Mostafa Ammar pictures and video


  • Talk at Universty of Minnesota, April 2, 2001. Title: "Fulfilling the Promise: Architectures for Realizing Scalable Internet Services"


  • Talk at KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, June 10, 2011. Title: "Living in the WAM Continuum: Unified Design and Operation of Wireless and Mobile Networks"

  • Talk at LINCS, Paris, France, March 4, 2015. Title: "The Cirrus Cloud Project: Opportunistic Mobile Cloud Computing"

  • Talk at CMU -Qatar Campus, DOha, Qatar, April 3, 2016. Title: "The Evloution of Netwokring and its research: A personal Perspective"

  • Talk at Purdue University, October 10, 2016. Title: "The Evloution of Netwokring and its research: A personal Perspective" (revised version of April 2016 Talk) above)

  • Talk at KTH, Stockholm, June 2018.
    Title: "The Time-Traveling Computer Networking Researcher: Witnessing the Consolidation and Fragmentation of the Internet"

  • Talk at the University of Helsinki, June 2018.
    Title: "The Time-Traveling Computer Networking Researcher: Witnessing the Consolidation and Fragmentation of the Internet" See video HERE


  • Four generations [ Me, Johnny Wong (my advisor), Kevin Almeroth, Zongming Fei, and Pradnya Karbhari (my students), Khaled Harras (Kevin's Student-now at CMU Q), Mengkung Yang (Zongming's student -- now at EKU)]
    Picture Taken May 2005 at IFIP Networking Conference in Waterloo, Canada.

    four generations

      Students from the networking group with Ellen Zegura and me. (Probably taken in 2000)

      Netwokring Group

        With some of my students and other former GT networking students who work at Google and other Bay Area companies (taken April 2012).

        At Google

          With NICTA (Sydney, Australia) networking group during my visit in June/July 2013.


            With some of my former PhD students who work in the Bay Area (taken July 2015).


              With Marcelo D'Amorim and graduate students at LIP6, UPMC, Paris during my sabbatical Spring 2015.
