

This module extracts a 2D lattice from a 3D lattice in index space. If the lattice is indexed by I, J, and K, the default settings will extract a lattice of constant I. The Slice Number parameter allows changing that constant value.

The output can have different coordinate representations. To retain the proper orientation of a slice in a three dimensional volume, curvilinear coordinates are output by default. If desired, the output may have the same coordinates as the input lattice. When in this mode, if the input lattice has uniform coordinates, the output lattice will also have uniform coordinates. If the input lattice has curvilinear coordinates, the output lattice will also have curvilinear coordinates. Similarly with perimeter coordinates.


Port: Input
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 3-D.
This is the input volume.


Port: Axis
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: I Slice
Menu Item: J Slice
Menu Item: K Slice
This parameter selects which index is held constant.

Port: Slice Number
Type: Slider
This selects the constant value of the appropriate index.

Port: Coord Type
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: Curvilinear Coords
Menu Item: Same Coords as Input
This selects the type of output coordinates - curvilinear or the same coordinates as the input lattice.


Port: Slice
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 2-D.
This is the extracted 2D lattice.



Slice ProbeLat
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