Related People:

Blair MacIntyre

Cindy Robertson

Associated Projects

Accounting for Uncertainty in Mobile AR Systems

AIBAS: Adaptive Intent-Based Augmentation System

paperpic missing   Adapting to Registration Error in an Intent-Based Augmentation System
An ongoing research problem in Augmented Reality (AR) is to improve tracking and display technology in order to minimize registration errors. However, registration is not always necessary for users to understand the intent of an augmentation. We discuss how the ideas of communicative intent can be used in AR to ameliorate the effects of registration errors. We have developed a set of AR visualization techniques for augmentations with specific communicative intents that adapt to changing registration errors and demonstrate the use of these techniques.

Full Reference:

Robertson, Cindy and MacIntyre, Blair. "Adapting to Registration Error in an Intent-Based Augmentation System." In ACM User Interface Software and Technology 2002 (UIST 2002), Paris, France, October 27-30, 2002. (Presented as a poster.)

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