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ACM TechNews - Friday, February 11, 2000

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ACM TechNews
Volume 2, Number 17
Date: February 11, 2000
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Top Stories for Friday, February 11, 2000:

"Move to Windows 2000 May Not Be Smooth for All"
"Redesigning the Internet: Can it Be Made Less Vulnerable?"
"Hackers Attack Top Web Sites for Third Day"
"Non-PC Information Devices Seen Gaining"
"Security Firm Says It Has Web Defense, But It Won't
 Be Available Right Away"
"Companies Won't Say if They Were Insured for Net Attacks"
"EU Questions Legality of Windows 2000"
"Nations Ponder Globalization as Corporations Run Away With It"
"Technology Drives Manufacturing's Growth"
"U.S. Commerce Department Targets $175M E-Commerce Budget"
"Electronic Hit and Run"
"Why the Productivity Revolution Will Spread"
"Speedier Supply Chains"
"Combining E-Commerce and EAI"
"Government Eyes Auction System for Infotech Purchases"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Move to Windows 2000 May Not Be Smooth for All"
One fourth of midsize and large companies migrating to
Microsoft's Windows 2000 will experience compatibility problems
with business applications, according to Gartner Group.
Businesses should consider waiting until after the first service . . .

"Redesigning the Internet: Can it Be Made Less Vulnerable?"
Computer experts say that increasing the security of the Internet
will be the most difficult task the medium has ever had to face.
The problem lies in the decentralized nature of the technology,
which has no one governing authority, but rather a confederation . . .

"Hackers Attack Top Web Sites for Third Day"
The denial-of-service hacker attacks that began on Monday
continued yesterday, adding ZDNet and E-Trade to the list of top
Web sites that have been targeted.  Attorney General Janet Reno
announced a nationwide investigation, noting that law enforcement . . .

"Non-PC Information Devices Seen Gaining"
Information appliances will outsell consumer PCs by 2002 in the
U.S., according to a recent International Data study.  By 2004,
the global market for information appliances will surpass $17.8
billion, or 80 million units, compared with last year's $2.4 . . .

"Security Firm Says It Has Web Defense, But It Won't
 Be Available Right Away"
RSA Security recently announced that it has created software to
fight "denial of service" attacks, such as the ones that
afflicted Yahoo! and eBay this week.  However, the company says
the software will not be on the market until at least the second . . .

"Companies Won't Say if They Were Insured for Net Attacks"
Whether or not Yahoo, eBay, and the other companies that were
attacked by cyberhackers have insurance remains unknown.  Often
the insurers of these companies tell them not to discuss their
insurance out of fears that any information might provoke an . . .

"EU Questions Legality of Windows 2000"
The European Union is investigating whether Microsoft's new
Windows 2000 operating system violates its competition law by
attempting to dominate the market for servers.  The EU probe
follows in the wake of an antitrust lawsuit brought against . . .

"Nations Ponder Globalization as Corporations Run Away With It"
In the wake of the tumultuous World Trade Organization summit in
Seattle, the U.N. Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) is
gathering in Bangkok this week to determine public policy on
economic globalization.  Events such as the riots during the WTO . . .

"Technology Drives Manufacturing's Growth"
Manufacturing grew more than 5 percent a year between 1992 and
1997, as opposed to a little over 3 percent for the economy
overall.  This boom in the economy, and in manufacturing
specifically, can be credited to technological advancement, . . .

"U.S. Commerce Department Targets $175M E-Commerce Budget"
The Republican-led Congress is certain to oppose the $175 million
the U.S. Department of Commerce has set aside for e-commerce
initiatives in the 2001 budget.  One of the top priorities for
the department as well as the White House is to close the digital . . .

"Electronic Hit and Run"
Computer security experts say that companies should get used to
the attacks recently perpetrated on major dot-com companies such
as Yahoo!, as there is little anyone can do to prevent them.
Experts contend that the next few days could bring a slew of . . .

"Why the Productivity Revolution Will Spread"
The Internet was initially perceived as a threat to old-line
companies, but now many traditional firms see that they can cut
costs and boost efficiency by moving online.  For example, Ford
is organizing an online trading site called AutoXchange that is . . .

"Speedier Supply Chains"
E-commerce will usher in spontaneous build-to-order supply
chains, eclipsing the current just-in-time model of supply-chain
management and making warehousing and other support services
obsolete, says management consultant Dr. David M. Anderson.  This . . .

"Combining E-Commerce and EAI"
Companies are finding that the best method for achieving the
goals of enterprise application integration (EAI), for internal
organization, and e-commerce, for external data flow, is a fusion
of the two applications.  Even in internal applications, . . .

"Government Eyes Auction System for Infotech Purchases"
The General Services Administration is considering allowing
federal agencies to use online auctions to buy everything from
computers to office supplies.  "We are looking at auctions as
another form of negotiation strategy," said Manny DeVera, . . .


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