b = (1/2)[cos(a+b) + cos(a-b)] etc. Then
x'(t) =
(yo/2)[1 - (T /
)] sin(
T)t - (yo/2)[1 +(
T /
y'(t) =
(yo/2)[1 - (T /
)] cos(
T)t + (yo/2)[1 +(
T /
According to this result the
pendulum motion seen from the rotating frame is a superposition
of two simple motions, clockwise circular motion with the radius (yo/2)[1
- (T /
)] and angular
and counterclockwise circular motion with the radius (yo/2)[1
+ (
T /
)] and angular
T . Here
we are observing a rotational Doppler shift. The pendulum seen
from the lab frame exhibits a single angular frequency
, whereas in the
rotational frame it exhibits two shifted frequencies
T and
T . Its
original angular frequency
is modulated by the angular frequency
of the turntable.
In a
particular case when =
the result is very simple because (8a,b)
are reduced to x'(t) = 0 and y'(t)
= (yo/2)[1 + (
T /
)] =
yo .
So, in the rotating frame the pendulum stays at rest
because a centrifugal force acting upon it equilibrates the
component of gravity force that pulls the pendulum toward the
turntable rotation axis. This is a very similar case to the stationary satellite
Now you are ready to simulate with help of included applet some pendulum trajectories as they are seen from lab and rotating frames. For the simulation the formulae (8a,b) are used. Do not forget that this pendulum always starts from a rest in the rotating frame.
Set the
pendulum period Tp
to 10 s and the turntable rotation period Tt
also to 10s. This means that =
T , and in the rotating frame the pendulum should stay at
rest whereas in the lab frame it should have a circular
trajectory. After running this case in the rotating frame click
"reset" and select the inertial (in this case lab)
frame. A change of the frame resets other parameters, so you
have to restore them to desired values. Run it to see what
you are expecting to see. Now clear the view window and make two
new experiments taking Tp=5s
, Tt = 10s
and Tp=5s
, Tt = 50s .
Conclusions from the obtained patterns are obvious. A smaller
ratio of Tp /
T t leads to a narrower
elliptical trajectory in the inertial reference frame and a
trajectory with more spikes in the rotating frame. Imagine
replacing the turntable by our planet Earth, placing a very long
pendulum on the North Pole and directing x and y-axes of an
inertial frame toward two fixed stars. Well, we have a Foucault
pendulum on North Pole. If our pendulum is 100 m long its period
would be only 20 s whereas earth rotational period is 86400 s.
Thus, its trajectory viewed from the inertial frame would be an
exteremely elongated ellipse with its longer axis/shorter axis
ratio equal to 4320. The same trajectory viewed from the earth
would have 8640 spikes per 24 hours. Hopefully you understand now
how Foucault pendulum works but you must admit that the
understanding process is neither simple nor short. And this one
is probably the simplest and shortest if you start from scratch.
So far we were investigating pendulum motions with Tp / T t ratio smaller or equal one. Evidently for these cases initial centrifugal force is smaller than initial force pulling the pendulum toward the rotation axis. This is why, the pendulum initially "falls" toward the rotation axis but misses it being redirected by Coriolis and centrifugal forces. For Tp / T t ratio greater than one pendulum trajectories in the inertial frame are still elliptical but their views in the rotating frame is quite different. Examine two such cases taking Tp = 20s , Tt = 10s with two turns and Tp=50s , Tt = 10s with three turns. This time initial centrifugal forces are greater than initial forces pulling the pendulum toward the rotation axis. It results in initial motion away from the rotation axis.
The most important conclusion following from our investigation of pendulum motion is that it provides information about reference frames. It tells us how much inertial or noninertial a given frame of reference is or, to what extend we may apply in it Newton second law without taking corrections for pseudoforces. You have to be aware that we really do not know if ideally inertial frames exist. We only know that some reference frames are more inertial than the others. In these more inertial frames Newton second law correctly predicts motions for longer time intervals. For most engineering problems reference frames fixed on the earth surface are enough inertial. But long range artillery shells are influenced by Coriolis force due to their high speed and relatively long time of flight.
