Old news items:

2004 Aura and Mixed Reality at Presence 2004

During Presence 2004, we will present a paper on the concept of "aura" and the importance of real places and objects.  (more information)

  DART to be presented and demonstrated at UIST 2004

During UIST 2004, we will present a paper on the design of DART (our AR design software).  During the UIST demo and poster session, we will demonstrate DART to conference attendees.  If you would like to learn more about DART, and will be attending UIST, please be sure to attend our talk and visit the demo. (more information)

  DART and OSGAR to be presented and demonstrated at ISMAR 2004

During ISMAR 2004, we will present a paper on the design of OSGAR (our AR software architecture that supports uncertain transformations).  Integrating uncertain transformations into a 3D scene graph is vital for building AR applications that function in realistic environments.  OSGAR provides a high-level abstraction to programmers for representing uncertainty and building applications that adapt as uncertainty changes. We will demonstrate OSGAR as part of the ISMAR demo session.  (more information)

During the ISMAR demo session, we will also demonstrate DART's advanced capabilities for handling multiple sensors and fusing them together in a simple and useful way.  (more information)

  DART to be demonstrated at Ubicomp 2004

During Ubicomp 2004, we will demonstrate how DART (our AR design software) simplifies the creation of experiences and applications that are situated in the physical world and rely on complex combinations of sensors.  (more information)

  AEL Projects to be demonstrated at GVU Convocation
As part of the Spring 2004 GVU Convocation and Research Review Day, members of the AEL will be demonstrating a number of lab projects, including DART: the Designer's Augmented Reality Toolkit, AIBAS: Adaptive Intent-Based Augmentation System, a scene-graph library for augmented reality built on top of OpenSceneGraph, and a new version of Three Angry Men.

Please contact us if you would like an invitation to the demo day and other events.

2003: AEL Demonstrates DART at ISMAR 2003 and UIST 2003
Members of the AEL will be demonstrating the DART: the Designer's Augmented Reality Toolkit, at ISMAR on October 9th and 10th in Tokyo, Japan, and at UIST on November 4th in Vancourver, BC, Canada. DART, built on top of Macromedia Director, is designed to make Augmented Reality accessible to non-technical designers. For more information on DART, visit the DART project page.
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