A Note to GVU Alumni:
GVU wants to keep our list of alumni up-to-date. If you are an alumnus of GVU and your name still appears on our Students page, or is not listed here, please take a moment to send us a message! Please send your Name, Date of Graduation, School/Major, Current Employer, and Current URL or Email to: gvu-webmaster@cc.gatech.edu.

In addition, a SWIKI page for GVU Alumni is available to keep our community aware of current information about you. Let us know how you are doing! Thanks!

A,   B,   C,   D,    E,   F,   G,   H,   I,   J,   K,   L,   M,   N,   O,   P,   Q,   R,   S,   T,   U,   V,   W,   X,   Y,   Z


Lori Adams (HCI-CS, '02), CNN, lorikristin@yahoo.com

Steve Adelson (PhD, '93), Lockheed-Martin Advanced Simulation Center, sjadelson@acm.org

Gaurav Aggarwal (MS, HCI, '00)

John Akers (MS, '98), Hewlett-Packard (San Diego, CA), john_akers@hp.com

Don Allison, State University of New York at Oneonta, don@stny.rr.com

Annie Archbold (MS, '97), IBM (Atlanta, GA)

Benjamin Arnette (MS, '97), Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, WA)

Stephen C. Arnold (PhD, '95), Drexel University, stephen.arnold@cis.drexel.edu

Dietmar Aust



Nancy Babiarz (BS, '95; MS-HCI, '03), Panasonic Mobile Communications Development Corporation of America

Tucker Balch, College of Computing, Georgia Tech, tucker@cc.gatech.edu

Kelly Balcom (MS, LCC/IDT)

Alisa Bandlow (MS, HCI, '02), Sandia National Laboratories, abandlo@sandia.gov

Jeanie Miskelly Barker (MS, HCI-CS, '04), Northrop Grumman, jbarker@cdc.gov

Shannon Bauman (MS, HCI-CS, '04), Google

Robin Baumberger (MS, '95)

Kori Bevis (MS, HCI, '04), IBM, kbevis@us.ibm.com

Krishna Bharat (PhD, '96), Google

Gary Boone

Doug Bowman (PhD, '99), Dept. of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, bowman@vt.edu

David Brogan (PhD, '00), University of Virginia

Sharon Davis Brogan (MS, '95), sbrogan@inovacorp.comm

Jason Brotherton

Thomas Browne

Mona Lee Brown (MS, LCC/IDT)

Ivan Brusic (MS,'99), ivan_brusic@yahoo.com

Marna Burns

Mike Byrne (PhD, Psychology, '96)



Debbie Carlson (MS, '97), Tippett Studio

Karen Carroll

Paul Carroll

Chun Kit Chiu (MS, HCI-CS, '01), Georgia Tech Research Institute, boaz.chiu@gtri.gatech.edu

Jason Civjan

John Cobb (MS, Psychology, '98), Air National Guard, jcobb@guardpilot.com

Vicky Coon

Maria Cordell (MS, IDT, '05), independent designer/consultant, mcordell@gmail.com

Sarah Craighill (MS, HCI, '01)

Marcia Crosland (PhD, '99), NCR

Steve Cover (MS, '93), Microsoft Corporation

William Curtis (MS, LCC/IDT, '98), Centers for IBM e-business Innovation, bill@billcurtisworks.com



Christina de Juan (MS, CS '01), cdejuan@vuse.vanderbilt.edu

Dave Deitrich, Motorola (Chicago, IL)

Mark Dennard (MS, LCC/IDT, '99)

Anind K. Dey (PhD, CS, '00), University of California at Berkeley, dey@cs.berkeley.edu

Ellen Yi-Luen Do (PhD, '98), Carnegie Mellon University, ellendo@cmu.edu



Keith Edwards (PhD, '95), College of Computing, Georgia Tech, keith@cc.gatech.edu

Kelly Elliott

Jason Ellis (PhD, '02)

Christian Ertmann-Christiansen



Susan Fisher (BS, CS, '99), Pixar Animation Studios, sfisher@cs.unc.edu

Martin Frank (PhD, CS, '95), USC Information Sciences Institute, frank@isi.edu



Ed Gallant

Warren F. Gardner (PhD, '95), K2T (Pittsburgh, PA)

Oliver Gerouville

Bryce Glass (MS, '97), Netscape Communications Corporation (Mountain View, CA)

Ammo Goettsch, Fraunhofer CRCG, Inc. (Providence, RI)

Yusuf Goolamabbas

David H. Gotz

Vipul Gupta (MS, '95), MCS, Schlumberger (Norcross, GA)

Valerie Guth (MS, '97)

Simon Grist (MS, LCC/IDT, '99)



Ben Hall (MS, LCC/IDT, '99), Merrill-Hall New Media

Keesah Green Hall (MS, HCI-CS, '00), Georgia Tech Research Institute, keesah.hall@gtri.gatech.edu