Pendulum in vertically accelerating reference frame
Motion of pendulum is influenced not only by a rotation of
the reference frame but also by a linear acceleration of such
frame. Let us assume that (x,y)-frame in Fig.4 is an inertial
frame. The pendulum is fixed in (x',y')-frame accelerating
vertically with a constant acceleration a . A real
case of such situation could be arranged in an accelerating
elevator. But practically elevators cannot accelerate for too
long. In (x,y)-frame the pendulum motion will be described
with help of the equations (0a,b) with
properly chosen net force components Fx
and Fy.
The relations between the pendulum coordinates in both reference frames are following (see Fig.4)
x(t) = x'(t), y(t) = y'(t) + yo(t) where yo(t) = yo(0) + (a/2) t2 .
Here yo(0) describes position of (x',y') frame with respect to (x,y) frame at t = 0. Then
vx(t) = Dx(t)/Dt = Dx'(t)/Dt = v'x(t) and vy(t) = Dy(t)/Dt = Dy'(t)/Dt + a t = v'y(t) + a t .
Dvx(t)/Dt = Dv'x(t)/Dt and Dvy(t)/Dt = Dv'y(t)/Dt + a . (9)
The net force components acting on the pendulum contain components Tx and Ty of the force exerted by the string and gravity force. Therefore they can be presented as follows
Fx = Tx and Fy = Ty - mg . (10)
Inserting the relations (9) and (10) into (0a,b) we obtain the equations describing pendulum motion in (x',y')-frame
m Dv'x / Dt = Tx (11a), m Dv'y / Dt = Ty - m(g + a) . (11b)
Inserting the relations (10) into (0a,b) the equations describing pendulum motion in (x,y)-frame are obtained
m Dvx / Dt = Tx (12a), m Dvy / Dt = Ty - mg. (12b) .
But the equations (11a,b) and (12a,b) differ only by the term - ma in (11b). Therefore motion of pendulum fixed in (x',y')-frame looks almost like motion of the same pendulum fixed in (x,y)-frame except that in (x',y')-frame on a top of the gravity force - mg there is an additional pseudoforce - m a. This new pseudoforce describes a well known inertial effect. Put on a smooth horizontal surface a sheet of smooth paper and on this paper a heavy smooth object. Pull quickly this sheet in a horizontal direction. If you pull it fast enough, the object will not move whereas the sheet of paper will. If an actual acceleration of the sheet of paper is a , with respect to a reference frame placed on this paper the object moves with an acceleration - a . Then, it looks like a force of - ma is acting on the object in this reference frame.
We have already solved the equations (0a,b) for a pendulum with small swings. But the equations (12a,b) are the same as (0a,b) for a pendulum. Then for small swings the pendulum period is given by the formula (3a) and x coordinate of the pendulum varies in time according to the formula (3b). Almost the same solution apply also to the equations (11a,b) . The only difference is that we have to replace g by g + a . This replacement is a clear consequence of comparison of (11b) and (12b). Therefore for a pendulum in the accelerating reference frame
T = 2{L/(g + a)}½
, (13a)
x'(t) = x'o
cos(t) ,
{(g + a)/L}½ .
Therefore the pendulum in the
accelerating reference frame (x',y') feels this acceleration as
an additional "gravitational" field. This field can be
positive or negative. If the (x',y')-frame is freely falling
down, then a = - g or g + a
= 0 , consequently = 0 and x'(t)
stays constant. So the pendulum appears to be
weightless in this frame. The same kind of weightlessness
are experiencing astronauts on the board of orbiting Shuttle or
Mir station. But there the earth gravity acceleration is
neutralized by another pseudoforce which is a centrifugal force.
Notice, the reference frames like freely falling elevator,
Shuttle or Mir station (if they are not rotating) look remarkably
like inertial frames where Newton second law without inclusion of
pseudoforces is valid. The last statement is a simplified form of
principle of equivalence which assumes identity of
physics laws in inertial frames and mentioned above frames.
Start the incorporated applet, select vertically accelerating frame with the tracer off and measure ten pendulum periods for the following accelerations: - 4.9, 4.9, 9.8 and 19.6 m/s2. Compare your results with predictions given by the formula (13a).
If at this point you :
the objectives of this lesson are fully achieved. If you have doubts try to read it once more concentrating on them, but do not try to memorize this text. Physics is not about memorizing, it is about understanding.
Since February 1997 you are visitor
Last update: May 7, 1997 | E - mail to Edward Kluk |
Copyright (c) 1996 Edward Kluk |