General Topic Outline (see T-square wiki for readings)
- Introduction (1 week)
- A quick tour of the Internet: layering, datagram services
- Network Applications (2 weeks)
- Domain Name System
- E-Mail Application Protocols (SMTP,POP,IMAP,MIME)
- The Web and HTTP
- SIP and VoIP
- Peer-to-Peer
- Client-Server Programming (1.5 weeks)
- TCP Client
- TCP Server
- Application Issues: Data Framing
- UDP Client/Server, Server Architectures
- Transport Protocols (2.5 weeks)
- introduction, service definitions, multiplexing
- reliable transport
- connection management
- TCP flow control, congestion control
- Midterm Exam -
- Internet Protocol (1.5 weeks )
- Introduction, network interconnection, hubs/switches/routers
- Addressing, Fragmentation
- IPv6
- Network Routing ( 1 week )
- Routing Protocols
- Domain Based Routing
- Data Link Layer (2 weeks - )
- Wired MAC Protocols
- WiFi Protocols
- Mobility
- Switching Architectures
- Addressing and Management (1 week )
- Security (1 week )
- Final Exam - According to the schedule set by the institute.
- Cumulative, will cover material from the entire semester.