DART is designed
to support rapid prototyping of AR experiences that use
see-through displays (either transparent displays or video-mixed
displays) to overlay graphics and audio on a user's view
of the world. DART is built
as a collection of extensions to the Macromedia Director
multimedia-programming environment, the de-facto standard
for multimedia content creation. DART is designed to
leverage the power of Director
and assumes that developers are familiar with Director.
Our long-term goal is to enable designers
to rapidly develop and test their AR experiences, in
the same environment that will be used to deploy the
final experience. This last point is critical; while
our research is focused on supporting early design activities,
designers using DART can gradually evolve their prototypes
as they see fit. Polished content can be mixed with
crude content, elaborate narratives and complex behaviors
can be tested as desired, and changes to “complete”
experiences can be rapidly prototyped.
DART's functionality is provided by
a set of extensions (Xtras, casts, and behaviors) to
the Macromedia Director (version 8.5 or higher) multimedia
authoring system. Through the DART extensions Director
becomes a platform for coordinating the whole AR experience:
3D objects, video, sound, and tracking information.
DART supports the streaming of live
video into Director's 3D world, real-time tracking of
markers in the video stream (currently via the ARToolkit),
and real-time steaming of data from a wide range of
trackers and sensors commonly used in VR and AR (via
the VRPN sensor package). Distributed shared-memory
objects can be used to coordinate between two or more
computers (based on facilities provided by VRPN). Because
DART communicates with sensors and between multiple
processes using VRPN, DART programs can be easily integrated
with programs written in other languages.
Virtually all of DART's functionality
(beyond the low level functionality described in the
previous paragraph) is provided by the interpretted
scripts in the DART behavior palettes, and is thus editable
by the application developer. It is not our intention
to provide a complete collection of behaviors that satisfy
the needs of all AR application designers; such an effort
would be doomed to failure. Rather, these behaviors
are designed to be modular and extensible, and also
to provide a framework for interactive, event-based
applications that can be easily appropriated by the
designer for their own needs.
The DART system consists of
1. A Director Xtra to communicate
with cameras, the marker tracker, hardware trackers
and sensors, and distributed memory. Information from
all sources is made available to Director via direct
callbacks into Lingo, Director's scripting language.
2. A collection of director behavior
palettes that contains drag and drop behaviors for controlling
the functionality of the AR application, from low-level
device control to high level actors and actions. The
designer creates an experience by defining new object-sprites
in the score, dropping appropriate behaviors on the
sprites, and adding multimedia content in the form of
external casts containing video and audio. The designer
can also write new behaviors or additional scripts.
Detailed information on how to prepare
the video and audio content, attach tracking devices,
and script the experience is contained in the DART
co-web. The DART files can be downloaded from this