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ACM TechNews - Monday, December 16, 2002

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ACM TechNews
Volume 4, Number 435
Date: December 16, 2002

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Top Stories for Monday, December 16, 2002:

"Group Is Launching New Types of Licenses"
"Digital Pearl Harbor Is More Marketing Ploy Than Real Threat"
"IDC: Cyberterror and Other Prophecies"
"New Tactics Could Stave Off Digital Pirates"
"In the World of the Very Small, Companies Make Big Plans"
"Feds Invoked National Security to Speed Key Internet Change"
"Life on the Edge"
"Designing a Robot That Can Sense Human Emotion"
"Nanoparticles Could Aid Biohazard Detection, Computer Industry"
"Word to the Wise: Decentralize"
"Hollow Promise"
"W3C Proposes XML Encryption, Decryption Specs"
"ABA to Vote on UCITA Next Year"
"Integrating America"
"The Robot Evolution"
"Multimodality: The Next Wave of Mobile Interaction"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Group Is Launching New Types of Licenses"
Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society is helping
to launch a new licensing program that aims to increase the
amount of intellectual property in the public domain.  The
Creative Commons will allow content owners to offer three new ...

"Digital Pearl Harbor Is More Marketing Ploy Than Real Threat"
Both the government and technology companies are issuing warnings
about possible cyberterrorism incidents in the hopes that it
could spur people into buying and investing in anti-terror
products and tools, which would give billions of dollars to ...

"IDC: Cyberterror and Other Prophecies"
International Data (IDC) chief research officer John Gantz made a
dire prediction for 2003 at a Thursday teleconference, in which
he detailed a cyberterrorist attack that will cripple the
Internet for at least 24 hours and wreak economic havoc.  The ...

"New Tactics Could Stave Off Digital Pirates"
Consumers must increasingly deal with software with built-in
usability limitations, which many copyright holders are
implementing in an attempt to curb digital piracy and
counterfeiting.  New versions of products such as Microsoft's ...

"In the World of the Very Small, Companies Make Big Plans"
More and more companies are investing in nanotechnology, with a
focus on specially tailored molecules that can be incorporated
into other substances.  3M and other manufacturers are marketing
paper-thin optical films synthesized from nanoscale crystals that ...

"Feds Invoked National Security to Speed Key Internet Change"
The U.S. Commerce Department approved VeriSign's request to move
one of the two VeriSign-managed root servers just two days after
the request was made.  VeriSign had asked the government to skip
routine administrative decision-making procedures in the name of ...

"Life on the Edge"
The Supernova decentralization conference showed the tension
between business mindsets and technologists who are committed to
building out equalizing, networked systems.  Topics included blogs,
Web services, and Wi-Fi--all of which are technologies that do ...

"Designing a Robot That Can Sense Human Emotion"
Vanderbilt University researchers Nilanjan Sarkar and Craig Smith
are working on a robot that can determine a person's emotional
state from physiological cues, and respond appropriately; they
detail their work in the December issue of the journal Robotica. ...

"Nanoparticles Could Aid Biohazard Detection, Computer Industry"
Purdue scientists have discovered a new way of creating metal
interconnects on chips that saves money, time, and even has
antiterrorism applications.  By dipping semiconductor chips into
a solution of dissolved metal salts, the researchers are able to ...

"Word to the Wise: Decentralize"
Technology analyst Kevin Werbach says enterprise IT systems will
continue to decentralize in the future as centralized systems
become too vast and complex to manage.  However, better
management, provisioning, and automatic features are needed for ...

"Hollow Promise"
Burak Temelkuran and colleagues report in this week's Nature that
they have constructed a hollow optical fiber that can transmit
light through air rather than glass, a solution that may allow
much more data to travel over fiber-optic lines.  The interior of ...

"W3C Proposes XML Encryption, Decryption Specs"
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has given its recommendation
to the XML Encryption Syntax Processing specification and the
Decryption Transform for XML Signature as ways to secure XML data
within documents and aid organizations that are building Web ...

"ABA to Vote on UCITA Next Year"
An American Bar Association vote on the controversial Uniform
Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) in February is
viewed as a turning point in the fate of the software licensing
law.  The ABA will on whether UCITA should be adopted by states; ...

"Integrating America"
IT will be key to the success of the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS), which aims to integrate 22 agencies and programs,
and merge 170,000 workers into a cohesive entity.  Office of
Homeland Security CIO Steve Cooper and Treasury Department CIO ...

"The Robot Evolution"
MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory director Rodney A. Brooks
says intelligent robots will replace humans as a source for
low-cost manufacturing labor in the future.  In his latest book,
"Flesh and Machines: How Robots Will Change Us," Brooks writes ...

"Multimodality: The Next Wave of Mobile Interaction"
Multimodality technology aims to integrate speech, touch, and
vision to usher in a new age of mobile interaction that could
enable spontaneous, intuitive communications and hasten the
spread of value-added services, among other things.  Multimodal ...


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