Intel Opportunity Scholar's Program Members




  1. Work 3 to 5 hours each week in research directed by mentor during active program periods
  2. Have mentor verify & sign timesheets for hourly work every two week period
  3. Submit timesheets to Van Leer Office – 272
  4. Meet at least once a week as a group with mentor
  5. Meet individually at least twice a semester with mentor
  6. Participate in spring 2006 poster competition
  7. Update your personal website with:
    1. Curriculum
    2. IOS project
    3. Personal and academic interests
  8. Attend at least two non-social events spring 2006
  9. Develop written research plan with mentor
  10. Arrange to meet with your research group for freshmen visits spring 2006
  11. Attend the kickoff and closing events


bulletResponsibilities towards the Scholar
bulletSupport the scholar in research, academic and personal issues
bulletAssign 3 to 5 hours of work per week to each scholar
bulletMeet at least once a week in group with all scholars to advance research
bulletMeet at least twice a semester individually with each scholar to discuss academic and personal issues
bulletOne funded meal per month with all scholars (buzzcard deposit)
bulletCollaborate with scholars in poster design and preparation of presentation at the end of the semester.
bullet Responsibilities towards the Program
bulletUnderstand and support scholar requirements within the program
bulletUp to three scholars per mentor
bulletOne academic year commitment
bulletHave a research advisor and his/her consent for this program
bulletKeep updated scholar timesheets
bulletKeep updated scholar research (weekly), academic (monthly) and personal (bi-monthly) sheets
bulletAttend kickoff and closing dinner events
bulletParticipate in monthly focus groups meetings
bulletAt least one of the following required per semester:
i.   Participate in one scholar workshop
ii.  Direct one lab tour
iii. Direct one project demo


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