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ACM TechNews - Monday, June 30, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 514
Date: June 30, 2003

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Top Stories for Monday, June 30, 2003:

"A Safer System for Home PC's Feels Like Jail to Some Critics"
"Technology Transmits Sensation of Touch Over Internet"
"New Agency to Ensure Internet Security in Europe"
"Nuala: Tech Not a Complete Fix"
"A Push From Homeland Security"
"The Google Backlash"
"Building Thinking Robots"
"Mobile-Phone Technology Moves Toward Nirvana"
"Exec: No Shortage of Net Addresses"
"Hairy Truth About Computer Images"
"Prefab Key to Molecular Memory"
"Innovators Harness the Power of Touch"
"Impatient Web Searchers Measure Web Sites' Appeal in Seconds"
"ICANN Introduces New Framework"
"Wearing Wires"
"When to Shed Light"
"Self-Repairing Computers: Striving for Dependability"
"All Present and Accounted For?"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"A Safer System for Home PC's Feels Like Jail to Some Critics"
IBM and Hewlett-Packard have introduced new computers for
corporate customers that feature built-in hardware and software
encryption designed to protect corporate data, personal privacy,
and the illegal use of digital content.  The new machines are ...

"Technology Transmits Sensation of Touch Over Internet"
Researchers at the University of Buffalo's Virtual Reality
Laboratory have developed a technology that conveys tactile
sensations over the Internet, a breakthrough known as
"sympathetic haptics."  One person feels an object wearing a ...

"New Agency to Ensure Internet Security in Europe"
The European Commission recently introduced the European Network
and Information Security Agency, whose mission is to boost IT
security levels throughout European Union member nations and
enable information-sharing between those nations' individual IT ...

"Nuala: Tech Not a Complete Fix"
Department of Homeland Security chief privacy officer Nuala
O'Connor Kelly states that technology alone cannot be relied upon
to strike a balance between privacy and security:  Technology,
policy, people, and practices must work together in order to ...

"A Push From Homeland Security"
Silicon Valley executives were heartened at a June 25 conference
in Washington, D.C., by indications that the U.S. government
would call upon the private sector to furnish software and
hardware for cybersecurity and anti-terrorism surveillance, data ...

"The Google Backlash"
Google, the world's biggest search engine, has long boasted a
reputation for fair-mindedness, but people are starting to
question that reputation in light of events such as Robert
Massa's lawsuit against Google for reducing the ranking of his ...

"Building Thinking Robots"
Michigan State University (MSU) researchers are developing
artificial intelligence systems that are taught rather than
programmed in order to build robots capable of learning from
experience.  "Instead of programming a computer how to solve some ...

"Mobile-Phone Technology Moves Toward Nirvana"
Dan Gillmor has a specific vision of an ideal handheld device,
one that runs on General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) or similar
networks and includes a phone, a personal organizer, a camera, a
Web browser, and a flexible operating system compatible with ...

"Exec: No Shortage of Net Addresses"
Asia Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC) director Paul
Wilson says there is no Internet address shortage in Asia and
there will not be one for at least another 10 years, even if
today's IPv4 system remains in place.  Wilson says that for the ...

"Hairy Truth About Computer Images"
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor Ming C.
Lin's research has helped advance computer graphics technology
and facilitate more lifelike computer-generated images that
appear in animated films, computer games, and other media.  One ...

"Prefab Key to Molecular Memory"
Researchers at the University of Southern California, Rice
University, and NASA Ames Research Center have assembled
molecular memory by gently applying electrical contacts to a
small array of electrodes coated with molecules, a breakthrough ...

"Innovators Harness the Power of Touch"
Sony's Tokyo-based Interactive Laboratories are straddling the
cutting edge of haptics technology with the development of the
Touch Engine, a prototype touchscreen interface that is bendable
and offers users "feelable" graphics.  The device, designed by a ...

"Impatient Web Searchers Measure Web Sites' Appeal in Seconds"
Developers of Web sites and search engines would do well to
continue improving their sites and engines, concludes a study by
Penn State researchers.  The paper, which was presented at this
week's 2003 International Conference on Internet Computing in Las ...

"ICANN Introduces New Framework"
ICANN has been criticized in the past for excluding the input of
individual Internet users, and ICANN's decision to create a
user-level participant structure under an so-called At-Large
framework addresses this issue.  The At-Large framework will ...

"Wearing Wires"
Perhaps the biggest barrier to the adoption of electronic
clothing is its fashion value, but that may change thanks to the
work of Georgia Institute of Technology engineer Sundaresan
Jayaraman.  Jayaraman's breakthrough electronic fabric, which ...

"When to Shed Light"
In the past, software security flaws were typically announced to
the public on a limited basis through bulletin boards or
seminars.  But many more people today are involved in finding
flaws and alerting others to them, creating such tools as the ...

"Self-Repairing Computers: Striving for Dependability"
The computer industry is concerned about how the growing
complexity and power of their products have impacted their
dependability, and is now spending more time looking for ways to
reduce the downtime of computer systems.  Microsoft recently ...

"All Present and Accounted For?"
Research from AT&T Labs and elsewhere indicates that workers
could be significantly more productive and efficient through the
deployment of instant messaging (IM) and other presence
applications, which would reduce costs by scaling back an ...


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