Topic Outline (updated as the semester develops)
This is a outline of possible topics that we will cover. We probably won't get to all of them.
Note that some links to class resources, such as slides and documentation are password restricted to GT students only. Use your prism credentials for access.
- Overview: The Class, The State of the MAS World - Aug 17 slides
- Overview: Descriptions of Recent and Ongoing Projects - Aug 19,21 See the demos and projects on the CIP site.
- Traditional Telephony vs Traditional IP - August 24 slides
- The Cellular Network -
- IMS Overview
- SIP and VoIP - Sept 2-4 - message and call example intro slides, detail slides
- IMS Architecture - Sept 9 -
intro slides,
Siemens Training
IMS Introduction For Developers
- components and signaling -
- authentication and registration (REGISTER) -
- simple call setup (INVITE) -
- charging/billing - -
intro slides,
BEA IMS charging architecture
Also, see the marketing and charging resources available on the Cingular Developer Site
- Other Services
- presence - September 23 -
RFC 2778,
RFC 3856,
RFC 3863,
- Nokia Siemens Presence Implementation - Documentation - location - -
3G Location Services Service Description,
RFC 4119,
IMS Location Service Paper, NPR Story on Cell Phone Location Service - group
- gateways and application servers
- PoC - Push-and-Talk Over Cellular -
PoC Architecture Description, PoC User Plane Protocol Interface Description, Siemens PoC Server Technical Description,
- presence - September 23 -
RFC 2778,
RFC 3856,
RFC 3863,
- Application Design and Programming
- What does it mean to develop an IMS program? -
- Design criteria: constraints and goals
- Application styles: SIP, P2P, B2BUA, Web
- SIP A/S programming -
IBM SIP Servlet Presentation,
Sailfin Presentation,
Ubiquity Developer Network, Ubiquity SDK Development Training Document,
Ubiquity SDK Sample Exercises,
Sample SIP Servlet Application from BEA,
- Media Gateway programming
- CSCF configs
- Handset programming
- Java/Symbian/.Net
- emulators and simulators