Research Agenda
Year: 2005-2006
Gillian Hayes
Priyanka Mahalanabis, Uzo Okafor
Date Submitted:
November 2005
Research Area:
Proposed Research
Develop a family album visualization and
tagging system. The scholars need to learn what kinds of things people with
new children at home would want to record. They will then need to learn to
interact with a socket based system that supplies video segments to them as
well as with a MySQL database. They will need to learn to use web-based
interfaces to visualize and play these segments of video, allowing families
to add tags of interesting and relevant meta-information. In the fall, they
will do background research on the idea of digital family albums and begin
to create designs for the system. In the spring, they will develop the
system and may begin some evaluation. For that, the scholars will need to
get approval for an IRB protocol and design participatory design and
evaluation sessions around assessing whether or not the design created for
the software meets the users needs.
November: Background
December: Paper
prototypes, initial designs
February: 1st
working software prototype
March: IRB and
evaluation, basic assessment of design
April: Poster