Chen-Ning Hsi

Shelly Harris, Industrial and Systems Engineering

Jacques Haus, (MS, CS, '96), Schlumberger-Paris, haus@slb.com

Tal Herman (MS, LCC/IDT, '99)

Edward Hess (MS, HCI-CS, '02)

Yu-Wen Ivy Ho

Charlie E. Hubbard

Teresa Ann Hubscher-Younger (MS, HCI/IDT, '98)

Kerrie Hudzinski, (MS, LCC/IDT, '00)

Johnny Humphrey



Anne Jacobs, bestbuddy@attbi.com

Yves Jean (PhD, '96), Bell Labs (Murray Hill, NJ)

Chad Jenkins (MS, '98), Ph.D student at USC, cjenkins@pollux.usc.edu

Dean Jerding

Mark Jacobson

Kipp Jones (MS, '95), nuBridges, LLC (Atlanta, GA), kjones@nubridges.com or kippster@yahoo.com

Amos Johnson (PhD, '02), Post-Doctoral Fellow, GVU Center, Georgia Tech, amos@cc.gatech.edu

Mark Johnson (MS, '97), mark.johnson@mindspring.com

Ray Johnson

Stacy Johnson (MS, CS, '92), Scriptics Corporation, Palo Alto, California

Patrick Jones



Colleen Kehoe (PhD, CS, '01), University of Illinois at Chicago, colleenk@uic.edu

Lina Karam, Arizona State University

Bolot Kerimbaev (MS, CS, '02)

G. Drew Kessler (PhD), Lehigh University, dkessler@cse.lehigh.edu

Bob King (PhD, Psych, '03), kingbob@mindspring.com

James Knudsen

Michael Koetter (MS, LCC/IDT)

Rob Kooper (MS, CS, '01)

Eileen Kraemer, University of Georgia

Darin Krasle

Anna Shleyfman Kreslavskiy, (MS, CS, '01), VistaScape Security Systems, shleyf@vistascape.com

Thorhallur Arni Kristjansson, (MS, HCI-CS, '04), CareerBuilder, thorhallur.arni@gmail.com"

Gregory Krohne



Akbar Ladak

Valerie Lafond-Favieres

S. Lakshmipathi, Industrial & Systems Engineering

Melissa Landers

Andrea Williams Lawrence, Computer Science Department Chair, Spelman College, lawrence@spelman.edu

Jeonghwan "Jay" Lee (MS, HCI, '01), MediaOcean, Inc. (Atlanta, GA)

Debra F. Levin (MS, LCC/IDT)

Lori Levy (MS, LCC/IDT, '99)

Peter Lindstrom (PhD, CS,'00), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Kent Lyons



Jennifer Mankoff (PhD, CS, '01), Carnegie Mellon University

Chris Martin (MS, HCI,'00)

Bernard A. Matthews

Aaron McClennen

Sean McCrohan (MS, HCI, '99), mccrohan@darklings.org

Kevin McDonald (MS, HCI, '01), frogdesign (Austin, TX), kevin.mcdonald@frogdesign.com

Shane McWhorter (PhD, CE '93), Design Psychology, shane@mcwhorter.org

Kuleen Mehta

Prabir Mehta (MS-HCI, '01), IT-Enterprise Information Systems, Georgia Tech, prabir.mehta@oit.gatech.edu

Franklin Mendival

Beth Meyer

Thomas C. Meyer, Walt Disney Feature Animation (Burbank, CA and Orlando, FL)

Ronald Metoyer (PhD, CS, '01), Oregon State University, metoyer@cs.orst.edu

Robert Minsk, Centropolis Effects

Amy Mitchell

Jehan Moghazy (MS-HCI '03, BS-CS '01), IBM, jehanz@hotmail.com

Neveen Moghazy (MS, IDT, '02), Accenture User Experience Labs, neveen@hotmail.com

Lisa Moore, Computing

Melody Moore (PhD, CS), Georgia State University

Rob Morgan, XcelleNet Inc.

Kimberly Morton (MS, HCI through Psychology), Delta Airlines

Anirudh Moudgal (MS, HCI, '01), Project Director, Human Factors International, anirudh at humanfactors dot com

Lindsey Conner Mosby (MS, LCC/IDT)

Sougata Mukherjea (PhD), NEC C & C Research Lab

Rakesh Mullick (Ph.D., CS, '94), GE John F. Welch Tech Center, rakesh.mullick@ge.com or nrakesh@artree.com

Arthur Murphy (MS,'97), Georgia Tech

Robin Murphy (PhD, CS, '92), University of South Florida, murphy@csee.usf.edu

Jeyakumar Muthukumarasamy, Silicon Graphics (Mountain View, CA)

Elizabeth Mynatt, Georgia Tech, Associate Director of the GVU Center, mynatt@cc.gatech.edu



