Future Computing Environments

Weekly Discussion Group on Future Computing Environments

Fall Quarter 1995

CS 8011 H

Mondays 4:30-6:00pm in the GVU Conference Room


General information

Previous quarters

Go to the current week


Week 1: 9/25

Introduction Gregory Abowd

Week 2: 10/2

Capturing group interaction: Chris Atkeson
Scott L. Minneman and Steve R. Harrison, Where Were We: making and using near-synchronous, pre-narrative video, ACM Multimedia 93, pages 207-214.

Karon Weber and Alex Poon, Marquee: A Tool for Real-Time Video Logging, CHI'94, pages 58-64.

Week 3: 10/9

Ubiquitous computing: Nick Sawhney
Roy Want, Bill Schilit, Norman Adams, Rich Gold, Karin Petersen, David Goldberg, John Ellis and Mark Weiser, The ParcTab Ubiquitous Computing Experiment, Xerox PARC Technical Report CSL-95-1, March 1995.
You can review the html-foils for the talk here.

Week 4: 10/16

Video conferencing: Shawn Elson
Interaction Design for Shared World-Wide Web Annotations

Week 5: 10/23

Applications of vision: Dietmar Aust
1. Wellner P. "Interacting with Paper on the DigitalDesk." Comm. ACM, Vol. 36(7), (July 1993) pp. 87-96.
2. Toshifumi Arai et alteri: "InteractiveDESK: A Computer-augmented Desk Which Responds to Operations on Real Objects"
3. Jun Rekimoto: "Augmented Interaction: The World Through the Computer", UIST 1995 (to appear)
4. James L.Crowley, Joelle Coutaz: "Vision for Man Machine Interaction", ECHI, 1995
You can review the html-foils for the talk here.

Week 6: 10/30

Mobile computing: Tom Gay
Mobile computing resources on WWW

Week 7: 11/6

Wireless WWW: Jeremy Heiner
Dynamic Documents: Mobile Wireless Access to the WWW (Postscript version of the paper)
Dynamic Documents: (More info in HTML)
Mobisaic: An Information System for a Mobile Wireless Computing Environment (Postscript version of the paper)
Mobisaic: (More info in HTML)
You can review the html-foils for the talk here.

Week 8: 11/13

The Web as a Desktop: Jim Pitkow
Suggested Readings
General topics:
W3C: On Mobile Code
W3C: The Web as a Distributed Application Platform
Object Desktops/Systems (this seems more like the target):
NeXT: Web Objects
The Network Desktop
The Tycoon Project
Stardock announces Object Desktop
Java(tm): Programming for the Internet
Knowledge Query & Manipulation Language

Week 9: 11/20

Conference update

Week 10: 11/27

First we will attend a GVU special event:

                     Thomas Ball
                  AT&T Bell Laboratories

           Monday, November 27, 1995 at 4:00 pm
                Room 102 A Pettit Building

      "Tracking and Viewing Modifications on the Web"

At 5:00 pm in the GVU conference room then:

More on video indexing:

Zhang et al.: "Video Parsing, Retrieval and Browsing: An Integrated and Content-Based Solution"
Taniguchi et al.: "An Intuitive and Efficient Access Interface to Real-Time Incoming Video Based on Automatic Indexing."
Brown et al.: "Automatic Content-Based Retrieval of Broadcast News."

Week 11: 12/4

The Zenith Cruise Pad: Charlie Pierce, Zenith Data Systems.

General Information

Readings can be obtained each week on the file cabinet behind Gwen Baker's desk (264 CoC).

To subscribe to the mailing list for FCE, send a request to Majordomo@cc.gatech.edu with the line 'subscribe future your-address (Your Name)' in the body of the message.

For questions regarding this web site or the FCE group, please contact: abowd@cc.gatech.edu

Future Computing Environments Georgia Institute of Technology