The best way to find most of my papers is through my Google Scholar author profile. In my Research page are some papers organized by the research area.
Below is a list derived from my CV which was curent as of 2013. Better to use Google Scholar.
Journal articles
Lee, J., Chao, C., Bobick, A. F., & Thomaz, A. L. .
“Multi-cue contingency detection. “,
International Journal of Social
Robotics, 2012, 4(2),
Sun, J., J. Moore, A. Bobick, and J. Rehg,
“Learning Visual Object Categories for Robot Affordance Prediction”,
International Journal of Robotics
Research, 29(3),
February/March 2010, pp. 174–197
R. Hamid, S. Maddi, A. Johnson, A. Bobick, I. Essa,
C. Isbell. A Novel Sequence Representation for Unsupervised Analysis of
Human Activities. Artificial
Intelligence Journal 14(173),
Nain,D. S. Haker, A. Bobick, and A. Tannenbaum,
“Multiscale 3-D Shape Representation and Segmentation Using Spherical
Wavelets”, IEEE Transactions on
Medical Imaging 26, 4,
April 2007.
V. Kwatra, I. Essa, A. Bobick, and N. Kwatra,
“Texture Optimization for Example based Synthesis,”
Proc. ACM Transactions on
Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2005, 24(3):795-802,
August 20
V. Kwatra, A. Sch¨odl, I. Essa, G. Turk, and A.
Bobick, “Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts,”
Proc. ACM Transactions on
Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2003, 24(3):277-286, July 2003.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, “Interval
Scripts: a Programming Paradigm for Interactive Environments and Agents”
Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing
7(1), 2003, 1-21.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, "It/I: A Theater Play
Featuring an Autonomous Computer Character, “
Presence 11(5), 2002,
Wilson,A., and A.. Bobick, “Hidden Markov Models
for Modeling and Recognizing Gesture Under Variation”, Int’l J. of
Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 15(1):
123-160 (2001)
Bobick, A. and J. Davis, "The recognition of human
movement using temporal templates,"
IEEE Transaction on Pattern
Analysis & Machine Intelligence,
23(3), March 2001.
Intille, S. and A.F. Bobick, “Recognizing planned,
multi-person action”,
Computer Vision
and Image Understanding 81, 414–445 (2001)
Pinhanez, C., J. Davis , S. Intille, M.
Johnson, A. Wilson, A. Bobick, B. Blumberg, “Physically Interactive
Story Environments, IBM Systems
Journal, 39 (3&4): 438-455, 2000
Bobick, A., S.Intille, J.Davis, F.Baird,
C.Pinhanez, L.Campbell, Y.Ivanov, A.Schutte, and A.Wilson. The KidsRoom.
Communications of the ACM, 43(3). 2000
Ivanov, Y. and Aaron F. Bobick, “Recognition of
Visual Activities and Interactions by Stochastic Parsing”,
IEEE Transactions on Pattern
Analisys & Machine Intelligence,
22(8), August, 2000.
Ivanov, Y., A. Bobick, and J. Liu, "Fast lighting
independent background subtraction,"
International Journal of Computer
Vision, 37(2), June 2000,
pp. 199-209.
Wilson, A. and A. Bobick, "Parametric Hidden Markov
Models for Gesture Recognition,"
IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence,
21(9), September 1999, pp.
Bobick, A. and S. Intille, “Large Occlusion
Stereo.” International Journal of
Computer Vision, 33(3),
September 1999. pp. 181-200.
Bobick, A., S. Intille, J. Davis, F. Baird, C.
Pinhanez, L. Campbell, Y. Ivanov, A. Schutte, A. Wilson,
“The KidsRoom: A Perceptually-based Interactive and Immersive
Story Environment,” PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments,
8(4), August 1999. pp. 367-391.
Mase, K., P. Pinhanez, and A. Bobick,, “Scripting
Method Based on Temporal Intervals for Designing Interactive Systems”.
