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Other Research Work

Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute - Intelligent Software Agents
MIT Media Lab Software Agents
AT&T Facial Animation
CSLR - Center for Speech and Language Research
Bibliography on Interface Agents

Agent and Chat Bot

Agent Info
internet.com's BotSpot
Agent-Based Systems by Sverker Janson
Some places with graphical Bots
The Microsoft Agent Web Ring
PC AI - Artificial Intelligence
The Simon Laven Page
The A. L. I. C. E. Nexus

Facial Animation

DIGITAL FaceWorks Home
Facial Animation
Facial Animation Overview
Multimodal Speech Synthesis
Talking Heads Contents
Haptek - www.haptek.com

Interface Agent Product

Zabaware - Welcome to Zabaware
Ananova - www.ananova.com
Artificial Life, Inc.
Neuromedia, Inc.
Wizzard assistants
Virtual Personalities, Inc.

Speech Engine

The Festival Speech Synthesis System
mySpeech - Access the Web with your voice! Turn your homepage into your personal speech portal.
Scientific American Feature Article Computing with Oxygen August 1999
Dragon Systems, Inc. Products
IBM Software Groupware - Productivity and Lotus ViaVoice
L&H Voice Xpress™ Version 4 - Introduction - L&H
CMU Sphinx Open Source Speech Recognition

Natural Lanuage Understanding

LTG software LT CHUNK
About.com http--www.simplis.com-
Adding Common Sense to Applications using ThoughtTreasure's Java-based client API
Simplis, Inc. site providing information on speech recognition, natural language understanding, and Zlang technology. Download