Puget Sound

Download Info
Dimensions: 16385 × 16385 pixels
Download Elevation Map:
16385 × 16385 PNG: 188MB
4097 × 4097 PNG: 18MB
1025 × 1025 PNG: 1.4MB
Download Texture Map:
16384 × 16384 PNG: 268MB
4096 × 4096 PNG: 22MB
1024 × 1024 PNG: 1.7MB
About Model
Title: Puget Sound Terrain
Author: USGS and The University of Washington
Description: Puget Sound elevation and pseudo-color, both supplied as images. This Puget Sound data was used as an example dataset in this paper:

"Visualization of Large Terrains Made Easy"
Peter Lindstrom and Valerio Pascucci
IEEE Visualization '01 Conference Proceedings
October 2001
Full Acknowledgements:

Data is obtained from The United States Geological Survey (USGS), made available by The University of Washington. The dataset provided here is a subset extracted by the paper authors from the original dataset, which can be found here.

Data interpretation:

In the full-resolution elevation image, inter-pixel spacing is 10 meters and each 16-bit pixel unit (0 to 65535) corresponds to 0.1 meter. The pixel value 0 corresponds to a base elevation of 0 meters. The lower-resolution elevation maps have been subsampled to 40 meter and 160 meter horizontal resolution. For the texture images, each pixel corresponds to the rectangular area spanned by four neighboring elevation samples located at the four pixel corners. As a result, the texture images have one less row and column than their corresponding elevation maps. Software for reading PNG images can be downloaded from libpng.org and imagemagick.org.