Transaction of IPSJ (Information
Processing Society of Japan), Vol. 39. No. 5, pp. 1403--1413, May
Bobick, A. “Movement, Activity, and Action: The
Role of Knowledge in the Perception of Motion.”
Phil. Trans. Royal Society London
B, 352, pp. 1257-1265,
Bobick, A. and A. Wilson, “A State-based Approach
to the Representation and Recognition of Gesture.”
IEEE Transaction on Pattern
Analysis & Machine Intelligence, Vol. 19, No. 12, December 1997.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, “Intelligent Studios:
Modeling Space and Action to Control TV Cameras.”
Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 11(4), pp. 285-306,
Bobick, A. and R. C. Bolles, “The Representation Space Paradigm of Concurrent Evolving Scene Descriptions.” IEEE Transactions Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 146-156, February 1992.
Conference Publications with Proceedings
Hawkins, K., S. Bansal, N. Vo, and A.F. Bobick , “Modeling structured activity to support human-robot collaboration in the presence of task and sensor uncertainty,” IROS Workshop on Cognitive Robotics Systems, 2013
Hermans, T., F. Li, J.M. Rehg and A.F. Bobick. "Learning Contact Locations for Pushing and Orienting Unknown Objects." IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 2013
Hawkins, K., N. Vo, S. Bansal, and A.F. Bobick, “Probabilistic Human
Action Prediction and Wait-Sensitive Planning for Responsive Human-Robot
Collaboration,” IEEE-RAS
International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2013
Hermans, T., Rehg, J. M., & Bobick, A., “Decoupling
Behavior, Perception, and Control for Autonomous Learning of
Affordances” IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Karlsruhe, 2013
O'Flaherty, R., S.
Vieira, M. Grey, P. Oh, A. Bobick, M. Egerstedt, M. Stilman,
“Humanoid Robot
Teleoperation for Tasks with Power Tools” in
IEEE Int’l Conference on
Technologies for Practical Robot Application, Boston, 2013.
Grey, M., N. Dantam, D. Lofaro,
A. Bobick, M. Egerstedt, P. Oh, M. Stilman,
Control Software for Humanoid Robots” in
IEEE Int’l Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Application,
Boston, 2013.
Hermans, T., J. M. Rehg, & A. Bobick,
"Guided Pushing for Object
Singulation”, IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS
2012), 7-12 2012
Huang, P., R. Sawhney,
D.Walker, K. Wallen,
A. Bobick, S. Qin, & T.
Balch, “Learning a projective mapping to locate animals in video using
IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robots and
Systems (IROS), 2012.
Finalist for Best Paper in
Robot Entertainment and Systems category.
Lee, J.,
J. Kiser, A. Bobick, and A. Thomaz, “Vision-based Contingency
Human Robot Interaction,
Aslam, S., A. Bobick and C. Barnes, “Modeling the
Staircase Quantization Function,”
Data Compression Conference (DCC), 2010
Aslam, S., A. Bobick and C. Barnes,
“Robust real time vehicle contour
tracking on moving camera aerial infrared imagery,”
Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE
International Symposium – IGARSS, 2010
Aslam, S. M., C. Barnes, and A. Bobick , “Multi
Target Video Tracking Using Residual Vector Quantization,”
Int’l Conf
on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition
IPCV, 2010.
Aslam, S. M., C. Barnes, and A. Bobick, “Video
Action Recognition Using Residual Vector Quantization and Hidden
Markov Models”, Int’l Conf on Image
Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition,
Levchuk, G., A. Bobick and E. Jones, “"Activity and
function recognition for moving and static objects in urban environments
from wide-area persistent surveillance inputs",
Proc. SPIE, 2010
Lee, K., J.
Lee; A. Thomaz and A.
Bobick, “Effective Robot Task Learning by focusing on Task-relevant
objects” Proceedings of
Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) St. Louis
Aslam, S. M., A. Bobick and C. Barnes, “Better
Computer Vision Under Video Compression, An Example Using Mean Shift
Int’l Conf
on Image Processing, 2009.
