What's New
329 Technology Square Research Building (TSRB)
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280
Phone: +1 (404)894-7512
Fax: +1 (404)894-2970
abowd AT cc.gatech.edu


In the past, I did some research on ways to use ubiquitous computing technology and the WWW to support education. You can trace the path of this research by taking a look at the various classes I have been teaching. A lot of the projects students do in my class are ideas that have come from my work in Future Computing Environments. In particular, you might be interested in how our work on eClass (formerly Classroom 2000) has been playing out in my classes. The research system stopped being used in Fall 2001.


PhD Job Hunting Seminar (psst: there is a username and password for that URL)
Starting in Fall 2005, we initiated an informal seminar for Ph.D. students wanting to learn more about employment opportunities after graduate school. There is also a CoC mailing list for this effort, phdjobhunting-seminar AT cc.gatech.edu.
HCI Seminar
Starting in Spring 2002, we initiated a reading seminar for researchers in HCI. What took us so long!
Future Computing Environments Seminar
A discussion group on ubiquitous computing and new trends in computing. In Spring 2002, this single seminar series was replaced by separate HCI and Computational Perception and Robotics Seminars.
Reading group on software architecture
Software Engineering Seminar: Software Architecture, Fall 1995

Lecture Courses

CS 6750/4750 Human-Computer Interaction
A graduate/undergraduate introductory course on HCI. I use my own book, Human-Computer Interaction, 3rd Ed., published by Prentice-Hall, International. Here are pointers to the various times I have taught this course.

CS 1316 Representing Structure and Behavior
An introductory data structures course that is focused on media manipulation and simulations. This course is designed for computational media undergrads and industrial engineers. I have taught this course in Fall 2006 and 2007.

CS 8803 Autism and Technology
Joint with Dr. Rosa Arriaga, and with support from Cure Autism Now/Autism Speaks, I developed a course that fosters a better understanding of what autism is and what role information technologies can play for researchers, clinicians, families and individuals. This was first taught in Spring 2007 and I hope to teach it again sometime soon.

CS 4470/6456 Principles of User Interface Software
A graduate/undergraduate advanced course on the tools and architectures for creating traditional 2-dimensional graphical user interfaces as well as non-traditional "off-the-desktop" interactive systems.

CS 7470 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
A new course created by Gregory Abowd and Thad Starner on research topics covering ubiquitous, wearable and mobile computing topics. It has been taught every year since the initial offering, and is currently listed as CS 7470.

CS 7001 Introduction to Graduate Studies
An introductory course for new Ph.D. students in the College of Computing.

CS 3302 Introduction to Software Engineering
An undergraduate project-based course teaching fundamentals of software engineering.Here are pointers to the various times I have taught this course.

CS 4310/11/12 Software Engineering Lab (Real World Lab) .
This course is team taught by the Software Engineering Faculty and is a multi-term project class.

CS 2390 Modeling and Design
Undergraduate object-oriented analysis, design and programming course. I taught this class once, the Fall 1995 quarter.

CS 8113 Specification and analysis of interactive systems
A special topics course on formal methods as applied to interactive systems. Taught only once, in Spring 1995.

Last modified: Sun Sep 19 14:33:50 EDT 2004