Wireless WWW
A quick review of the two projects / papers
Mobile Computing at the University of Washington
- Dynamic Environment Variables
- Dynamic URLs
- http://www/places/$(Location).html
- Customized X Mosaic
- <!- (subscribe to $(variable)) -!>
- reload (default)
- load URL
- spawn URL
- close
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
- Tcl scripts as a new MIME content type
- "safe" script commands only
- Tk can bring up external windows
- Customized NCSA Mosaic
- Caching & Prefetching
- Variables made available to Tcl scripts
- Hardware platform being used
- Current location
- Hooks to load a URL from Tcl scripts
- Callbacks so scripts can get UI events
Another similar project
Mobile Wireless Computing at Rutgers University
- Location- and time-dependent active pages
- Modified html, added markups
- Customized NSCA Mosaic & HTTP server
- Page authoring tool
Points for discussion
Active pages are not a new idea (how long has Hot Java been
around?), and they appear to be useful even in the non-wireless
case. What value does the wireless communications add beyond
that of active pages?
The systems described above add the capability to walk around and
"bump into" URLs. Still focusing on the issue of wireless www,
this seems to be the only thing that couldn't be done in quite the same
way in a workstation www application. Is this assessment correct?
Suppose this technology evolves beyond the "bump into URLs"
capability, which direction will it go?