Aslam, S., C. Barnes,
and A. Bobick, “Compensation
methods using signal processing and adaptive quantization for better
mean shift tracking on compressed video”,
International Conference on Image
Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition, 2009
R. Hamid, S. Maddi, A. Bobick, I. Essa. “Structure
from Statistics: Unsupervised Analysis of Activities Using Suffix
Trees”. In
Proceedings of IEEE International
Conference of Computer Vision, 2007
Yifan Shi, Aaron Bobick, Irfan Essa, "Learning
Temporal Sequence Model from Partially Labeled Data", Proceedings of IEEE Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2006), New York, June 2006.
D. Nain, S. Haker, A. Bobick, and A.Tannenbaum, “Shape-Driven
3D Segmentation using using Spherical Wavelets” In
Proceedings of MICCAI,
Copenhagen, 2006.
Note: Best Student Paper Award in
the category Segmentation and Registration
R. Hamid, S. Maddi, A. Bobick, I. Essa.
“Unsupervised Analysis of Activity Sequences Using Event Motifs”
Proceedings of 4th ACM International Workshop on Video Surveillance and
Sensor Networks (in conjunction with ACM Multimedia 2006).
R. Hamid, S. Maddi, A. Johnson, A. Bobick, I. Essa,
C. Isbell. “Discovery and Characterization of Activities from
Proceedings of Uncertainty in
Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2005) August 2005.
Dongshin Kim, Jie Sun, Sangmin Oh,
James Rehg, Aaron
Bobick, “Traversability
Classification Using Unsupervised On-Line Visual Learning for Outdoor
Robot Navigation,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics
and Automation (ICRA 06), Orlando, FL, May 2006.
R. Hamid, A. Johnson, S. Batta, A. Bobick, C.
Isbell, G. Coleman. “Detection and Explanation of Anomalous Activities:
Representing Activities as Bags of Event n-Grams”
Proceedings of IEEE Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005) June 2005
Delphine Nain, Steven Haker, Aaron Bobick, and
Allen Tannenbaum. “Multiscale 3D Shape Analysis using Spherical
Proceedings of MICCAI,
Palm Springs, 2005
Z. Yang and A. Bobick, Visual integration from
multiple cameras, IEEE Workshop on
applications for computer vision (WACV 2005), Denver, January 2005.
Sun, J., J.M. Rehg,
and A. Bobick,
“Automatic Cascade Training with Perturbation Bias,”
Proceedings of IEEE Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2004), Washington, DC,
June, 2004
Y. Shi, Y. Huang, D. Minnen, A. Bobick, and I.
Essa, “Propagation Networks for recognition of partially ordered
sequential action”,
Proceedings of IEEE Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2004), Washington, DC,
June, 2004
R. Hamid, A. Bobick, A. Yezzi. Audio-Visual Flow –
“A Variational Approach to Multi-Modal Flow Estimation,”12th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2004,
Johnson, A., J. Sun,
and A. Bobick, “Using Similarity Scores from a Small Gallery to
Estimate Recognition Performance for Larger Galleries”,
IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and
Gestures, in conjunction with the International Conference on
Computer Vision (ICCV 2003), Nice, France, October 2003
Tanawongsuwan, R. and A.F. Bobick, “Performance
Analysis of Time-Distance Gait Parameters under Different Speeds”
Audio- And Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication
July 2003..
Johnson, A., J. Sun, and A. Bobick, “Predicting
Large Population Data Cumulative Match Characteristic Performance from
Small Population Data,” 4th
International Conference on Audio and Video Based Biometric Person
Authentication (AVBPA 2003), University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
June 9-11, 2003
Shi, Y. and A. Bobick, “The Representation and
Recognition of Activity Using Propagation Nets”,
Visual Interface 2003,
Halifax, Canada
Shi, Y. and A. Bobick, “P-Net: A Representation for
Partially-Sequenced, Multi-stream Activity”,
Workshop on Event Mining in
CVPR’2003, Madison, USA
Johnson, A. and A.Bobick, “Relation between
Expected Confusion and ROC curves,” Int’l Conference of Pattern
Recognition, Quebec, Canada, August, 2002.