Rahul Nair (MS, HCI, '04), Yahoo! Research Berkeley, rahulnair@acm.org

Lawrence Najjar (Ph.D., Psych, '98), lawrence_najjar@yahoo.com

S. Narayanan (PhD, ISyE, '94), Wright State University, snarayan.cs.wright.edu

Rhonda Nelson (MS, LCC/IDT, '98), retreux@yahoo.com

Erica Wingo Newcomb (MS, HCI-CS, '02), enewcomb@bellsouth.net

Greg Newton



James O'Brien, UC Berkeley

Augusto Opdenbosch (PhD, CE '94), XYZ Solutions, Inc., abosch@opdenbosch.com



Jarrell Pair (MS, HCI-CS, '99), Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California, jarrell@acm.org

Toni George Pashley (MS, HCI-CS, '02)

Monica Pate (MS, LCC/IDT, '99)

Charles Patterson, College of Computing

Donita Phipps, Psychology

Jim Pitkow (PhD, CS, '97)

Heather Pritchett, Walt Disney Feature Animation Studios (Orlando)



Ted Rathkopf (MS, '94), ted@rathkopf.org

Noel Rappin

Ron Raymond (MS, LCC/IDT,'99)

Marcia Riley

Scott Robertson, IMTC (Georgia Tech)

Erika Rogers (PhD, CS '92; MS, CS'85) California Polytechnic State University, erogers@csc.calpoly.edu

David R. Rodriguez



Erica Sadun (PhD, '96), erica@mindspring.com

Alla Safanova

Juan Carlos Santamaria (MS, CS 93; MS, ISyE 95; PhD, CS 97), XYZ Solutions, Inc.

Paulo Santos (PhD), AT&T Bell Labs

Kimberly A. Sass

Nitin 'Nick' Sawhney

Cynthia Schlag-Morneweck (MS, HCI-CS, '01), OIT, Georgia Tech, Cynthia.Morneweck@oit.gatech.edu

Wouter Schenk (Exchange Student, MS, '94), IBM (the Netherlands), Wouter_schenk@nl.ibm.com

Arno Schoedl

Kevin Scott, (MS, HCI, '98), Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp. (Salt Lake City, UT), kevscott@es.com

Rahim Shariff (MS, CS, '02)

Jennifer Sheridan

Terry Shikano (PhD, '00), ClickFox (Atlanta, GA)

Julie Shinabery

Richard Sit

Ian Smith

Douglas Smith (MS, LCC/IDT)

Harry Smoak (MS, HCI, '04), info@harrysmoak.com

Jerome Solomon (MS, '93), PDI/DreamWorks (Palo Alto, CA)

U. Sreekanth, PhD student (Georgia Tech)

Molly Stevens

Kurt Stirewalt, Michigan State University

Kathryn Stockton, Metheus (Beaverton, OR)

Sherry G. Strickland (MS, LCC/IDT,'99), Freelance Animator

Suzanne Suddath (MS, LCC/IDT)

Kateherine Sukel

Robert Sumner (BS, CS '98), sumner@graphics.lcs.mit.edu

Robert Surdick



Beau Teague (MS, LCC/IDT, '99)

Brad Topol (PhD '98), IBM Technical Interface Group

John Tolva (MS, LCC/IDT), IBM

Jack Tumblin (PhD, CS, '99), Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Northwestern University



Alex van Dam, Delft University (Netherlands)

Ron van Teylingen, Delft University (Netherlands)

Marijn van der Velde, Delft University (Netherlands)

Jeffrey Vetter, (PhD), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Steve Voida, (MS, HCI-CS, '01), Research Scientist, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology



Gong Wang (M.S., HCI, '00), Dell Computer Corporation

Oliver Wang, Silicon Graphics (Mountain View)

Zachary Justin Wartell (PhD, CS, '01)

Ben Watson, Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University

Joe Wehrli (M.S., Computing, '93), Chief Operations Officer, Home Art Network

Eli Wendkos (M.S., IDT, '02)

Christopher J. Whaley (PhD, Psychology, '97), Accenture, chris.whaley@acm.org

Tonya M. Whaley (MS, '95), Georgia Tech Research Insititute

Justin Whittle

Jeffrey B. Wilson (MS, CS, '01), Biomedical Interactive Technology Center, Georgia Tech, jeff.wilson@bitc.gatech.edu

Wayne Wooten (PhD, Computing, '98), Pixar Animation Studios (Point Richmond, CA)



Victor Yang (MS, CS, '94), IBM, pythonrocks@yahoo.com

Claudia Yi Leon (MS, LCC/IDT, '99)

Gary Yngve, gyngve@cs.washington.edu



Q. Alex Zhao (PhD, CS, '01), Intel, q.alex.zhao@intel.com

Victor Zordan (PhD, CS, '02), University of California Riverside, vbz@cs.ucr.edu


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