Weekly Discussion Group on Future Computing Environments
Fall Quarter 1995
CS 8011 H
Mondays 4:30-6:00pm in the GVU Conference Room
General information
Previous quarters
Go to the current week
Week 1: 9/25
Introduction Gregory Abowd
Week 2: 10/2
Capturing group interaction: Chris Atkeson
- Papers
- Scott L. Minneman and Steve R. Harrison, Where Were We: making
and using near-synchronous, pre-narrative video, ACM Multimedia
93, pages 207-214.
Karon Weber and Alex Poon, Marquee: A Tool for Real-Time Video
Logging, CHI'94, pages 58-64.
Week 3: 10/9
Ubiquitous computing: Nick Sawhney
- Papers
- Roy Want, Bill Schilit, Norman Adams, Rich Gold, Karin Petersen,
David Goldberg, John Ellis and Mark Weiser, The ParcTab Ubiquitous
Computing Experiment, Xerox PARC Technical Report CSL-95-1, March 1995.
You can review the html-foils for the talk here.
Week 4: 10/16
Video conferencing: Shawn Elson
- Papers
- Interaction Design for Shared World-Wide Web Annotations
Week 5: 10/23
Applications of vision: Dietmar Aust
- Papers
- 1. Wellner P. "Interacting with Paper on the DigitalDesk." Comm. ACM, Vol. 36(7), (July 1993) pp. 87-96.
- 2. Toshifumi Arai et alteri: "InteractiveDESK: A Computer-augmented Desk Which Responds to Operations on Real Objects"
- 3. Jun Rekimoto: "Augmented Interaction: The World Through the Computer", UIST 1995 (to appear)
- 4. James L.Crowley, Joelle Coutaz: "Vision for Man Machine Interaction", ECHI, 1995
You can review the html-foils for the talk here.
Week 6: 10/30
Mobile computing: Tom Gay
- Papers
- Mobile computing resources on WWW
Week 7: 11/6
Wireless WWW: Jeremy Heiner
- Papers
Dynamic Documents: Mobile Wireless Access to the WWW (Postscript version of the paper)
- Dynamic Documents: (More info in HTML)
Mobisaic: An Information System for a Mobile Wireless
Computing Environment (Postscript version of the paper)
- Mobisaic: (More info in HTML)
You can review the html-foils for the talk here.
Week 8: 11/13
The Web as a Desktop: Jim Pitkow
- Suggested Readings
- General topics:
- W3C: On Mobile Code
- W3C: The Web as a Distributed Application Platform
- Object Desktops/Systems (this seems more like the target):
- NeXT: Web Objects
- The Network Desktop
- The Tycoon Project
- Stardock announces Object Desktop
- Java:
- Java(tm): Programming for the Internet
- KQML/Agents:
- Knowledge Query & Manipulation Language
Week 9: 11/20
Conference update
Week 10: 11/27
First we will attend a GVU special event:
Thomas Ball
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Monday, November 27, 1995 at 4:00 pm
Room 102 A Pettit Building
"Tracking and Viewing Modifications on the Web"
At 5:00 pm in the GVU conference room then:
More on video indexing:
- Papers
- Zhang et al.: "Video Parsing, Retrieval and Browsing: An Integrated and Content-Based Solution"
- Taniguchi et al.: "An Intuitive and Efficient Access Interface to Real-Time Incoming Video Based on Automatic Indexing."
- Brown et al.: "Automatic Content-Based Retrieval of Broadcast News."
Week 11: 12/4
The Zenith Cruise Pad: Charlie Pierce, Zenith Data Systems.
Readings can be obtained each week on the file cabinet behind Gwen
Baker's desk (264 CoC).
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For questions regarding this web site or the FCE group, please
contact: abowd@cc.gatech.edu