Bobick, A.F., and A. Johnson "Gait recognition
using static activity-specific parameters" ” Proceedings of IEEE
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Kauai, Hawaii, December
Tanawongsuwan, R. and A.F. Bobick, "Gait
recognition from time-normalized joint-angle trajectories in the walking
plane" Proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Kauai, Hawaii, December 2001.
Kwatra, V., A.F. Bobick, and A. Johnson, " Temporal
Integration of Multiple Silhouette-based Body-part Hypotheses”
Proceedings of IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Kauai, Hawaii, December 2001.
Johnson, A. and A.F. Bobick, "A Multi-view Method
for Gait Recognition Using Static Body Parameters" 3rd International
Conference on Audio- and Video Based Biometric Person Authentication,
301-311, Halmstad, Sweden, June 2001.
C. Pinhanez and A. Bobick. Scripting Interactive
Environments with Interval Scripts. Proc. of VI Brazilian Symposium
on Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems.
Natal, Brazil. June 2000
Wilson, A. and A. Bobick, “Realtime Online Adaptive
Gesture Recognition,” Proceedings
of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona,
Spain, September 2000
Davis, J., A. Bobick, and W. Richards, “Categorical
Representation and Recognition of Oscillatory Motion Patterns,
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer
Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Hilton Head, NC, June 2000.
Wilson, A. and A. F. Bobick, “Real-time online
adaptive gesture recognition,”
International Workshop on Recognition, Analysis, and Tracking of Faces
and Gestures in Real-Time Systems, Corfu, Greece, September 1999.
Ivanov, Y. and A. F. Bobick, “Recognition of
Multi-agent Interaction in Video Surveillance”,
Proc. of Intl Conference on
Computer Vision, Corfu, Greece, pg. 169-176,
September 1999.
Ivanov, Y., C. Stauffer, A.F. Bobick and W.E.L
Grimson, “Video Surveillance of Interactions”,
Workshop on Video Surveillance,
June 1999, Ft. Collins, CO
Intille, S. and A.. Bobick,. “A framework for
recognizing multi-agent action from visual evidence”.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 518-525,
Orlando, Florida, July 1999.
Pinhanez, C. and A. F. Bobick. "'It/I': A Theater
Play Featuring an Autonomous Computer Graphics Character",
Proc. of the ACM Multimedia'98 Workshop on Technologies for Interactive
Movies, Bristol, England, pp. 22-29. September. 1999.
Intille, S. and A.F. Bobick. “Visual recognition of
multi-agent action using binary temporal relations”.
Proceedings of the IEEE Computer
Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
pp. 56-62, Fort Collins, Colorado, June 1999.
Johnson, M.P., A. Wilson, B. Blumberg, C. Kline,
and A. Bobick, “Sympathetic interfaces: using a plush toy to direct
synthetic classes”,
Proceedings of Computer Human Interface, Pittsburgh, pp. 152 –
158, May 1999
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, “ Using Computer Vision
to Control a Reactive Computer Graphics Character in a Theater Play”,
Proceedings of International
Conference on Vision Systems
(ICVS’99), Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain, January 1999.
Davis, J. and A. Bobick, “Virtual PAT:
A Virtual Personal Aerobics Trainer”,
Proceedings of
Workshop on Perceptual User Interfaces (PUI98), November
Davis, J. and A. Bobick, “A Robust Human-Silhouette
Extraction Technique for Interactive Virtual Environments”,
IFIP Workshop on Modeling and
Motion Capture Techniques for Virtual Environments (CAPTECH98),
November 1998.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, “It/I: Theater with an
Automatic and Reactive Computer Graphics”,
SIGGRAPH'98 Conference Abstracts
and Applications, p. 302, Orlando, Florida, July 1998.
Bobick, A. and Y. Ivanov, “ Action Recognition
Using Probabilistic Parsing”,
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, , Santa Barbara, CA,
pp. 196-202, June 1998.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, "Human Action Detection
Using PNF Propagation of Temporal Constraints",
Proceedings of IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Santa Barbara, CA, pp.
