Georgia Institute of Technology

Intel Opportunity Scholar's Program Members



Intel/GT Opportunity Scholar’s Program 2005-6


Research Agenda



Year: 2005-06


Mentor: Cleon Davis


Scholars: Preston Burden, Daniel Cepeda


Date Submitted:


Research Area: Semiconductor Process Control


Proposed Research Tasks:


1.      a. Programming: Additions to Object-Oriented Neural Network Simulator (ObOrNNS) (Preston Burden)

The Java-based Object-Oriented Neural Network Simulator (ObOrNNS) is a software package developed by the Intelligent Semiconductor Manufacturing group at the Georgia Institute of Technology. This program is capable of constructing, training, and exercising multilayer perceptron neural networks for various semiconductor manufacturing applications. ObOrNNS implements the well-known error back-propagation training algorithm.  In addition to standard empirical modeling, ObOrNNS has a semi-empirical (or “hybrid”) neural network modeling feature, which is used to derive phenomenological models based on known process chemistry and physics. ObOrNNS also contains an optimization routine based on genetic algorithms for use in recipe synthesis. As a Java-based application, the program is available to all platforms that support the Java Runtime Environment.

A.  Parallel neural-genetic implementation

                                    i.  Reference Search

a)  Neural networks

b)  Genetic algorithms

c)  Summary

                                  ii.  Java Programming

B.  Update ObOrNNS Graphical User Interface

C.  Neural network feedback control implementation

                                    i.  Reference search

a)  Neural network control

b)  Summary

                                  ii.  Java Programming




November: Background research and literature review


December: Exercise neural networks in ObOrNNS


January: Review java code and start programming


February: Update ObOrNNS graphical user-interface


March: Implement neural network controller, paper write-up/poster development


April: Poster development and presentation


2.      VFM Processing and Analysis (Daniel Cepeda)

Variable frequency Microwave (VFM) curing can be performed in a MircoCureä 2100. The controllable parameters for the MicroCureä 2100 are center frequency, bandwidth, sweep rate, power level, and ramp rate.  Samples may be processed at a fixed frequency, at a variable frequency with a specific center frequency and bandwidth, with a varying bandwidth, and/or varying sweep rate.  The unique feature of this system is the capability of frequency stepping.  The system can step through 4096 frequencies over a 1.15 GHz bandwidth every 0.1 s.  This frequency stepping provides a time-averaged uniform energy distribution throughout the cavity, which eliminates the non-uniform temperature distribution that occurs in single-frequency microwave furnaces. 


This VFM furnace also has a feedback control system that regulates the temperature of the sample being processed.  The control system can automatically adjust the power levels to maintain the sample at the desired temperature, which allows good control of ramp rates and final hold temperatures of the samples to be processed.  The VFM furnace has provisions to maintain an inert atmosphere during processing of samples.  The processing cavity can be pumped down using a mechanical pump and back-filled using nitrogen gas for processing in an oxygen-free environment. Another important characteristic of a VFM furnace is the ability to place metal inside the microwave cavity because charge build up and arcing due to the presence of the field is eliminated.


This project is a continuation from last year points a

A. Background Research (Completed last year)

i.  Terms to define

                                                              1)  Semiconductors

                                                              2)  Semiconductor packaging

                                                              3)  Semiconductor dielectric

                                                              4)  Polymer

                                                              5)  Polyimide

                                                              6)  Cure

                                                              7)  Imidization

                                                              8)  Emissivity

ii.  Polymer dielectrics

                                                              1)  What are they used for?

                                                              2)  Who manufactures them?

                                                              3)  Examples

a.  Benzocyclobutene

b.  Polyimide PI 2611

iii.  Extensive Literature Review: Microwave processing of polymers

                                                              1)  Fixed Frequency

                                                              2)  VFM

iv.  Order Sensors for VFM

                                                              1)  Thermocouple

                                                              2)  Fiber optic probes

v.  Design of Experiments/Statistical Design

                                                              1)  Central composite circumscribed (CCC)

                                                              2)  Central composite inscribed (CCI)

                                                              3)  2^n Factorial

                                                              4)  Latin Hypercube Sampling

                                                              5)  D-Optimal

B. Do a designed experiment (Statistical Design)

i.  Choose a design (CCC, CSI, 2^n, Latin hypercube, D-optimal)

ii.  Implement Design

                                                              1)  Determine VFM inputs that will be used in design

                                                              2)  Use RS-Discover for design

C. VFM processing

D. Data Acquisition

i.  Degree of cure/percent imidization  :FTIR

ii.  Optical properties and film thickness measurements

                                                              1)  In plane index of refraction                  : Metricon Prism coupler

                                                              2)  Through Plane index of refraction       : Metricon Prism coupler

                                                              3)  Thickness                                           :Metricon Prism coupler

iii.  Electrical properties

                                                              1)  Relative permittivity    

                                                              2)  Dielectric loss            

                                                              3)  Parallel plate capacitor structure needed to measure


Actual dielectric measurements made with a LCR

meter and using the following equations:


iv.  Mechanical properties

                                                              1)  Residual stress          

a.  -Calculate radius of curvature for wafer with and

without films and use the following equation


b.  E/(1-ν) = biaxial elastic modulus, h is substrate thickness in meters, t is film thickness, R is the differential radius of curvature (1/R = 1/R2-1/R1,  where R1 is radius of curvature of substrate and R2 is radius of curvature of the film)

                                                              2)  Young’s Modulus                    

a.  Instron tensile tester (estimated from the stress strain curves obtained from tensile testing of thin, free-standing films)

b.  Tensile strength          

c.  Elongation to break (ETB)

d.  TS and ETB are considered to be the maximum values the polymer film withstood prior to failure

                                                              3)  Thermal Stability

a.  Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA)–Seiko TG/DTA 320

                                                              4)  Thermo mechanical analysis (TMA):

a.  TMA Model 2940 by TA Instruments

v.  Physical properties

                                                              1)  Moisture uptake—Quartz Crystal Nanobalance (QCN)

E. Input data in to ObOrNNS

i.  Neural network modeling

ii.  Genetic algorithm optimization

iii.  Sensitivity analysis

iv.  Verify simulation results—VFM processing


November: Data acquisition: Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy and Metricon prism coupler measurements

December: VFM processing and Metricon prism coupler measurements

January: Data acquisition: Electrical properties

February: Data acquisition: Physical and mechanical properties

March: Input data in ObOrNNS and paper write-up/poster development

April: Poster development and presentation


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