

This module takes planar slices through a curvilinear lattice, creating slice polygons expressed in a pyramid. The lattice data is interpolated to get the data at the pyramid nodes. The output pyramid has two layers, corresponding to edges and polygons.

The position and orientation of the probe is controlled by an input transform. The origin is the average position of the lattice coordinates.

The probe may be a single planar slice, a trihedral (three mutually perpendicular planes), or a paddlewheel. The probe may be clipped, which limits the extent of the slicing planes. This may improve performance when the area of interest is localized.

For more information on the algorithm see: Speray, D., Kennon, S., "Volume Probes: Interactive Data Exploration on Arbitrary Grids, Computer Graphics, Volume 24 Number 5, Nov 1990, pp 5-12


Port: Input
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 3-D.
This is the input volume.

Port: Transform
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 2-D.
This transform orients and positions the probe.


Port: Probe Type
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Slice
Menu Item: TriPlanar
Menu Item: Paddle
This is the slice type .RS .PD 0 .TP 1i Slice Single planar slice .TP 1i TriPlanar Trihedral (three mutually perpendicular planes) .TP 1i Paddle Paddlewheel .RE .PD

Port: Clip Size
Type: Dial
This is the size of the probe in the coordinate space of the volume. This value is only valid when clipping is on.

Port: Clip?
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: On
Menu Item: Off
This is the clipping toggle.


Port: Output
Type: Pyramid
Constraints: n-layer.
n-D compression.
n-compression type.
This is a two-layer pyramid containing the slice polygons. It is organized with edges on the first layer and polygons on the second layer.


Only one of multiple disjoint intersections of a single slice plane with the volume will be represented.

It is rather difficult to manipulate the slicer to the desired position within the volume.


Slice OrthoSlice TransformGen
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© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1996