898-904, June 1998.
Wilson, D. and A. Bobick, “Nonlinear PHMMs for the
Interpretation of Parameterized Gesture”,
Proceedings of
IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, Santa Barbara, CA, pp. 879-884,
June 1998.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, " It/I: An Experiment
Towards Interactive Theatrical Performances",
Proceedings of Computer Human Interface, Los Angeles, CA, pp.
333-334, April 1998.
Wilson, D. and A. Bobick,
“Recognition and interpretation of parametric gesture",
Proceedings of International
Conference on Computer Vision, Bombay, India, pp. 329-336, 1998.
Bobick, A. and C. Pinhanez, “Controlling View-Based
Algorithms Using Approximate World Models and Action Information.”
Proceedings of
IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, Puerto Rico, pp. 955-961, June
Davis, J. and A. Bobick,
“The Representation and Recognition of Action Using Temporal
Proceedings of
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition, Puerto Rico, pp. 928-934, June 1997.
Wilson, D.,
A. Bobick and J. Cassell,
"Temporal classification of natural gesture and application to
video coding", Proceedings of
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
Puerto Rico, pp. 948-954,
June 1997.
Intille, S.,
J. Davis and A. Bobick, “Real-Time Closed-World Tracking.”
Proceedings of
IEEE Conference on Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 697-703, Puerto Rico, June
Pinhanez, C.,
K. Mase and A. Bobick, “Interval Scripts: A Design Paradigm for
Story-Based Interactive Systems.”
Proceedings of CHI ‘97, Atlanta, GA, pp. 287-294, March 1997.
Pinhanez, C.,
K. Mase and A. Bobick, “Designing Story-Based Interfaces by
Interval Scripts.” Proceedings of
Interaction ‘97, Tokyo, Japan, 8 pages, February 1997.
Bobick, A. and J., “Real-time Recognition of
Activity Using Temporal Templates.”
IEEE Workshop on Applications of
Computer Vision, Sarasota, FL, 4 pages, December 1996.
Campbell, L.,
D. Becker, A. Azarbayejani,
A. Bobick and A. Pentland, “Invariant Features for 3-D Gesture
Recognition.” Proceedings of the
Second International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture
Recognition, Killington, VT, pp. 157-162, October 1996.
Wilson, A., A. Bobick and J. Cassell, “Recovering
the Temporal Structure of Natural Gesture.”
Proceedings of the Second
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition,
Killington, VT, pp. 66-71, October 1996.
Bobick, A. “Computers Seeing Action.”
British Machine Vision Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp. 13-22,
September 1996.
Bobick A. and J. Davis, “An Appearance-based
Representation of Action.”
Proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Vienna, Austria, Track A, pp. 307-312, August 1996.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, “Computer Theater:
Stage for Action Understanding.”
Proceedings of the AAAI ‘96 Workshop on AI/A-Life Entertainment,
AAAI Press Technical Report WS-96-03, Portland, OR, pp. 28-33,
August 1996.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, “Approximate World
Models: Incorporating Qualitative and Linguistic Information into Vision
Systems.” Proceedings of the
AAAI ‘96, Portland, OR, pp. 1116-1123, August 1996.
Bobick, A., “Video Annotation: Computers watching
video.” Second Asian Conference on
Computer Vision, Vol. I, Singapore, pp. 19-23, December 1995.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, “Scripts in Machine
Understanding of Image Sequences.”
Proceedings of the 1995 AAAI Fall Symposium on Computational Models for
Integrating Language and Vision, Cambridge, MA, pp. 96-101, November
Wilson, A. and A. Bobick, “Learning Visual Behavior
for Gesture Analysis.” Proceedings
of the IEEE Symposium on Computer
Vision, Coral Gables, FL, pp. 229-234, November 1995.
Pinhanez, C. and A. Bobick, “Intelligent Studios:
Using Computer Vision to Control TV Cameras.”
Proceedings of the International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Workshop on Entertainment
and AI/Alife, Montreal, Canada, pp. 69-76, August 1995.
