College of Computing

Peter Freeman

Founding Dean and Professor Emeritus
202.294.5399 | EMAIL

Recent Publications:

"Consideration of the Question 'What is Computation?' Considered Harmful"
Ubiquity, March 2011 (to be republished in 2012 in Computer Journal).

Peter J. Denning and Peter A. Freeman, "Computing's Paradigm"
Communications of the ACM, December 2009

"Back to Experimentation"
Communications of the ACM, 51,1 (January 2008), pp21-22.

"Risks Are Your Responsibility"
Communications of the ACM, 50,6 (June 2007), p.104.

"Is 'Designing' Cyberinfrastructure - or, Even, Defining It - Possible?"
First Monday, 12, 6 (4 June 2007)