Date |
News Item |
2007-10-23 |
The Sting racing team members arrive in California in preparation for the race. |
2007-10-18 |
Our photo archive has been updated (see left hand menu). Also pictures will be made availabel through flickr (our best shots will be available from |
2007-10-17 |
Sting racing organized a shipping party to mark the departure of the car for the race in Victorville, CA. Prior to shipping the vehicle performed demonstration runs at the Atlanta test site. The demonstrations included a navigation run with launch from a start chute, and a tour of the site prior to parking in the designated parking space. The second demonstration included driving in traffic with two other vehicles. |
2007-10-14 |
Sting 1 runs through final tests at Forsyth before departure to Victorville, CA for the Urban Grand Challange National Qualifying Event (NQE). Shipping will happen 17 October @ 6 PM |
2007-10-13 |
The STING Vehicle is rewrapped to have its race appearance. :-) |
2007-09-06 |
Internal review of Sting effort with Prof. Dr. Ernst Dickmanns to establish priorities. The team is entering the last 45 days of deveopment and testing before going to Victorville. |
2007-08-09 |
Sting Racing was selected for participation in the National Qualifying Event (NQE) during October 2007 in Victorville, CA! |
2007-06-18 |
STING 1 completes its site-visit with DARPA. The vehicle goes through 4 tests and has excellent performance with and with-out traffic. |
2007-05-18 |
The STING site visit is scheduled for June 18, 2007 |
2007-05-13 |
STING is featured on CNN TechEffects as a principal player in the UGC |
2007-05-11 |
String racing selected as one of 53 teams for site visits during June 2007 |
2007-04-29 |
Image gallery added to the new pages / update to sponsor page |
2007-04-29 |
Team people updated |
2007-04-05 |
Video for Sting Racing was submitted to DARPA as part of the requirements |
2007-03-30 |
STING 1 was presented at the Georgia Tech Auto Show |
2007-03-29 |
The STING team was interviewed by CNN for the Science and Technology corner |
2007-03-27 |
STING 1 completed the test course for the DARPA video entry. This includes autonomous lane tracking, overtaking of a stationary vehicle, demonstration of pause, and disable functionality. All raw material for the video milestone was recorded. |
2007-01-06 |
First complete hardware configuration available ;-) |
2006-12-20 |
First complete autonomous runs with the vehicle STING 1 (Merry X-mas) |