Bobick, A. and S. Intille, “Exploiting Contextual
Information for Tracking by Using Closed-Worlds.”
Proceedings of the Workshop on Context-Based Vision, Cambridge, MA,
pp. 87-98, June 1995.
Bobick, A. and C. Pinhanez, “Using Approximate
Models as Source of Contextual Information for Vision Processing.”
Proceedings of the Workshop on Context-Based Vision,
Cambridge, MA, pp. 13-21, June
Bobick, A. and A. Wilson, “A State-Based Technique
for the Summarization and Recognition of Gesture.”
Fifth International Conference on
Computer Vision, Cambridge, MA, pp. 382-388, June 1995.
Campbell, L. and A. Bobick, “Recognition of Human
Body Motion Using Phase Space Constraints.”
International Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge, MA,
624-630, June 1995.
Campbell, L. and A. Bobick, “Using Phase Space
Constraints to Represent Human Body Motion.”
International Workshop on
Automatic-Face and Gesture-Recognition, Zurich, Switzerland,
pp. 338-343, June 1995.
Intille, S. and A. Bobick, “Closed-World Tracking.”
Fifth International Conference on
Computer Vision, Cambridge, MA, pp. 672-678, June 1995.
Wilson, A. and A. Bobick, “Configuration States for
the Representation and Recognition of Gesture.”
International Workshop on
Automatic-Face and Gesture-Recognition,
Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 129-134,
June 1995.
Intille, S. and A. Bobick, “Incorporating Intensity
Edges in the Recovery of Occlusion Regions.”
International Conference on
Pattern Recognition, Jerusalem, Israel, Vol. I, pp. 674-677,
October 1994.
Bobick, A, “Representational Frames in Dynamic
Scene Annotation.” Proceedings of
the Workshop on Visual Behaviors, Seattle, WA, pp. 54-59, June 1994.
Intille, S. and A. Bobick, “Disparity-Space Images
and Large Occlusion Stereo.”
European Conference on Computer Vision, J-O. Eklundh (ed.),
Stockholm, Sweden, Vol. 801, pp. 179-186, May 1994.
Bobick, A, “Representational Frames in Video
Annotation.” The Twenty-Seventh
Asilomar Conference on Signals and Systems, Pacific Grove, CA, Vol.
1, pp. 111-115, November 1993.
Bobick, A, “Using Stability of Interpretation as
Verification for Low Level Processing: An example from ego motion and
optic flow.”
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, New York, NY, pp.
718-719, June 1993.
Bobick, A. and R. Bolles, “Multiple Concurrent
Object Descriptions in Support of Autonomous Navigation.” P. S. Schenker
(ed.), Proceedings SPIE
Sensor Fusion, Vol. 1828, No. 5, Boston, MA, pp. 383-392, November
Leclerc, Y. and A. Bobick, “The Direct Computation
of Height from Shading.”
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Lahaina, Maui, HI,
pp. 552-558, June 1991.
Bobick, A. and R. Bolles, “An Evolutionary Approach
to Constructing Object Descriptions.” H. Miura and S. Arimoto (ed.),
Fifth International Symposium on
Robotics Research, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 107-115, August 1989.
Bobick, A. and R. Bolles, “Representation Space: An
Approach to the Integration of Visual Information.”
IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, San Diego, CA, pp. 492-499, June 1989.
Bolles, R. and A. Bobick, “Exploiting Temporal
Coherence in Scene Analysis for Autonomous Navigation.”
Robotics and Automation,
Scottsdale, AR, Vol. 2, pp. 990-996, May 1989.
Bobick, A., “Using Mirror Reflections to Recover
Shape.” Technical Program, Optical
Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Abstract, October
Bobick, A., “A Hybrid Approach to
Structure-From-Motion.” N.
Badler and J. Tsotsos (ed.),
Motion: Representation and
Perception, Proceedings of Association of Computing Machinery Siggraph
Workshop on Motion, Toronto, Canada, pp. 91-109, April 1983