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ACM TechNews - Friday, June 27, 2003

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ACM TechNews
Volume 5, Number 513
Date: June 27, 2003

Top Stories for Friday, June 27, 2003:

"Michigan Senate Passes Anti-Spam Bill"
"The Next-Generation Net Is on the Way"
"2 PC Makers Given Credit and Blame in Recycling"
"Inventor Looks to DNS's Past, Future"
"A Look Inside Apple's New Push for Speed"
"Bill Seeks to Loosen Copyright Law's Grip"
"Hacker How-To Good Summer Reading"
"Group Shakes SALT on Scalable Vector Graphics"
"Girls Less Confident on Computers: Study"
"New Finding Has Implications For Scientists Designing New Mobile
 Audio Interfaces"
"Mystery Net Traffic Linked to Attack Tools"
"Openness Makes Software Better Sooner"
"W3C Issues Key Web Services Standard"
"Wires Make Wireless Strain Gauge"
"Power Play"
"Uncrossed Wires"
"What's On the Technology Horizon? Six Perspectives--Part 1"
"The Translation Challenge"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Michigan Senate Passes Anti-Spam Bill"
The Michigan state Senate on June 24 unanimously approved an
anti-spam bill that would set up a do-not-spam registry and
impose heavy fines on violators.  In addition, the Michigan bill
would establish a "parental block" that allows parents and ...

"The Next-Generation Net Is on the Way"
The Internet is expected to gradually shift from the current
Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) to version 6 (IPv6), a
standard that will offer more reliable security and more
dexterous data-handling for operations such as videoconferences,
real-time multiplayer online games, and battlefield actions.  In ...

"2 PC Makers Given Credit and Blame in Recycling"
Leading U.S. PC manufacturers Hewlett-Packard and Dell Computer
received praise and scorn, respectively, for their recycling
programs in a report prepared by the Silicon Valley Toxics
Coalition and the Computer Take Back Campaign.  HP was lauded for ...

"Inventor Looks to DNS's Past, Future"
Domain Name System (DNS) inventor Paul Mockapetris is surprised
the basic DNS framework is still in place 20-plus years after he
ran the first successful test, but says the system is handling
increasing demands fairly well.  Additions have made DNS relevant ...

"A Look Inside Apple's New Push for Speed"
The major focus for the PC world this year appears to be speed
and communication, as demonstrated by Apple Computer CEO Steve
Jobs' recent announcement of his company's Power Mac G5 as "the
fastest personal computer in the world."  Although critics have ...

"Bill Seeks to Loosen Copyright Law's Grip"
The Public Domain Enhancement Act introduced by Reps. Zoe Lofgren
(D-Calif.) and John Doolittle (R-Calif.) on June 25 requires
copyright owners to pay $1 to renew their copyrights 50 years
after the material's first publication; failure to comply means ...

"Hacker How-To Good Summer Reading"
The book, "Stealing the Network: How to Own the Box," mixes
fictional scenarios with real-world technology and hacking
methods, and having high-profile hackers such as Mark Burnett,
Tim Mullen, and Ken Pfeil among the book's authors further raises ...

"Group Shakes SALT on Scalable Vector Graphics"
The SALT Forum has released code for integrating SALT (Speech
Application Language Tags) and the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
protocol from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).  The new
profile further enhances the capabilities of SALT 1.0, especially ...

"Girls Less Confident on Computers: Study"
Canadian high school girls are not as confident as boys when it
comes to working on computers and the Internet; nor do they use
them as often as boys, according to a Statistics Canada study
co-authored by Dalhousie University's Victor Thiessen and Acadia ...

"New Finding Has Implications For Scientists Designing New Mobile
 Audio Interfaces"
People who carry on conversations with text-to-speech (TTS)
computer systems modify their speech patterns so they are more in
keeping with the computer's mode of discourse, a technique known
as speech convergence, concludes a new study led by Sharon Oviatt ...

"Mystery Net Traffic Linked to Attack Tools"
Rogue Internet packets exactly 55,808 bits long that have been
circulating around the Web since mid-May have been linked to one
of three different computer attack tools: Stumbler, 55808 Trojan-Variant A,
or sdbot.  Although computer security experts say ...

"Openness Makes Software Better Sooner"
Damien Challet and Yann Le Du of the University of Oxford report
that open-source software can be debugged faster than
closed-source software.  Sharing software openly allows glitches
to be detected and rectified sooner.  The researchers have ...

"W3C Issues Key Web Services Standard"
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) this week announced its
approval of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) version 1.2 as a
formal standard, allowing business IT workers and commercial
software developers to use the specification without worrying ...

"Wires Make Wireless Strain Gauge"
Japanese researchers have created simple embedded sensors that
accurately measure a building's structural integrity as it is
subjected to different forces.  The sensors can be measured using
wireless technology and are embedded in construction materials ...

"Power Play"
The U.S. supercomputing push over the last 10 years has
emphasized building PC clusters out of off-the-shelf parts to
minimize costs, but experts argue that the efficiency and
programmability limitations of such commoditized systems are a ...

"Uncrossed Wires"
The inability to determine what an individual is saying when
other chatter is taking place, as well as having discussions
become a series of long and drawn-out formal dialogues, are
weaknesses of teleconferencing.  However, a solution based on ...

"What's On the Technology Horizon? Six Perspectives--Part 1"
EDventure Holdings Chairman Esther Dyson, Shepard Communications
Group President Steven Shepard, and Toshiba Telecommunications
Systems' Mike Durance--all panelists on the advisory board for
Deloitte & Touche's TMT Trends publication--offer their thoughts ...

"The Translation Challenge"
First envisioned in the 1950s, software that translates text from
one language into another is now a market expected to grow to $13
billion by 2007.  Translation software is used to translate text
for ads, corporate records, and Internet content for people ...


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