First, look at the DART Co-Web and join the two mailing lists (DART-Announce and DART-Users) to stay in touch with the DART community.
You can approach DART from many levels. If you want to work directly with the Lingo behaviors we have created, use the Template-Apps distributed with the DART Download as building blocks for new applications. You may choose to take our existing behaviors and modify them or create new behaviors. For this, you will find it helpful to use the code documentation included in the DART Download. This documentation is also available online. We have Doxygen reports for the DART-Lingo and an html page that documents the DART-Xtra.
The documentation is currently incomplete,
but will be improved over time. The DART Template-Apps and
documentation are also acommunity effort. Please modify
the co-web to fix mistakes and add any additional helpful
information. Feel free to submit your own tutorial or sample applications for DART.
Our research group will try to fix any problems with DART that are reported to the mailing lists or added to the bugs page on the swiki, and release updates on a regular basis. In addition, this project is a joint effort with the
Interactive Media Technology Center, a contract research organization at Georgia Tech. If you need to have significant changes or enhancements made to DART, IMTC researchers are available on a contract basis. Please contact the DART team for more information.